View Full Version : Releaser

Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-17-2011, 08:43 PM
My Releaser pump has stopped working. It used to have no problem with a 20 inch Vacuum but now i open the valve full when it kicks. What should i do for next year?

03-18-2011, 04:53 AM
I cant tell you. I have a mechanical releaser. If you cant get an answer from someone here, call the compnay whop made the releaser

03-21-2011, 07:20 PM
what kind of pump is it, sounds like seal may be leaking air into pump and causing cavitation, to check this with a milk pump motor i always run water hose on seal and see if it pumps then. worst case is getting a new pump, we used a sprinkler booster pump from northern tool before we got a mechanical releaser. pump has to have check valve after it we used a pvc swing check from grainger. but a bad check valve probbly wont stop it from pumping you would just be loosing vac. if seal is leaking there will be bubbles rising in releaser if you can see into it