View Full Version : Storage Tank Cleaning

03-23-2011, 11:07 AM
What does everyone use to clean a new storage tank for sap storage?

03-23-2011, 11:18 AM
Please take the first half of this post to be in good fun....
putting a plan into ACTION means actually taking action towards the goal.
not just more planning!:lol::lol:
and ya got to have a tank that needs cleaning :D
I pressure wash and scrub. then I wash and bleach the container. then triple rinse with hot water, IF it is going directly into service.
If I pick up containers, lets say right now with the sason over here. I would do all of the above except just use a single cold rinse as I am not as worried about carryover of bleach into my sap (they will still get done again before the season starts anyway)
I went and loaded up on 55 gal used food drums once that looked and smelled clean. when I pulled them out at the start of the season to get going. I just used them for garbage cans and got new, new to me drums. they had so much funk growing in them that even a strong bleach mix would not get rid of it. the mold or whatever seemed to be impregnated into the plastic.

maple flats
03-23-2011, 07:23 PM
Is it plastic or SS. I once just rinsed a new plastic tank but it turned some nice med amber into Commercial, because of an off taste. Wash it with a cleanser (like dawn), rinse 3x, then use a good saintiser, and rinse 3 more times. Then you are good. It works best if you get a milk bulk tank cleaning brush. They do a great job. Good luck.

03-23-2011, 07:34 PM
Not sure if it's the right way but with our new 940 gallon Lapierre tank we washed it down with just water. Then we scrubbed it down with baking soda and water. Then we hosed it down a couple more times with water. During the season we've been scrubbing it down with bleach and water and then hosing it down 4 or 5 times.

03-23-2011, 08:04 PM
so how do you clean one of those 125 gallon tanks from Tractor Supply, the plastic ones? Only has like a 12" dia hole at the top? IF we cant use galvanized stock tanks etc that are all open on the top, how do you clean the **** things

03-23-2011, 08:26 PM
put some water in, then take a bulk tank brush (long handled) and scrub away. slosh the water around with the brush too

03-23-2011, 08:33 PM
:DUOTE=adk1;145386]so how do you clean one of those 125 gallon tanks from Tractor Supply, the plastic ones? Only has like a 12" dia hole at the top? IF we cant use galvanized stock tanks etc that are all open on the top, how do you clean the **** things[/QUOTE]

a long handled brush
thats one of the reasons I am fond of the 55 gal drums and homemade lids
I cut out the top leaving about a 2 1/2 inch ring of the top intact. for both strenght and as a anti slosh device for when I am hauling them in the truck.
some barrells are better than others. the ones that taper some at the top and bottom are perfect. you can cut a barrell apart about 8 inches down from the top and again the same from the bottom that gives you two "lids"
that slip down over the outside of the top of barrells and wedge on. plus they are easy to reach inside and scrub. plus I get them for free:D
and yes they are food grade

03-23-2011, 08:39 PM
man I love getting heckled on this site :)

03-23-2011, 09:09 PM
so how do you clean one of those 125 gallon tanks from Tractor Supply, the plastic ones? Only has like a 12" dia hole at the top? IF we cant use galvanized stock tanks etc that are all open on the top, how do you clean the **** things

We use a 65 gallon from TSC one for our head tank. We use the same brush that we use for the big tank and just slosh the water around. Be forewarned that the bulkhead won't drain the whole tank so you'll have to pick it up and tilt it to get it to drain. For a head tank it's a pain in the *** getting up on a ladder and getting on the platform to do that so I plan on replacing it as soon as financially possible.

03-23-2011, 10:16 PM
so how do you clean one of those 125 gallon tanks from Tractor Supply, the plastic ones? Only has like a 12" dia hole at the top? IF we cant use galvanized stock tanks etc that are all open on the top, how do you clean the **** things

I clean my 425 gallon poly tank through the 12" hole with a sponge mop. I run some water in with the hose, then put a few glugs of unscented chlorox in and use the mop. Then slosh it around and rinse. (you can get most of the water out by tipping the tank upside down and draining out the same 12" hole. Then rinse well.

03-24-2011, 12:06 AM
ADK1 you now are even beeing heckled by the newbies. Give the man a break theres nothing wrong in wanting to be prepared and do things the right way the first time. ADK1 a pressure washer with a wand on the end thats at an angle works good and hot water with a good ole mop with a pivoting head works wonders as well. For the top half just reach in there with a big sponge and wipe it down good and rinse. Depending on the size I like to add a little bleach while cleaning and rinse it reall well.

03-24-2011, 05:59 AM
Sorry, too early for a jab @ ADK. :)

I have a 35 and a 225 gallon tank. Both are plastic with small holes in the top.

Both tanks are cleaned with a tbsp of bleach/gallon of hot water and scrubbed with a long handle bristle brush during the season. I rinse 3x and the bleach smell is gone. In the summer I use a pressure washer.

The smaller tank I use on my tractor to haul sap out of the woods. It's easy to rinse as I pick it up and shake the hell out of it.

Only problem is you need a nice wetsuit as you'll get soaked cleaning the tanks. Especially if you miss with the pressure washer.

How's that Maple Thesis coming along? :lol:

Haynes Forest Products
03-24-2011, 06:52 AM
Yea I know we are making a food product. I clean my tanks with sap during the season. After a few days use I pump them out and leave a few inches and scrub with a brush and....................A food grade broom. If you aint cleaning and brushing the inside of your tubing your not sterial into the tanks. Yes Im all for getting the slime out as best you can but slime is better than soap residue and bleach ending up in the product.

steve J
03-24-2011, 07:49 AM
I have two of those tanks a 65 gal and a 125 I fill partially add a few bottles of lemon juice and let it set for a few hours then with long handle cleaning brush I reach in and scrub draine and rinse drain and rinse.

03-24-2011, 08:58 AM
gotchya. I think alot of my questions have been answered. My Thesis is near completion".

Well, I have to tell you that yesterday I started actually moving forward and buying stuff. Bought my mainline wire and ratchets and handle. a SS draw off pail..First $100 gone. This summer I will order all of my tubing, fittings, taps, hydro cups/hydrometers, drill bit (canadian), grading kit, defoamer etc. Estimated at $800 or so. Making a deal right now on a used Leader 2x6.

So in essence, for all you hecklers, my planning is winding down and the doing has started. And the nice thing about it is it will all be paid for in cash that I have been saving for 3 years now since my first post on thir darned site!

03-24-2011, 11:11 AM
If you're buying, you may want to take advantage of those 10% off spring sales usually offered in May.

03-24-2011, 11:30 AM
Your are making good progress! Hope your collecting of maple equipment goes well this year. We will be watching and if needed guiding. Remember only a small portion of our work is to heckel. We are actually here to help too:)

03-24-2011, 12:34 PM
yeah, I am watching for any sale. hear Leader doesnt offer much in theway of tubing sales since they make tubing now? Otherwise, I am looking. Just traded in my 14ga wire I bought yesterday at TSC for the 2000' roll of 12.5 High Tensile. So that Is done. This weekend I start my crop tree release..the trees will be falling!

03-24-2011, 06:31 PM
Movin' and a shakin' up there in the 'daks. Way to go!:)

03-24-2011, 11:06 PM
adk1 where exacally are you in the adirondacks anyways?

01-07-2024, 05:49 AM
I clean my 425 gallon poly tank through the 12" hole with a sponge mop. I run some water in with the hose, then put a few glugs of unscented chlorox in and use the mop. Then slosh it around and rinse. (you can get most of the water out by tipping the tank upside down and draining out the same 12" hole. Then rinse well.

I'm resurrecting this thread. Just bought (1/6/24) a new 65 gallon poly tank that I'm going to use on my Gator to transport sap from the sugar bush to my shack. I plan on rinsing it out with some hot water today. Should I use lemon juice and water to clean/rinse/rinse, or is there something better? Thanks.

01-07-2024, 07:29 AM
If it’s brand new I would think a good energetic rinse should do the trick. I think the lemon juice mentioned was to help break down any gunk in the tank.

RC Maple
01-08-2024, 07:34 AM
Just got a new 150 gal SS sap tank made last fall. I'll use it for the first time this year. I figured once I got it out of the building, I would wash the inside with a bleach solution and give it a good rinse. Anything better for using SS for the first time?