View Full Version : 2011 Bulk prices
03-19-2011, 07:11 AM
I didn't see a thread for this years prices so I thought I would start one. Anyone recently sell any bulk syrup and know what the big boys are are buying at? I'm going to be buying some and want to make sure I offer a good price.
Thanks, Dave
TF Maple
03-19-2011, 08:37 AM
Yes there is a thread.
03-19-2011, 09:23 AM
Yes there is a thread.
There's not one bulk price on that thread. I want to hear about some current bulk rates that are being paid this year as well. Please post bulk prices here...Not retail.
Thad Blaisdell
03-19-2011, 02:01 PM
I was told by Glenn Goodrich yesterday that the price had not been set yet. But they are looking at fancy and medium to be the same price....2.70-2.75. But again nothing has been set.
james ferguson
03-19-2011, 07:12 PM
bascom maple farms is paying 2.75 for fancy 2.70 amed 2.65 adark b not sure2.55? com2.25 com unfiltered 1.50 that was 4 days a go
how many pounds in a gallon? I do not feel like finding a scale and weighing LOL
03-19-2011, 07:27 PM
11.3 lbs syrup in a US gallon.
03-19-2011, 11:19 PM
bascom maple farms is paying 2.75 for fancy 2.70 amed 2.65 adark b not sure2.55? com2.25 com unfiltered 1.50 that was 4 days a go
Wow, if that's the case, huge differance between filtered and unfiltered commercial. I recall 25 cent differance in the past. It will be good to know whether this holds in deciding whether to filter commercial this year. At a 75 cent differance, i'd be filtering. At 25 cent, probably not.
maple flats
03-20-2011, 05:28 AM
Bruce explained in the last year (in the fall I think) that he really was not looking for unfiltered com. and thus would be paying a lot less to encourage producers to filter their own.
Just wondering if anyone has any updates on bulk? Southern NH has to decide if its time to pull taps or boil mersh.
04-05-2011, 06:11 PM
a friend of mine called bascoms about 3 days ago and they said 2.00 a lb for filtered commercial, 1.75 for unfiltered, and i forget what the other grades were cause at that time commercial was all we were making, altho some very nice light commercial i must say, and had very little off flavor but still wasnt b i dont think
As of yesterday 2.00 filtered comm, 2.45 B, 2.60 DA, 2.70 MA and LA.
Hey Dan, nice of you to post up a comment, every couple years. :lol:
Just so we can keep learning here, who else besides Bascom's buys from small producers? I've heard there is some one in St J, and Goodriches does as well?
04-06-2011, 04:33 PM
If they do what they did last year and drop the price the day before open house. Your better off going there now. Keith
Hey Dan, nice of you to post up a comment, every couple years. :lol:
Just so we can keep learning here, who else besides Bascom's buys from small producers? I've heard there is some one in St J, and Goodriches does as well?
Now I've posted twice in 2 days, you may not here from me in a while;).
I'm not sure about other large scale buyers for bulk syrup, from small producers, Bruce told me he was the only one still buying 5's, most other places required 30 gallon min. containers.
It would not surprize me to se a price drop. There were alot of people dropping off ALOT of syrup, and Bruce said "and you sould see this place on saturday mornings."
04-07-2011, 06:40 AM
Anyone know if Butternut Mt is paying prices any different than Bascombs? Maple Grove?..........
04-07-2011, 09:06 PM
Now I've posted twice in 2 days, you may not here from me in a while;).
I'm not sure about other large scale buyers for bulk syrup, from small producers, Bruce told me he was the only one still buying 5's, most other places required 30 gallon min. containers.
It would not surprize me to se a price drop. There were alot of people dropping off ALOT of syrup, and Bruce said "and you sould see this place on saturday mornings."
i think most every year there is alot of people dropping off alot of syrup at bascoms! i wouldnt be too alarmed by that just yet
04-07-2011, 09:36 PM
Chuck, as of early in the week all 3 of the other major packers were 5 cents per lb lower per grade then Bascom's
Any word yet on how Canada did for production?
04-10-2011, 11:50 AM
I would imagine they are just getting to the peak of their season in Quebec where 80% of the world's syrup is made so we probably won't know much for a few more weeks. If they know already, it means they had a bad year.
04-10-2011, 07:42 PM
Looks like the major producing area of Quebec will be making syrup alittle longer
04-12-2011, 07:42 AM
I just sold 100 gallons of medium amber to Olds brothers maple syrup for $2.70
Who are the Olds brothers and would they buy a couple thousand gallons?
04-14-2011, 06:20 PM
Who are the Olds brothers and would they buy a couple thousand gallons?
they made 3800 gallons this year. they are 20 miles south of Traverse city. I doubt they would buy that much, but you can talk to Dick and see how much he buys and when. The number to their dairy barn is 231-263-5683. the best time ot catch them is when they are milking...abuot 4. am or pm
He must tap the same as I do since we made the same amount so far, another weekend to go I hope. I usually wait until we see what Canada did before moving any. Does he pay cash on delivery? I will give him a call after the season ends.
04-15-2011, 05:41 AM
He must tap the same as I do since we made the same amount so far, another weekend to go I hope. I usually wait until we see what Canada did before moving any. Does he pay cash on delivery? I will give him a call after the season ends.
he will write you a check on delivery
04-15-2011, 05:45 AM
Who are the Olds brothers and would they buy a couple thousand gallons?
RMG in Rudyard buys bulk
Amber Gold
04-15-2011, 06:40 AM
What do commercial prices usually do? I have 60 gal and wondering if I should sell it now or wait until later in the year.
04-15-2011, 09:08 AM
Josh---I would unload it now--$2.00 a pound a Bascoms
Amber Gold
04-15-2011, 12:07 PM
Does Bascom's drop the price for maple weekend? I'm not planning on going there until then.
Homestead Maple
04-20-2011, 03:49 PM
I would call them the day before you went and ask them what current prices are and ask them if they will be the same the next when you go. I got prices a day or two before I went down with some last year and when I got there with the syrup, prices on each grade had dropped $0.10. I was told later that when you call for prices, to ask if they will pay that the following day and they will honor what they quote you.
Homestead Maple
04-20-2011, 03:57 PM
Hey Dan, nice of you to post up a comment, every couple years. :lol:
Just so we can keep learning here, who else besides Bascom's buys from small producers? I've heard there is some one in St J, and Goodriches does as well?
Goodrich sells the lower grades they buy, to Bascom and Goodrich is usually 5 cents less per pound when they by B, C
04-21-2011, 11:02 AM
Looks like the price in vt is starting to settle in - still might be plus 5 -10 cent but who knows - depends what happens in Canada Fancy/Med 2.70 lb Dark 2.75 lb B 2.45 lb C 2.00 lb
04-21-2011, 07:57 PM
what is the differenice between B and C i know fancy med and dark then commercal but is B or C
04-21-2011, 08:28 PM
three grades of A (light,med.,dark)then B grade and then commercial. And any off flavors regardless of the color is commercial. if you go by a vermont temp grade kit it is anything dark
04-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Vt has four grades that we can sell in any size container - Fancy, A Medium, A Dark, and B. I beleive there is a restriction on the minimal size container that C (Commercial) can be sold in but would not swear to it. The day is coming (and it is not to far away) we will be grading our syrup to the same standards whether you are in Canada or the US.
04-22-2011, 07:52 PM
Local producer and buyer of bulk syrup has a syrup buy day next Saturday April 30 2011 in Spartansburg PA. This is at Firth Maple. Open at 8:30 to 3:00 p.m
Grade A light = $ 2.70 per lb
Grade A med = $ 2.70 per lb
Grade A Dark = $ 2.60 Per lb
Grade B = $ 2.50 per lb
Grade C = $ 2.00 per lb
Ungraded = $ 1.75 per lb this is sour, unfiltered, buddy etc.
Hope this helps!
04-29-2011, 03:17 PM
thats a crazy way to grade the stuff as ungraded for a lower price?? c is supposed to be buddy or off flavor syrup, make me wonder what it is they buy as c then?
thats a crazy way to grade the stuff as ungraded for a lower price?? c is supposed to be buddy or off flavor syrup, make me wonder what it is they buy as c then?
No C is just darker but no off flavor. Ungraded can be nasty. Not sure what they do with it:rolleyes:
Haynes Forest Products
04-29-2011, 10:41 PM
If it has sugar in it its worth money and if its maple sugar you can put it into alot of things and use the word maple syrup.
04-30-2011, 12:16 AM
NO c is commercial, mersh, swamp water, whatever you want to call it but C is the end of the year buddy off flavored syrup, or aybe slighty burn, usually dark but C can be any color grade it is just off flavored. That is the way the bulk packer that I sell syrup to tells me and they should know cause its one of the largest buyers.
NO c is commercial, mersh, swamp water, whatever you want to call it but C is the end of the year buddy off flavored syrup, or aybe slighty burn, usually dark but C can be any color grade it is just off flavored. That is the way the bulk packer that I sell syrup to tells me and they should know cause its one of the largest buyers.
Who would that be? I sell to maple grove and C can not have any really nasty flavor. BUT they seem to pay more than other listed prices than on "C".
fancy/medium 2.70
dark 2.65
b 2.50
c 2.40
not graded 2.00
Randy Brutkoski
04-30-2011, 12:48 PM
Bascoms will buy anything. Sour, smelly, it doesnt matter. I was paid commercial $ for the worst stuff i had ever tasted. It took 10 hours to get the taste out of my mouth and they paid me $2.00 a pound.
Anyone know how Canada did yet?
04-30-2011, 09:30 PM
Who would that be? I sell to maple grove and C can not have any really nasty flavor. BUT they seem to pay more than other listed prices than on "C".
fancy/medium 2.70
dark 2.65
b 2.50
c 2.40
not graded 2.00
Bascom's Maple Farms
05-01-2011, 07:52 PM
i dont understand what grade c is then if its not off flavor??? isnt b anything dark that still has good flavor? i guess i dont see where the other packers make the break point for c then is it by color?
05-01-2011, 10:26 PM
You understand just fine. C is the off flavored.
Dave Y
05-02-2011, 05:02 AM
Commercial syrup is darker than grade B. However if any syrup is off flavor,fermented, moldy, or very thin, regardless of the color you will be paid the lowest price which is being called ungraded.
Thad Blaisdell
05-02-2011, 05:49 AM
I guess it depends on who you sell too. Ungraded is what we call unfiltered. Anything that is filtered is C. Last year at Bascoms they paid me well for anything that was filtered, and the other unfiltered was the lowest.
05-02-2011, 07:50 AM
In common reference, Commercial syrup (Canada Dark #3) has a light transmittance (color) of < 27.0% (at 560nm). It is typically very strong flavored, and may have slight off-flavors, but otherwise meets all the other criteria for density, clarity, and flavor.
Substandard syrup (what people often refer to as "unfiltered") is syrup that fails to meet the requirements for some reason: unacceptable density, unfiltered, or with severe flavor defects (burnt, buddy, metabolism, ferment, etc). What many people call "Mersh" on this list is probably more akin to Substandard than true Commercial syrup. A lot of what people call Commercial is actually Substandard for one reason or another.
Commercial syrup is often used to blend with light syrups to make something in-between. The fate of Substandard syrups is more variable. Some is blended (a very little at a time, depending upon the flavor), some is used in industrial flavorings, and some is used to make maple sugar (if the invert isn't too high).
220 maple
05-02-2011, 08:29 PM
During my visit to Swanton for the open house I was told by a Leader Dealer how some of the very large producers in his area rig up a I-V drip and will drip a whole barrel of C into the good syrup next spring. That was the first time I had ever heard of increasing the value that way? I was told of another way to fix off favor syrup, I suspect the method is illegal, therefore I will say no more on that subject.
Mark 220 Maple
Thad Blaisdell
05-03-2011, 06:13 AM
During my visit to Swanton for the open house I was told by a Leader Dealer how some of the very large producers in his area rig up a I-V drip and will drip a whole barrel of C into the good syrup next spring. That was the first time I had ever heard of increasing the value that way?
Mark 220 Maple
If that is true, it is no different than the packers do. They blend the C in with good syrup to bottle for the public.
05-03-2011, 09:28 PM
It is all realivent to the volume you are talking about. So on a very large scale yes you can mix in a drum of dark syrup and not necesarily detect it. Likewise you could add a quart to 50 gallons and not tell.
At the same time though when you are a larger producer and make a lot of barrels of dark you might be able to blend one in but not a lot of them
05-31-2011, 08:16 PM
anyone sell any bulk lately and can update prices? Looking to sell some dark.
06-01-2011, 11:52 PM
The solution to pollution is dilution!
maple flats
06-02-2011, 05:11 AM
True. In fact I am blending this year. My first batch I blended 15 gal med A with 4.75 gal C to get dark A. The last I blended was a Med (almost Light Amber) with some very good tasting C to get Dark Amber. The end product tastes extremely good. In my case it took 5 gal med and 6 qts C to get dark A.
If you ever blend, start with the lighter syrup and slowly add the darker, mixing and grading. When i do it I blend until I grade it at the middle of the grade range.
You must have good tasting C to do this or you will ruin the lighter syrup and get an off taste thus making it all C based on flavor.
The big packers just do it on a larger scale but I doubt even they can blend off flavor, (at least on a very high % of off in the mix)
06-02-2011, 06:59 AM
During my visit to Swanton for the open house I was told by a Leader Dealer how some of the very large producers in his area rig up a I-V drip and will drip a whole barrel of C into the good syrup next spring. That was the first time I had ever heard of increasing the value that way? I was told of another way to fix off favor syrup, I suspect the method is illegal, therefore I will say no more on that subject.
Blending happens, and is not illegal. There are other things that can be done to ameliorate off-flavors in maple. Most would be illegal.
06-02-2011, 08:35 AM
I one time heard of a sugarmaker that blended 11 gallons of nasty off flavored syrup in with 160-165 gallons (approx. 3 55 gallon drums) and it ruined the whole batch. The next time they used 5.5 gallons and was undetectable. So there is a very fine line there.
08-10-2011, 01:16 PM
Are prices still the same? Anyone sell any lately?
I talked to Bruce from Bascoms at the Vermont tour and I think he said it was at $2.65 and down for the lower grades.
08-11-2011, 07:00 PM
Bascom's paid me $2.45 per pound for grade B about 1 month ago.
09-06-2011, 10:36 AM
does anyone know what bascoms is getting for b? not paying selling
I bought 5 gallons B from Goodrich's a couple weeks ago. Price was around $2.80.
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