View Full Version : Crystalization...

03-25-2011, 01:42 PM
Hey Everyone! I know this question has probably been brought up before but why would there be crystalization in my syrup?! :confused: This is my first year doing maple syrup and any insight would be helpful! I just don't know why it happened, if it's still O.K. to use, and if possible how do I get the crystals to go away. I would just hate to waste it considering....

Thanks! :)

happy thoughts
03-25-2011, 02:17 PM
Fine crystals or lumps like rock candy? The fine stuff could be maple sand, the solids that precipitate out when sap is boiled. Most people filter it out before bottling while others just let it settle out. It's not the tastiest thing in the world, kinda gritty, but it won't hurt you if you eat some.

Larger crystals usually mean you've boiled it down too far making a very concentrated sugar solution where sugar crystals will grow. That's why most experienced people suggest using a hydrometer so you know exactly the point your sap has turned into syrup of the right sugar concentration. These crystals are fine to eat.

03-25-2011, 02:46 PM
Thank you for the info!

03-25-2011, 02:46 PM
agree with comments from happy thoughts filter your syrup and/or dont boil to long May sap run long and hard