View Full Version : when to tap
Maple Flats
01-08-2006, 06:44 PM
The weather in central NY sounds like tapping time. Today we had 40 degrees at the sugarhouse and forcast is 42 tomorrow. It is still too early to tap here but I bet the sap is running now. Problem is that there is a high likelyhood that this is just a brief thaw. My earliest date to tap in years past has been last full week in Feb and latest it ran thru was Apr. 16. Hope waiting is not a mistake now. But, I'm not ready anyways. I better hurry and finish my changes.
01-08-2006, 07:11 PM
We had the same weather last year. If you remember it got real cold in Feb & march. and the sap didn't start to flow till the middle of March
01-08-2006, 07:53 PM
Just a January thaw, Dont get excited yet boys. Lots a time to get things together before it's time.
01-08-2006, 08:07 PM
Sit back and watch the football games and when the superbowl is over then you can turn your attention to tapping. I agree that it is just a Jan. thaw and there is still time for alot of sub zero weather.
01-08-2006, 08:31 PM
In 40's and 50's here for the next 10 days! 8O We had a cold December, but the last two weeks haven't been cold. Last year, 18 straight days and no freezes from the last 3 days of Dec thru the first 15 days of Jan and some days temps in the 60's. Dec came in like a Lion and went out like a Lamb and Jan started like a Lamb and will likely go out like a Lion which is the exact same it did last year. This might sound kinda silly as it is an old saying, but it will hold true probably 80% + or more of the time.
If it's meant to be it will, and if not, it won't! :wink:
Rich Baxter
01-10-2006, 11:58 AM
Well, I'm worried. :? Forcast of several days in the high 40's and low 50's. My problem is all my trees are reds. I'd tap if I was ready but still have to set up my half pint. Bought 40 buckets and health spouts a couple weeks ago. Missed the majority of last year because I was out of town in March. :oops: I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Rich Baxter
01-10-2006, 12:11 PM
Wouldn't get too worried about it even if the trees are reds. If it goes 2+ weeks, then maybe a little concern would be ok. 18 straight days last year and even the reds were not brave enough in Jan. :D
Rich Baxter
01-11-2006, 08:05 AM
Thanks for the encouraging info. I'm busy at work right now, but should have some time next week to start setting up my half pint. Once that is done I won't be so concerned about everything.
Rich Baxter
Maple Flats
01-11-2006, 08:39 AM
Rich Baxter, good luck with the half pint, that's where I started and many others. Have you gotten firebrick and refractory cement for it yet. If you can install these during a warm spell you are better off. I had to keep mine from freezing by keeping a light bulb turned on and covering the 1/2 pint til it could be cured with a slow fire after installation.
A 1/2 pint will get you fired up and will get maple in your veins, after that you are addicted and will start to grow each year. Wow, this IS fun.
01-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Not looking very good down here. It has been warm pretty much since Christmas down here and the forecast shows it staying warm nearly till the end of Jan. No need to panic as it will happen if it is supposed to and it won't if it won't. Not abnormal to be warm this time of year, but not for this long. 8O
01-12-2006, 05:34 PM
Hey brandon, it is very warm out there. Hope we get some cooler weather soon.
Im ready to get to it....Made a homemade unit out of a 250 gallon oil tank..
Nice deer you shot.. :D
01-12-2006, 08:10 PM
Thanks, have you got any pics of the new rig! :D :?:
01-16-2006, 09:06 AM
Hey Brandon,
I will get some pic's up in here in a few more days.
I got 65 free fire bricks from a freind the other day look like new.. They are big size kil bricks.
Just gotta try to figure a way to put them inside. I quess I should weld in a peice of angel to start them on.
Nice and cold out there now.(16 f) Berrrrrrrrrrr.
01-16-2006, 02:19 PM
hello everyone!
I know many of you think that its crazy, but we tapped 500 of our taps, here in western pa, this past weekend, jan 14, 15. The 2 week weather forcast has highs 40 -45 and lows 26-30 . Weather that should be perfect. There's very little frost in the ground. Several years ago we did this and would not have had much of a season if we hadn't, because when the true spring thaw came it went straight to 50's and 60's and stayed there. Hopefully we wil get a good result again this time. Good luck!
01-16-2006, 03:55 PM
I have thought about it myself,
But, i must say we did have a jan this year kinda like we did last year.
I did however tap the first week in feb last year(some taps) and then the weather ended up staying cold until the end of feb. I still beleave those early taps would have given me a better run if I just would have waited.
The thing is that you just never know.
Im glad I only have 100+ tree's and I dont make a living from it.
For us its just about the fun of it. Plus there not much going on outside anyway that time of the year,
other than taking care of our small hobby poultry farm.
Best of luck
01-16-2006, 04:41 PM
collcted a gallon of sap from one test tap sunday morning, 1.6% sugar!! tree is usually 2.5%. If I had all my taps out would have had over 2000 gallons of sap. glad I did'nt dropped down to 2 degrees sunday night. It's not fun trying to boil when it's that cold. cleaned tubing last week,too warm to just sit and wait. will put tanks out this week, and maybe tap beginning of feb..
Moutianvan, I am not far from you, Cornwallville NY, looks like early Feb here too. But then again the weather can change and it will be 3 week of Feb. Lets all hope we hit it right.
01-16-2006, 05:50 PM
Well I'm already to go. The long range forecast for the rest of Jan is perfect sap running weather. Play it by ear. Global warming as got everything screwed up. Just might tap the first of Feb also. The season is over by April around here last 7 yrs anyways. Taps will still be in for 8 weeks.
01-16-2006, 05:58 PM
Northwestern PA checking in on the tapping date. We generally try to tap around Feb 12 (That's Adams birthday, and also Lincoln's birthday) Our first year in the new sugar house we tapped Jan 22 and had a great first run. We will try to hold till mid Feb. Our prep work has just started. Getting the buckets, lids and spiles loaded on the trailer and ready. Plus cleaning out the sugarhouse and getting the pans cleaned.
Tonight or tomorrow I will be making two gallons of maple mustard for our Maple association meeting this Saturday. Down to the last 5 gallons of last years syrup!
01-16-2006, 07:17 PM
If I would have tapped down here right after Christmas, I bet I could have made 75 to 80 gallons OR MORE 8O from then until the end of Jan. Weather down here has been good this month for a big run nearly every week. I sure hope it stays like this in Feb and part of March. The Jet Stream really has been crazy this year and is responsible for weather like this. Well, really God, but guess he uses the Jet Stream.
Anyways, I sure would like to have 3 or 4 good runs this year. I have put in an enormous amount of work this year and tons of $$$ in building the new sugarhouse since my dad sold his place. I don't make syrup for the $$$, but over the years I have always been able to pay back everything I have put into it. Weather is forecasted to be fairly warm until the end of Jan for the most part. Will likely tap Feb 4th unless forecast is like Feb was last year. Last year I made syrup for 6 weeks and could have made it the 7th week as the weather stayed cold nearly the entire 6 weeks even though I got at least 1 run every week. The biggest run I had was the 6th week and it was still running in week 7 after I quit. This just goes to show that the taps will keep running if the weather stays cold. It is the warmer weather that really dries them up. :?
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