View Full Version : Enough Mother Nature -- You Win!

03-23-2011, 08:55 AM
Hmmmmmmm! Where to start -- Old Ma Nature really fooled me in early February -- enough - that I tapped half my trees. Told my Wife last year - that I would never tap a tree before the 1st of March again - ever. But - old Lady Nature tricked me again with her February thaw and made me a liar....
So I forgave Mother and thought the sap would flow here about the first of March like most years -WRONG - too cold. Finally the day before yesterday I received a whole 25 gallons from Her bounty and thought -- Big Sap is a starting -- wrong again. So-- as I type this - I look outside at a Blizzard of Snoow - about Ten inches so far and it may stop this evening - I'm almost afraid to stumble out and look at the Maples - cause Mother Nature probably has them flowing - just to spite me. News ain't all bad - My oldest Son and His Sons are swimming in sap about 80 miles South of me and have been bringing it up so I could start boiling and making maple -- and that is Gooood. In fact - I think -maybe - this is even better then gathering my own sap - Just boiling and making Maple Syrup out of theirs. Maybe -- Mother Nature - didn't beat me up so bad after all........ Better get busy ----- Mike

03-23-2011, 09:10 AM
when your handed lemons, you might as well make lemon-aid and like it...:D

03-23-2011, 10:18 AM
Yea, Ma Nature…she’s fickle, that one there.

Cold snap might buy me a couple more runs, if’n my tapped too early holes ain’t all dried up.

Not going to complain too loud, ‘tis our best production year yet, though something under a quart per tap by the time it’s said and done (thinking there’s still another 2 gallons plus in the pans). Could use a little after-the-snap booster.

Got plenty of head scratchin’ and tinkerin’ to do come the off season, for sure.