View Full Version : Pink sap?!

John c
03-23-2011, 09:51 AM
I've been a woodsman all my life and I know a maple tree when I see one! This year I tapped the maple trees surrounding my house, but one of the trees is filling my bucket with a dark pink/almost red sap. What in the world is this all about?

John c.

03-23-2011, 09:54 AM
Good be residue from your bucket so you should try to clean your bucket

John c
03-23-2011, 10:19 AM
Good be residue from your bucket so you should try to clean your bucket

I even went the next step and switched buckets completely and it did the same thing! This sap almost looks like transmission fluid! Very strange. Needless to say I am not using the sap, but it has my curiosity!

03-23-2011, 11:06 AM
I even went the next step and switched buckets completely and it did the same thing! This sap almost looks like transmission fluid! Very strange. Needless to say I am not using the sap, but it has my curiosity!

it is stained wood inside. the inside of the tree has rot in it.

John c
03-23-2011, 11:21 AM
it is stained wood inside. the inside of the tree has rot in it.
Sounds like a good reason to me. I will pull the tap and clean it well! Thank you!

04-01-2011, 11:54 AM
it is stained wood inside. the inside of the tree has rot in it.

I agree. I haven't seen red, but I have seen coffee brown, and it is always a dying tree, hollow with rot. I tapped one this season and pulled the tap as soon as I saw the sap run brown.

04-01-2011, 11:58 AM
Probably tapped a mouse inside the tree.

04-01-2011, 01:55 PM
Probably tapped a mouse inside the tree.


04-01-2011, 02:02 PM
or maybee a fish...1 april:lol: