View Full Version : Syrup labeling question

03-18-2011, 05:59 PM
This year most of our trees are Box Elder. Box Elder is actually in the maple tree family. I only make syrup for family and for gifts. So is it OK to call it Pure Maple Syrup, or is that not right?

Timber Juice
03-18-2011, 08:42 PM
Why not call it what it is? Box elder syrup.

Most people don't get the real maple syrup straight from the producer, fewer still ever hear of box elder syrup let alone actually get to taste some.

Expand their horizons.

Do up some neat labels and they will become family heirlooms.

happy thoughts
03-19-2011, 10:15 AM
Judging from the legal definitions of maple syrup and sap I read used by Vermont and Ontario, I'd say yes. The only requirement is that syrup be produced from sap of the genus Acer to which Box Elder belongs. It may not have maple in it's common name but it definitely belongs to the maple tree genus (Acer). So call it maple syrup. Look at it this way, even though other species of maple are more commonly tapped, nobody gets too specific about labeling whether the sap source was hard or soft maples. For instance, I've never seen a syrup labeled Silver Maple syrup.

Here are the definitions I read online.....

http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:TER1ho6Ja94J:www.vermontagriculture.com/documents/MapleLaws.pdf+vermont+maple+sap+definition&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgAtDtzsL_CN5mHbUuTzw8KKozDSUuhYhsN2rCr fsB6wvEzRKqQM6l4PgkgXadNidw8xELLNJB7vLdaHNV8ujgR_O SyD5tV4zT_O58Wcx2VsJgbMMQ-AGM5Qkv6EfzBsXpJJI9W&sig=AHIEtbRabmk-Ki9vIHp-ByG9gkTKOFiJfg

(8) "Maple products" means only maple syrup, maple sugar, maple cream, or any other product in which the sugar content is entirely derived from pure maple sap and to which nothing has been added.

(9) "Maple sap" means the unprocessed liquid derived from the maple tree (Acer).


Maple Sap – A sap obtained exclusively from trees of the botanical genus Acer.

Maple Syrup – The liquid food derived by concentration and heat treatment of the sap of maple trees. The solids content of the finished maple syrup shall be not less than 66 percent by weight (Brix) at 20o Celsius (68o Fahrenheit).

03-19-2011, 04:25 PM
Well, that document is quite specific, it's maple syrup. Reading through the document, they pretty much leave nothing about maple syrup undefined in Vermont. :lol:

Thanks for the info!

03-19-2011, 04:46 PM
I agree... excellent information happy thoughts.