View Full Version : driveway syrup

talahi maple products
03-24-2011, 12:05 PM
Not sure if this is the right category to put this in, But I thought you guys might get a kick out of it. Last Friday a 13 yr old neighbor pulled up to the sugar shack with his old wheeler & a make shift trailer he made and asked if he could buy some stuff to make some syrup with. he didn't know even what he needed but he had determination, after asking a few questions I found out he's been after his dad for a while to do this and wasn't getting anywhere so he set out on his own. I called his dad & asked if it was O.K. to help him out, No problem. I gave him a 2x3 flat pan my dad use to use (I knew that the right place for that pan would come some day) 20 plastic pails & spouts, cinder blocks,some tin & stove pipe, alot of instruction and my cell # , He headed out Then last night I got a call asking if I had a minute to stop over, I headed right over. This kid had a nice little set up going in the driveway & had made 3 qts of the heaviest syrup I ever saw & 3 qts of thick sap, & had more on the pan cooking. I guess the best part of the story was His dad was sitting there, proud as a peacock at what his video game, I pod, goofy talking ,kid had done. We opened all cans & stuck em back in the pan and finished them off to some really respectable driveway syrup. Later His dad told me that to his amazement ,his son shut his phone off so he wouldn't be disturbed by all the calls.(Dad was smiling ear to ear)
to tell the truth, I guess I walked away pretty proud myself.

03-24-2011, 12:09 PM
I will rarely use the term awesome but it applies here!
both the kid and you :D

03-24-2011, 12:13 PM
Oh great, you got a kid addicted to sugaring. :lol:
Great story. Thanks for sharing it!

03-24-2011, 12:18 PM
Great story!! Thanks for sharing!

03-24-2011, 12:18 PM
That's a great story and kudos to you for taking the time and effort to help him.

I'm always amazed at how kids who are glued to something with a screen or earphones every minute of the day can get very interested and involved in making maple syrup - and even turn off the darn phone sometimes!

03-24-2011, 12:20 PM
Oh great, you got a kid addicted to sugaring. :lol:
Great story. Thanks for sharing it!
I think the kid was addicted to sugaring before he made his first evaporator...
he just had to prove it to someone that had the resources to help him start his journey :D

03-24-2011, 12:46 PM
Good for you and your young neighbor. We need more young sugarmakers!

03-24-2011, 01:32 PM
Nice story... you may have given the boy and his dad something they can share for years, along with their neighbor! Sugaring hasn't rubbed off on my oldest son, (turning 17 on Sunday), but I brought him onto the volunteer fire department as an Explorer and he is hooked on that. Probably because it is year 'round and more of an adrenalin rush for someone his age. I taught son #2 (14) how to drive the dozer and how to draw off syrup last weekend; he may be the heir apparent for our operation if it is to go into another generation.

03-24-2011, 03:39 PM
great story and great job. Nice to hear about kids doing something besides staring at a little electronic box in their hands.

03-24-2011, 03:45 PM
thats the truth and that is exactly one of the reasons why I am starting my operation. My kids are still young, 6 and 4 and I want to get them interested in sugarin. they ahve been to saphouses etc so they understand. But they will be doing alot more once I get up and going. Its a perfect hobby for the entire family to help out and a perfect time of the year to do it!

03-24-2011, 05:32 PM
talahi --- You had an chance to help a Young Man in his formative years when he reached out to you and You came through like a Champ. Buddy - You do Good Work and that young man will always remember You and what you did for him. You - Sir -have my admiration -- Nice Job ---- Mike

03-24-2011, 06:29 PM
Way to go. There is nothing to compare that feeling of pride that you and the 13 yr old shared.


03-24-2011, 07:50 PM
I'll share one of my wife's favorite quotes(not sure who wrote it)
"A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child. "
Appropriate here. Great work, Talahi!

03-24-2011, 08:00 PM
Nice job mentor the young man!

happy thoughts
03-24-2011, 08:36 PM
This is one of the best stories I've read here. Makes you realize there's a lot more hope and good in this world than we often give it credit for even in the younger generation. Good job and thanks for sharing! I am giving you the award for making the world's best syrup :)

03-24-2011, 09:24 PM
Great story!
And great job at stepping up to the plate to help out.

I really admire the 13 year old. I remember the frustration of that age when trying to find a way when no path existed. The force of will he exhibited in undertaking the project without his father's assistance, seeking you out, and setting up his own rig is outstanding.

03-24-2011, 09:25 PM
This is one of the best stories I've read here. Makes you realize there's a lot more hope and good in this world than we often give it credit for even in the younger generation. Good job and thanks for sharing! I am giving you the award for making the world's best syrup :)

wishes there was a like button LOL

Jim Schumacher
03-24-2011, 09:41 PM
Wow. I thought I got screwed for having gotten into this at age 25...that kid had his whole life in front of him...

Just Kidding. GOOD Job!!! That was a very touching story. I hope that someday I come across a kid that has that kind of initiative and can help him out too.

Thanks for sharing.


03-24-2011, 09:44 PM
That's pretty much how I started off in 1974 at the age of 10

Bucket Head
03-24-2011, 11:32 PM
Nothing wrong with driveway syrup! However, where is the french toast being made?

Nice job, great story! Thanks for sharing it here. It should be printed in all the maple trade papers.

Keep us posted on his progress. How much parking area will next seasons arch take up?


sap seeker
03-25-2011, 05:16 AM
Very, very nice....way to reach out!:cool:

S Culver
03-25-2011, 06:03 AM
Great story This is what we all should be doing and I love the qoute ( A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.) We should all think about that more often rather than letting our kids get so absorbed in electronic baby sitters.

This is only my second year and my kids are hooked. The 10 & 12 yr old collect from 300 trees and can run the evaporator. The 9-8 and 5 yr old are very involved as much as we allow them and the 2yr old daughters favorite seat is my lap when I am boiling. We should be carefull in one generation we have lost the ability to feed ourselves. Not only in the fact that we buy it from the store rather than grow it but the knowledge on the proccess and storing has been lost. My nor my wifes parents ever showed us any of this, but we think it is essential knowledge to pass along to our children. All these things like sugaring, growing a garden, raising some chickens maybe some sheep. Start a bee hive? These are all things that children can get involved in. My kids vie for space in our gardens and hoop houses and are very proud of their plots. Can't get them to weed the big garden:( but they know what it takes and how to protect from an early frost.)

Many of us do not have the ability to have these things because of renting or where you live but some simple things are buying that bushel of peaches and bring it home and can it on the stove. Every time you bring a can out next winter it will bring the childeren back to those moments they spent with you last summer. We should probibly start a thread on how to keep the kids involved in the all about family section or do we already have this ?

03-25-2011, 07:03 AM
Great story,thanks for sharing.YOU ARE AWESOME.It brought a tear to my eye. I wish there were more like him to teach,I would love to help.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-25-2011, 08:38 AM
My story is very similar to his. i have 150 taps on vacuum and made 40.5 gallons this year. I am 16 and been making it since 2008. My cousin gave me a pan to boil in a few years ago. I am addicted now

03-25-2011, 11:14 AM
Here in Qc, operations are so big, that you cannot approach them, steel fence etc.. A lot of youngs see only the commercial side of the sugaring season, and got explanation that you need big equipments to make syrup.

I start myself at my cottage when i was 20, whit silver maple. i wish at that time i have a neighbor that do what you do..Good Job.

Dont forget all of you to make same thing with youngs for any outdoor activities, fishing, hunting, trapping, collecting small fruits etc.. a lot better than WII and PS3 sports..

03-25-2011, 12:27 PM
Not sure if this is the right category to put this in, But I thought you guys might get a kick out of it. Last Friday a 13 yr old neighbor pulled up to the sugar shack with his old wheeler & a make shift trailer he made and asked if he could buy some stuff to make some syrup with. he didn't know even what he needed but he had determination, after asking a few questions I found out he's been after his dad for a while to do this and wasn't getting anywhere so he set out on his own. I called his dad & asked if it was O.K. to help him out, No problem. I gave him a 2x3 flat pan my dad use to use (I knew that the right place for that pan would come some day) 20 plastic pails & spouts, cinder blocks,some tin & stove pipe, alot of instruction and my cell # , He headed out Then last night I got a call asking if I had a minute to stop over, I headed right over. This kid had a nice little set up going in the driveway & had made 3 qts of the heaviest syrup I ever saw & 3 qts of thick sap, & had more on the pan cooking. I guess the best part of the story was His dad was sitting there, proud as a peacock at what his video game, I pod, goofy talking ,kid had done. We opened all cans & stuck em back in the pan and finished them off to some really respectable driveway syrup. Later His dad told me that to his amazement ,his son shut his phone off so he wouldn't be disturbed by all the calls.(Dad was smiling ear to ear)
to tell the truth, I guess I walked away pretty proud myself.

THAT"S pretty awsome! lol

03-25-2011, 12:38 PM
My story is very similar to his. i have 150 taps on vacuum and made 40.5 gallons this year. I am 16 and been making it since 2008. My cousin gave me a pan to boil in a few years ago. I am addicted now

Fantasitc kid! Someday you can find a woman who will give you the evil eye every spring like the rest of us,lol

03-26-2011, 07:16 AM
thats the truth and that is exactly one of the reasons why I am starting my operation. My kids are still young, 6 and 4 and I want to get them interested in sugarin. they ahve been to saphouses etc so they understand. But they will be doing alot more once I get up and going. Its a perfect hobby for the entire family to help out and a perfect time of the year to do it!

Yep - all very true. As I have gotten older - I fully realize how quickly life passes by. I am also aware of the things that I have done - some good and some not so good. Also things I should have done and didn't. My Point is this (I have read many of Your Posts) Do not - let the Young Man in TALAHI's true story - that he helped - Be Your Son - reaching out to a neighbor for help - so he can experience the joy of making his own maple syrup. Cause Dad is still busy planning what he will do with his maple trees someday. Time is passing You by ADK1 - get busy before your children are grown and gone. You will be robbing Yourself and Your Family of a wonderful experience....... Yep I know -- there is always next year and you have so much planning to do............good luck with that.........

04-05-2011, 04:01 PM
Great story!

I was bitten by the maple bug when I was a kid. Use to watch the neighbor's tap their trees every year & boil the wallpaper off their kitchen walls with trying to squeeze a few gallons out of their 2 acre suburban plot. MY parents wouldn't think of doing something so foolish....or fun. It took me 30 years to realize my dream of tapping & boiling my own syrup. You bet I'm sending my old neighbors a pint for good times sake!

04-05-2011, 05:20 PM
Yep - all very true. As I have gotten older - I fully realize how quickly life passes by. I am also aware of the things that I have done - some good and some not so good. Also things I should have done and didn't. My Point is this (I have read many of Your Posts) Do not - let the Young Man in TALAHI's true story - that he helped - Be Your Son - reaching out to a neighbor for help - so he can experience the joy of making his own maple syrup. Cause Dad is still busy planning what he will do with his maple trees someday. Time is passing You by ADK1 - get busy before your children are grown and gone. You will be robbing Yourself and Your Family of a wonderful experience....... Yep I know -- there is always next year and you have so much planning to do............good luck with that.........

much truth to that.
My kid was 12 when we moved to the country. She wanted a tree house, I said I would get around to it...
one year I realized it was too late... a seventeen year old girl did not want tree house. Sure it was not something she needed. but she really wanted one and she did not want to move to the country in the first place.
I will regret that much longer than she resented it.

04-05-2011, 05:44 PM
im 16 and i also started in 2008. i have my grandfathers pan, and am looking for a bigger evap. on top of what i do at home, i help manage 4000 taps at my school(where the january maple conference is held). makes for a busy sap season, and i definetly am addicted to maple. also, i should be selling 5-600 taps worth of sap to school next year, should keep me moving more

04-05-2011, 05:47 PM
im 16 and i also started in 2008. i have my grandfathers pan, and am looking for a bigger evap. on top of what i do at home, i help manage 4000 taps at my school(where the january maple conference is held). makes for a busy sap season, and i definetly am addicted to maple. also, i should be selling 5-600 taps worth of sap to school next year, should keep me moving more
Do you also do it as a 4-H or FFA project?

04-05-2011, 05:58 PM
OK , this is the kind of stuff that belongs in the papers or on tv! This is what life is all about. sharing, giving, helping, encouraging... You get a big hug and kiss from me and that kid, boy his family should be so ever proud of him!!!! Time for the kleenex...

04-05-2011, 06:00 PM
Do you also do it as a 4-H or FFA project?

its a part of our FFA program.

talahi maple products
04-06-2011, 12:15 PM
Been awhile since I checked posts and I was quite humbled when I read all your praise & encouragement Thank-you, Now for the update; Tyler is up to 4 gallons as of last Sunday when I stopped over & "mom & dad" were both sitting in the driveway on blocks smiling ear to ear. I guess I won't need to check on him again. But i will.

04-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Been awhile since I checked posts and I was quite humbled when I read all your praise & encouragement Thank-you, Now for the update; Tyler is up to 4 gallons as of last Sunday when I stopped over & "mom & dad" were both sitting in the driveway on blocks smiling ear to ear. I guess I won't need to check on him again. But i will.

I am positive he will never forget the assistance he received. Some day I bet he will return the favor to some kid that shows asking him questions :)

Life is way to short to not take the time to help others.

04-06-2011, 05:15 PM
Someday you can find a woman who will give you the evil eye every spring like the rest of us,lol

great story nice to see young kids getting into it i get my nephews to hepl out time to time and they love it.
Also like that qoute i got the glaring eyes of my wife as we wrapped up this season when i said i want a real maple syrup pan for next year not 2 3x3's lol
I was fortunate to have my father teach me how to do sugaring at a young age and after i went off to college he stopped doing it, now 4 years after i moved back i got alot bigger with a faster arch he started doin it with me again brought back old times

04-06-2011, 05:16 PM
great story nice to see young kids getting into it i get my nephews to hepl out time to time and they love it.
Also like that qoute i got the glaring eyes of my wife as we wrapped up this season when i said i want a real maple syrup pan for next year not 2 3x3's lol
I was fortunate to have my father teach me how to do sugaring at a young age and after i went off to college he stopped doing it, now 4 years after i moved back i got alot bigger with a faster arch he started doin it with me again brought back old times

priceless :D

05-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Awesome :)

05-06-2011, 06:28 AM
Time is passing You by ADK1 - get busy before your children are grown and gone. You will be robbing Yourself and Your Family of a wonderful experience....... Yep I know -- there is always next year and you have so much planning to do............good luck with that.........

I agree. Start small and the mistakes are small. build upon your own experiences and you can proud how your operation grows every year!

backyard sugaring
05-07-2011, 09:08 PM
I wish I had somebody to help me get started. I learned by reading Backyard Sugarin, Sweet Maple and reading this website. We all need to teach others about sugarmaking children and adults. Thanks for a great story. Lee