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View Full Version : better float adjustment

03-27-2011, 04:46 PM
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has tinkered with their float adjustment mechanisms ? I have a 2 x 6 Grimm and find the pin in the little hole thing is not as accurate as I would like and a pain in the butt to get right . Years ago I modified a 2 x 6 with a turn screw I soldered on but I forget what I did and figure there must be some ingenious solution out there. Pics would be great


03-27-2011, 05:16 PM
two stand offs in the pin holes farthest apart, long machine screw through stand offs a wingnut jambed with a nut to turn screw(at the head of the screw). nut soldered where the pin is located. long screw threaded through nut. 2 jam nuts on the outside of the far standoff from wingnut, so it doent slide around.
did i confuse you yet...I visualize it perfectly but... lol but that doesn't mean I explained so you can visualize it.:lol: