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View Full Version : Where to find a Lasagna/hotel buffet pan?

Starting Small
03-27-2011, 10:05 AM
Does anyone know where I can get a hotel styling buffet pan/lasagna pan as for boiling off sap? I have been to a bunch of different stores and the best I could find was at bed bath and beyond, a roaster style SS pan for $130. That is much more than i was planning on spending. Thanks,

03-27-2011, 10:15 AM
Try ebay, and google searchs: "volrath + buffet pan" 2.5", 4", and 6" depths are available, also include hotel pan, warming pan in searches. You also might be able to find them locally at restaurant supply stores.

03-27-2011, 10:19 AM
Don't know how quick you need this pan. But look on ebay, put, vollrath, in as a search, should get alot of hits. Should be much cheaper as a used item, still stainless steel maybe with a dent.

03-27-2011, 10:21 AM
len, See you beat me to it.

03-27-2011, 10:28 AM
Get a full size pan for boiling sap. I think Vollrath is the better, more expensive pan, and there are similar cheaper ones available.

03-27-2011, 10:35 AM
len, See you beat me to it.

Probably posted it just after you went to reply. I've been there many times!:lol:

happy thoughts
03-27-2011, 11:06 AM
If you buy on ebay or anywhere else, make sure you know what you're getting. Prices can vary significantly depending on the gauge of stainless steel the pan is made of. Most common gauges are 24, 22 and 20 with 20 gauge being the heaviest. I'd suggest doing a little homework and look for the size/type/brand of pan you want. Volrath which another poster mentioned, has a very good name in the market.

A week or two ago I started looking for steam pans online. I found this site has very good prices. Shipping looks less than what I saw for some dealers on ebay. Their delivery times seem pretty good, as well. I haven't ordered from them yet but think I will soon for next year. The site is at least a place to start getting familiar with what's out there even if you don't order from them.


I personally was looking at this pan which is meant as a water bath for food pans on a steam table. They are 20 gauge stainless. I'm not certain if it has enough lip for use on a block arch but the price is certainly good considering it's size and heavyweight SS.


If you buy used, the one thing I'd look for is warps and dings especially on the bottom where hot spots could cause uneven boiling and scorching.

70 Buick
03-27-2011, 04:04 PM
Try 2nd hand restaurant equipement stores in your area

I bought 6 full size pans for 130.00 on ebay
they wanted 45.00 each or 130.00 for a box of 6

03-27-2011, 04:08 PM
If I had any idea where you are located maybe we could help you better.

Starting Small
03-27-2011, 04:50 PM
Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I am located in northern CT. I am going to try a restaurant supply store tomorrow and hope to pick something up. From the other answers I am guessing that something like 12 X 20, 20 guage and 6 inches deep would be what I am looking for. I appreciate everything!

03-27-2011, 05:06 PM
since most pans set on top of the arch, and pans on blocks set in the arch. would it be a help to keep the heat off the sides of the pans. Or do you just run them fuller to utilize the surface area?
probably seems like a silly question but...

03-27-2011, 06:50 PM
I don't know how easy it is for you to get to Worcester, but this place is an absolute emporium. It is a giant three-floor warehouse packed with all kinds of goodies. I bought three 6" deep pans for $20 each there.

Westerman Restaurant Supply
54 Green Street
Worcester, MA 01604-4189
(888) 756-4777


John c
03-27-2011, 07:04 PM
since most pans set on top of the arch, and pans on blocks set in the arch. would it be a help to keep the heat off the sides of the pans. Or do you just run them fuller to utilize the surface area?
probably seems like a silly question but...

I use mine on a natural gas stovetop. It fits perfect on 2 burners and I use 2" angle iron to block around the sides to keep the heat mostly on the bottom! If I don't it tends to burn the sugar ring at the top. Just be sure there is air getting to the burners!

Starting Small
03-27-2011, 07:17 PM
Hi Sean, thanks for the Worcester connection. It is actually about 40 minutes away, so I may check it out. Thanks for the heads up!

mike z
03-27-2011, 07:52 PM
Here's a good source, but they have been disappearing over the last couple years. So act fast, before someone else beats you to it. On pg. 3, look for "Double Full Size" 6" or next down "Double Full size" 200mm. Only one of each left. The price is around $30.00 + shipping. I got a few doubles a while back and they measured roughly 24"x20". Mine were 8" deep. None of that size left. 200MM is about 7.9". Oh, the web site. Type in Vollrath seconds. I believe the site is Smith Restaurant Supply. Good Luck, and God speed!

Clarkfield Farms
03-28-2011, 09:03 AM
LOL!!! MikeZ, that's not far from me AT ALL.... maybe 40 minutes. Their coffee is the best you'll find anywhere; we have people all the time asking us when we're going there so they can have us pick some up -- some from as far away as Texas and Florida. They also have brewing/winemaking supplies, but that's far from their mainstay business. Very good people to do business with.

Starting Small
03-28-2011, 09:12 AM
I just picked up 2, 12" X 20" X 6", from the below website for $27/each. 18 guage. It is open to the public and is available to buy from the store if you do not want to wait for shipping. It is in Hartford, CT.


03-28-2011, 11:46 AM
these pans seem like a great way to go for the money, esp on a concrete block arch. will they handle they heat from an open wood fire or would they warp like crazy. considering sugar pans cost around $300 to start i guess if you ruined a couple it would still worth it. also why are they so cheap when a good ss sink is a couple hundred dollars. was thinking that a couple would make pans for my boils a work when we are slow, then take home and finish later.

70 Buick
03-28-2011, 06:55 PM
mine have not warped at all
they are great to start with imo

03-28-2011, 07:33 PM
I good place to find pans like that in Quebec is in Cowansville.The fellow there has several warehouses full of restruant supplies. He speaks english also as he does business all over the US and Canada.


03-28-2011, 07:42 PM
these pans seem like a great way to go for the money, esp on a concrete block arch. will they handle they heat from an open wood fire or would they warp like crazy. considering sugar pans cost around $300 to start i guess if you ruined a couple it would still worth it. also why are they so cheap when a good ss sink is a couple hundred dollars. was thinking that a couple would make pans for my boils a work when we are slow, then take home and finish later.

cause people are willing to spend more to make the wife happy?
than for a pan( i AM not refering to a maple pan :) )

mike z
03-28-2011, 09:36 PM
They will not warp if you keep liquid (sap/syrup) in pans when boiling. 1" is all you need. I've had mine boiling like crazy as I had them set down into the make shift arch.

Four D Acre Farms
03-29-2011, 03:04 PM
you need to be somewhat careful of the depth of sap according to how high on the pan the heat goes i use two in my home made rig as preheaters but they sit down in the heat with fire brick under them the with boil hard enough to have sap jumping 2 to 3 inches high ( right out of the pans) i will post pics as soon as i can get them off the camera. i fill them to within 1 to 1.5 inches of the top of the pan, understand they set in the heat to approximatly that depth as well. but works extremly well, the rig has a 2x2 front pan and last night i boiled at around 11 gph

04-01-2011, 05:44 AM

This is where I got mine. Not too expensive at all and they worked great.

04-01-2011, 07:01 AM
They really come in handy. My Son picked up one for me and the Grandson added a threaded fitting on the end-center-bottom - which I added a valve to. I use it for finishing syrup on a turkey fryer burner - Melting sap ice on top of the evaporator sap pans and for preheating sap. Yep - a good all around pan or pans to have --- Mike

happy thoughts
04-01-2011, 07:52 AM
If anyone is near the Binghamton NY area I just found a used restaurant equipment dealer- Welsh Restaurant Equipment. I picked up several Vollrath heavy duty 6" deep full sized steam pans for $19 each.

They should be in the phone book. Their website is here: http://www.equipment123.com/