View Full Version : Overwhelmed!!

03-26-2011, 08:05 AM
Our first year maple surgering was 2010 with 50 taps and open air cooking on blocks. This year we decided to expand to 135 taps and built an arch out of an oil drum and built a 16 x 16 sugar shack. Our first collection was over 150 gallons with collections over 200 gallons a day after that. We fired up our evaporator and discovered that we were boiling off only 1.5 gallons an hour. We ran for about 12 hours and shut it down because we weren't making a dent in the sap we had in storage. We reevaluated our situation and decided our wood wasn't dry enough so we bought some dry and started cooking 12 hours later and finally made it to 4 to 5 gallons an hour cook off. Still not fast enough! So with the help of my daughter and husband we ran the evaporator 24/7 and still had more sap than we could handle. So for next year we are looking at a new or used system that will bump up the production to 20 to 25 gallons and hour burn off. What a year this has been! We learned a lot and experience is important.

Bucket Head
03-26-2011, 03:33 PM
Lol! This story sounds familiar. We've all been there! Glad to hear this season was good and good luck on next seasons improvments. But be careful, it snowballs from here in short order! Have fun with it.


03-26-2011, 04:19 PM
Get a 2X6 minimum. If you plan on expaning more get a 2.5X8 or 3X8. I ran 150 taps on a 2.5X8 and it was comfortable.

03-26-2011, 04:49 PM
Try to find a used 2x6 and you should be able to boil off 30 gallons an hour. We have 135 taps and can keep up pretty easily. Another big plus.. you probably won't use any more wood than you are now.

They're just lots more efficient and being able to boil off 90 gallons in 3 hours will put the fun back in it.

Good luck.

03-26-2011, 07:06 PM
What a beautiful sugarhouse, John Allin! Are you a boatbuilder too?

03-26-2011, 08:56 PM
Thank you Revi. I built a 32' sail boat for my use and have done some restoration and repair work on others. More of a hobby though - much like maple.

03-29-2011, 11:30 AM
Thank you Revi. I built a 32' sail boat for my use and have done some restoration and repair work on others. More of a hobby though - much like maple.

very nice workmanship on the "shack" from what the photos show.

maybe you should add a blower to your evap for this season?
I do not know how much gain it is, but it sounds like its a very substancial gain in evap. rate

03-29-2011, 06:04 PM
I think I am about to feel the same overwellming feeling I have 100 gal and it's only Tuesday and I can only boil on weekends:confused::o:confused:

Bucket Head
03-29-2011, 08:18 PM
I know what that feels like. We did weekends only for years. Get a good night's sleep Fri. night, get up early and eat a good breakfast- it might be the only regular, sit-down meal your going to have all weekend, lol! Good luck!


03-31-2011, 06:08 AM
Our first year maple surgering was 2010 with 50 taps and open air cooking on blocks. This year we decided to expand to 135 taps and built an arch out of an oil drum and built a 16 x 16 sugar shack. Our first collection was over 150 gallons with collections over 200 gallons a day after that. We fired up our evaporator and discovered that we were boiling off only 1.5 gallons an hour. We ran for about 12 hours and shut it down because we weren't making a dent in the sap we had in storage. We reevaluated our situation and decided our wood wasn't dry enough so we bought some dry and started cooking 12 hours later and finally made it to 4 to 5 gallons an hour cook off. Still not fast enough! So with the help of my daughter and husband we ran the evaporator 24/7 and still had more sap than we could handle. So for next year we are looking at a new or used system that will bump up the production to 20 to 25 gallons and hour burn off. What a year this has been! We learned a lot and experience is important.

Howdy - Glad You are having a good year. Smart - not to mention where in Michigan you are --- Sap stealers out there ya know. Too Much Sap -- What a wonderful problem. So - Old Mother Nature is a watching and waiting and sending more and more sap - Ma Nature is waiting for next year when You buy the 6' x 18' arch and evaporator and She can then send you about 10 gallons of sap a day - because She messed with the weather.... LOL ... Enjoy the - too much sap - problem. Every year is different ---- Mike

03-31-2011, 06:28 AM
SAP steelers ha. I go down the road and fill my buddies buckets up when I'm tired of boiling. Were both in Mid Michigan so BEWARE if your buckets are running better than they should!!!!!!!!!

03-31-2011, 07:31 PM
Hmmmmm! Guess You are right firetech..... Stealing Sap would be dumber then stealing a shovel or a broom -- kinda like stealing work -- and no crook would ever steal work. --- Have You been up around Glennie? Today was my best sap run this year --- didn't think the trees had it in them -- musta been you -- so thanks -- I guess ---- lol --- Mike