View Full Version : Late season sap

03-25-2011, 09:34 AM
What is the white/pinkish tofu like yucky substance in late season sap?

Does it come out of the tree like that or does it form while it's in your lines? I know it's in the system well before it hits my tank, I can see it in my releaser.

It started last week when we had the warm weather and was in the next sap run when we had the colder weather - I assume it was still in lines. The next cold sap run was crystal clear again, no substance. I was surprised to see the substance back yesterday as the temps were very cold.

I'm just curious as to what it is and if it comes from the tree or grows in the lines. That stuff does a number on my RO fre-filters.

03-25-2011, 09:46 AM
spread that on your toast in the morning..its awesome!


Its for sure from warm temperatures helping the natural bacteria develop in the sap.
Adding another pre-filter to grab that crap may help maintain your syrup grade....if thats a concern.
Not sure if you are on vac or not, but you could try flushing your mains either with food grade hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. Agitate whatever you use by dunking the pipe in and out of mix to send an air mix down..helps the flushing. Same principle when cleaning at end of season.

03-25-2011, 10:23 AM
...you could try flushing your mains either with food grade hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol.

Within season flushing is, at best, marginally effective in reducing microbial populations. They reestablish very quickly (as you've seen). If you do flush with hydrogen peroxide or anything other than water....rinse afterward with water, or let the first bit of sap run on the ground until the lines are clear of the sanitizing solution.

03-25-2011, 11:41 AM
Danno, use a felt bag filter at your RO feed tank to catch the big crap before the RO filters. It helps alot.

03-25-2011, 11:53 AM
That white/pinkish tofu like yucky substance in late season sap is the stuff that tells you it's time to pull the plug.:mad:

03-25-2011, 08:02 PM
That white/pinkish tofu like yucky substance in late season sap is the stuff that tells you it's time to pull the plug.:mad:

I am going to try the filter bag ... and at $700 a barrel for commerical, I think the taps will stay in a wee bit longer. This late season sap is buying me a new filter press this spring.

03-25-2011, 11:06 PM
danno- based on your description I would say the bacteria you described is probably 'pseudomonas'. Gram negative and loves water borne environments (or sap)!