View Full Version : grading ?http://mapletrader.com/community/images/smilies/surprised.gif

03-27-2011, 12:56 PM
i have the little bottles of syrup for grading your syrup light, medium ,dark and B. the problem is i put my syrup in my little bottles and they look light
but when i put them in my quart jars it makes it look more on the medium
side ? so what do i do go by the little bottles or by my quart jars. any help would be appreciated


Maple Hobo
03-27-2011, 03:18 PM
The more sap you look through the darker it will appear.

If you filled a larger bottle with the same volume of the grading bottle materia it would look just as dark.

You need to use the same type containiers with the same backlighting. It need to be same all the way around.

03-27-2011, 03:29 PM
Pierre you need to use the grading jar that comes with the grading kit. That is the grade and that is how you label no matter what container you put it in. If you where to use a larger glass container to grade it you must have that same container for the grading kit to be accurate. So if you where to buy a bunch of grading kits and dump them into the same bottle you put syrup in the color would be the same as if you just use the little bottles the kit comes with. More volume the less light transmission. It makes it alot easier to grade using a smaller volume.