View Full Version : Tamworth NH is runnin'

03-15-2011, 08:14 AM
Yesterday my area turned on and ran really well. Best run I have seen since before 06. The up coming weather looks pretty good too, if it does what I read on reports.

03-15-2011, 09:42 AM
Ran well up here in the Littleton area, but it didn't start until late and seemed to shut off because it cooled off quick. I am cautiously expecting a big run today. Got down to 10 deg last night and it's about 36 now.

03-15-2011, 11:57 AM
It's running great here today. drip drip drip wicked fast... :D

I had 17 as a low last night. The sun is out hard the winds are calm, its 1:00pm now and 45degrees out.
Naturally the sunny trees are doing best.

03-15-2011, 05:33 PM
I had 10 degrees this morning up near Littleton. My trees just started running 11 AM but a stiff wind picked up. Temp never broke 40.

Despite that, I picked up 300 gallons of sap and got the pans sweetened. Gonna check not to see how much has run since 2 PM when I gathered.

03-15-2011, 05:56 PM
Yesterday I moved 2 taps and buckets to new trees as the bold 2 were not running and I don't think they will. When I drilled I hit punk wood.

The 2 new buckets and several others are nearly 1/2 full as of 5pm. These are joint compound buckets or a little larger. Others have 4 maybe 5 inches of sap in em... There hasn't been a run like this in Tamworth in a very long time.

Between regular work and this I think I have a happy problem.

Right about now I'ld like to find some cheap to free fast fire wood, like scraps from a carpenters job, so it's real dry stuff.

I got a old vintage hand crank forge and might take the blower off to heat things up a bit, when i do light fire. LOL my little barrel rig already blows out 3 /4 feet of blue flames now i can just see that will the blower cranked by my wife, or some other sucker wanna be helper.

Looks like it will slow down but be back Monday. If 'we' get no wind Monday you should have a good day.

I am just a little guy with only 37 taps, and my whole goal is 5 gallons which I haven't made at this location yet. This time it's looking like I just might make the goal....... if i get lucky.

I don't sell a drop, but I have friends who like gifts. My wife uses a lot cooking, and I am still messin about trying to make decent candies.

Of course my candies taste great, but are more like bricks than candies.

I refuse to add anything, other than heat. It's a rare occasion I need to even add a drop of 1/2n1/2, which is my only confession, and or a spoon with a smidgen of real butter on the tip.

I'ld like a real rig someday, but this free junk I got does the job, just slow. And that would still be for around 5 gallons of syrup, but cook up faster.

Last year I learned here, that the first run is where candies should be made.

So what ever I get, some will be made into bricks on the first run. :D

(Just so ya know.. No one has ever accused me of bein' overly bright) :?:

03-17-2011, 05:07 PM
I am swimmin in the stuff today. I had regular get in the way and now I got every container filled and still have 10 bucketsw out I got no place to store the sap. Some of those buckets are with in 3 inches of over flowing :D

You big boys are gonna need a boat..... a big boat.. it looks as if by Monday I might double what I have...

That's a 55 gallon barrel, a 35 gallon barrel and a 18 gallon keg, plus what ever is still on 10 trees.... I gotta work Friday in part, but hope to get at reducing the volume. Then all day Sat, all day Sun, and into Monday, for just what i have now.