View Full Version : flooding?

03-21-2011, 08:19 AM
Just curious if the flooding in MN is putting a damper on anyone's sugaring?

Because of water over the roads, I have an extra 3 mile detour to get to one group of trees, and in another low spot the snowmelt is now above my waders (I found five buckets bobbing around in the water yesterday), but otherwise I'm unaffected.

But en route to work I frequently cross the MN river valley at Henderson, MN, and there's a batch of absolutely enormous silver maples right off Hwy 19 that I always lust after. Got me thinking, though, those beautiful river bottom trees wouldn't be worth anything in years like this because they'd only be accessible by boat!

03-22-2011, 05:03 PM
No flooding down here. Just excited for this cold snap to come through to hopefully extend the season! Still getting sap, just not as much. Now its a boil every other day. The wife sure is happy about that!

Stay dry everyone,
