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03-21-2011, 01:56 PM
Have an opportunity to tap a 90 acre parcel adjacent to a subdivision. Lots of kids. How does vandalism factor in to all of your operations? Obviously more remote might be better. Thanks for your comments. -John

03-21-2011, 05:37 PM
Have an opportunity to tap a 90 acre parcel adjacent to a subdivision. Lots of kids. How does vandalism factor in to all of your operations? Obviously more remote might be better. Thanks for your comments. -JohnSurveillance cameras......

03-21-2011, 07:13 PM
I guess what I was asking is has anyone experienced issues with remote equipment being tampered with, lines torn down, etc.

03-21-2011, 07:24 PM
I tap in town, although it is a small town. most years I have never had a problem. . one year I had about 3 buckets shot with a 22 The first one wasn't so bad it got hit at the very top of the bucket. the next three where at the very bottom of the buckets. that poed me pretty good.
but overall I have as good or better chance that someone will see a bucket blown off the tree and put it back up for me :) as apposed to vandilizing the stuff.

03-21-2011, 07:25 PM
i think i would be more concerned about tanks, ie stainless stolen for scrap, or releasers etc stolen or smashed, a small secure shed may be the best solution to contain and protect these items during the season. sometimes being within sight of many houses and traffic can be a good thing even if there are many kids around, out in the remote woods all it takes is one bad person to find it and they can have a field day smashing stealing etc with no worry of being caught

03-21-2011, 07:48 PM
I had a disgruntled neighbor cut my mainline wire and pipe then coil it up in a nice pile this Winter. When the cops showed up to take pictures and then question the neighbor, he claimed he saw a moose tangled in my line a week previuos and thought it had done it?

Be prepared for anything.

03-22-2011, 06:19 AM
must be some pretty talented moose, eh ed?

03-22-2011, 06:35 AM
Have an opportunity to tap a 90 acre parcel adjacent to a subdivision. Lots of kids. How does vandalism factor in to all of your operations? Obviously more remote might be better. Thanks for your comments. -John

Most of my taps are in town with lots of kids and have mever had a problem That said [I] don't have expensive items out on ly buckets. Marc ct has a nice way of dealing with the large items... If you give all the kids a tour of your sugar operation that would help to. Remember most people are good just takes one rotten on to spoil it for all.
You sure it was a moose and not a bear?

03-22-2011, 10:40 AM
I had a disgruntled neighbor cut my mainline wire and pipe then coil it up in a nice pile this Winter. When the cops showed up to take pictures and then question the neighbor, he claimed he saw a moose tangled in my line a week previuos and thought it had done it?

Be prepared for anything.

Pretty sure is a Coyote whit all is stuff from Acme....Beep beep:lol:

03-22-2011, 03:54 PM
Moose and bear and rotten kids oh my! :) Great suggestions guys. Thanks for your input! -John

03-22-2011, 04:25 PM
Heard of a couple guys tanks getting pumped on them a few years ago. You know its bad when sugarmakers are stealing from sugarmakers. A game camera can go a long way, and is fairly cheap.

03-22-2011, 07:19 PM
Over 20 years ago we had someone drive a nail set/punch through the bottom of a tank twice. And about the same time we had someone steal a 6' tank in the amount of time it took to drop it off, drive home and get some other supplies (less than 3/4 mile) and drive back. Since then, relatively harmless.

I know a sugarmaker that, after some problems on season, had signs made up (in conjunction with a game camera that we moved from tank to tank throughout the season) that read, "Smile because you are on camera. If your looking at the sap run - great. If you are looking for trouble that is fine too. I'll be happy to supply it." and they had his phone number on them. Everyone knew that the camera could be real and he never had any problems after that, so you know it was someone local.

03-22-2011, 08:33 PM
I know a sugarmaker that, after some problems on season, had signs made up (in conjunction with a game camera that we moved from tank to tank throughout the season) that read, "Smile because you are on camera. If your looking at the sap run - great. If you are looking for trouble that is fine too. I'll be happy to supply it." and they had his phone number on them. Everyone knew that the camera could be real and he never had any problems after that, so you know it was someone local. I am doing exactly that at one sugarbush. :lol:

03-22-2011, 09:46 PM
We had bad problems with vandalism at our sugarhouse. It was shot up 6 times. One bullet pierced the evaporator and almost wrecked the flue pan. They also messed with our buckets. We found out who did it and told the cops, but without proof there was no way to prosecute. Now we have a bulletproof box in front, lexan on the windows, plate steel on the door and 2 camera systems. It keeps honest people honest. The person who did it is in jail for unrelated crimes. I don't think he's going to be shooting his guns any more with a felony conviction. I could be wrong...

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-23-2011, 06:17 AM
Heard of a couple guys tanks getting pumped on them a few years ago. You know its bad when sugarmakers are stealing from sugarmakers. A game camera can go a long way, and is fairly cheap.

Happened this year also over in Benson VT, about 1500gal GONE.

03-23-2011, 07:08 AM
You know it's sad that you have to install lexan, etc. at your place. You shouldn't have to even lock your doors. That small percentage of people make life so difficult for the rest of us. There is no respect for others property etc. Frustrates me.