View Full Version : Which weekend is best for maple weekend and why?

red maples
03-21-2011, 05:59 AM
So over all we had a very very successful weekend.

The 1 issue I had was having enough syrup because as luck would have it this year the season started very late for me as well as others. Boiling sap is definitly the best part about it just the reaction from people over the smell of syrup boiling is the best.

I had plenty of sap so it worked out great, but personally I think I would have to say Iwould like to go back to the original date, it sorta signals the end of the season because the level of energy that goes into the weekend I had to boil saturday after the day was over and could have boiled on sunday night too, but I just needed a break. and I would have had more syrup!!

just my 2 cents

03-21-2011, 10:11 AM
Every one I talked to this weekend had great turnout. And the non sugarer's I've talked too, enjoyed the weekend more because there was sap in the pans. Now mother nature controls more of it than which weekend it is, but I think the earlier date is better. Just a note I'm not part of the open house.

red maples
03-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Yes I did have Great Great turn out good weather. Sap was flowing on sunday very well and the sap was coming out during the tapping demo. I think since it was such a late start to the season and I am a smaller borderline hobby. I could have used more syrup. I guess I am still on the fense but I guess sap beats all !!!! and mother nature beats us all !!!!

maple maniac65
03-27-2011, 08:17 AM
I do not think it matters which weekend open house is there will be some that are not happy with the outcome. If this was open house weekend I do n ot think anyone would be boiling at all. The customers that I had commented that it should be the same weekend every year so they can make plans for it. Even if I am not boiling it is good to show people the sugar house and walk them through the steps of making maple syrup.

03-27-2011, 08:28 PM
I like it on the weekend it was this year. Last year was too late.

Russell Lampron
03-27-2011, 08:41 PM
I don't know where they would draw the line to separate the 2 but it would be more fair to have a later date for the northern part of the state and keep the 3rd weekend as it is for the southern part of the state. When it is early the northern guys don't have a chance to make any syrup. When it is late the southern guys are sometimes all done like last year.

Amber Gold
04-22-2011, 11:26 AM
I think there's pros/cons to each, but I think overall it's better on the 4th weekend. Here's my thoughts:
People up north haven't made much syrup at this point.
Southern producers are still boiling sap, which is good. But most producers w/ vac. will still be getting sap on the 4th weekend.
Boiling water isn't a bad thing...sure makes the day much easier, although the customers do like it when you're boiling sap.
By having it the third weekend, you haven't made the full range of grades which people are looking for. Because of this, I've sold out of my MA.
It is nice when it's the 4th weekend and you season's about wrapped up after the weekend...kind of a good way to end the season.

I agree though, regardless what weekend it is, it should be the same every year.

Just my two cents.

maple flats
04-22-2011, 02:37 PM
I haven't done maple weekend the last 2 years. Prior to that I had issues, not enough sap and too many customers. Now my plans for next year, when I hope to be at or above 1200 taps (most on vac) I think I may again participate. My best year for the open house was 2008. That year we started with our shelves full and the canner full and a few gal in pots to be filtered and we had a good supply of sap. When the crowds hit, we had the sugarhouse full, long lines waiting to get in and we sold out the shelved product. Then we were bottling to order from the canner, quickly had to filter and grade 15 gal more and do it again. This happened Sat and Sunday, for 2 weekends. We were just not able to meet the demand. Now I think we can keep up much better. With vacuum and over double the taps we should be able to have some bulk packed so if we run low we can bottle that and meet demand.
I know this sounds like a dream to most, but I did not like running out with 30-40 people waiting.

red maples
04-22-2011, 02:39 PM
From an advertizing stand point with the NHMPA, it might cost a little more money to have both dates and a bit confusing. and potentially bad for the folks on the boder of the cut off date.

It would be good for us as producers because it would nice for us to be able to go to other sugerhouses to see how they work maple weekend see there set etc something we don't get a chance to do.

It is easier boiling water and end of season sap doesn't always smell good cooking at least I don't think it does not compared the 3rd week when its still really sweet aroma. this year on the 4th weekend it still smelled good though.

Maple weekend although fun is exhausting and having to boil after the days were over to stay caught up with sap>>>@$#%#$%#$% I was tired. But the money was good I'll say you wouldn't even know times were bad.