View Full Version : Plastic-flavored sap

03-14-2011, 10:46 PM
Hey folks, after months of lurking, here's my first post.

It's been a rough couple weeks of weather without any strong sap flows here in SW New Hampshire. It's my first experience with tubing, and the sap running today tastes pretty strongly of the plastic tubing. I know there are no stupid questions, so here it is: Was I supposed to somehow rinse out my semi-rigid before stringing it all up?

I assume boiling that sap would produce some pretty funky syrup if it would just concentrate the plastic flavor. I only have about 30 gallons so far. I'd rather ditch it and boil newer stuff if it means the lines have been rinsed with the first sap runs. Thoughts?


- JJ

03-14-2011, 11:02 PM
My 30P tubing made my sap smell like plastic last year. Many told me not to worry about it. It did not affect the syrup taste.

03-15-2011, 05:03 AM
interesting, I never thought about it, but I will be installing 30P this fall and am interested in hearing some explanations. Did you contact the tubing dealer to ask?

03-15-2011, 06:26 AM
Funny, I remember tasting sap 40 years ago out of the old lamb tubing and I thought the same thing.

Did you taste the sap directly out of the tubing? If so, pour some into a cup and taste it. You might be smelling the plastic (much of taste is actually smell).

Russell Lampron
03-15-2011, 07:00 AM
Boil it anyway. Every year I put up some new tubing and pipe somewhere and have noticed the same thing. Never had an issue with odor or taste in the syrup.

03-15-2011, 12:53 PM
Our first draw from our first boil this year had that plastic taste you speak of.

We made several draws that day, about a half gallon each, but it is the first three I want to talk about.

The first draw we tested wasn’t quite syrup when we pulled off, tasted it and it had a noticeable plastic taste. I almost shut down and tossed everything then and there, but being our first run on the new evaporator, we decided to press on, tossing out the syrup made if need be. We didn’t have anything to lose by continuing to boil and it was a good chance to check the evaporator out.

Tasted the first draw of real syrup before filtering, and the plastic taste was still there. Filtered it and it wasn’t as strong.

The second draw we filtered before tasting, the plastic taste was even less noticeable.

Changed both the felt and pre filters before filtering the third draw. No plastic taste in that draw at all.

We finished out the day setting the first and second draws aside while combining the third and subsequent draws and later bottling them.

We let the first and second draws set out overnight and the next morning cracked open a bottle from the subsequent draws, tasting it first…no plastic.

The second draw had no plastic taste.

The first draw was barely noticeable, it went down the drain.

I, too, had put out a bunch of 30P without rinsing it.

Coincidence maybe?
I’m pretty sure every bit of sap handling stuff I used had been completely cleaned out prior, and there was nothing I hadn’t used before in the system, other than that new 30P.

Of course, the original tubing had been out since last year. Could have picked up the plastic taste from that, too, on the first run.

Everything is fine now, no off flavors, but lesson learned. I think I’ll just play it safe and run some clear water through the tubing prior to tapping next year.

03-15-2011, 02:27 PM
Ive never noticed it

03-15-2011, 05:26 PM
Well, that explains that. I will be doing a triple rinse on my tubing before I even put it up.

Edward Howell
03-15-2011, 05:31 PM
I always tell everyone to prewash all tubing before you hang it. I owned a plastis injection molding for 30 years and the thermoplastics always have reisdue from the process of being heated to there melting point. Does not matter whether it is , injection , blow or extrudeion (spell) :cool:


03-15-2011, 07:06 PM
We live totally off grid. Try online for low cost microturbines and solar panels. You will be surprised how cheap! We run our entire small farm, including the sap house this way! Regular deep well pump, homeoffice, flat screen tvs and my hubby is relaxing after a hard day in the woods(first year with tubing and vac), no bad taste, just great syrup)watching satellite tv. We have already arranged with friends for tube washing. Good luck.

IPL Technical Support
03-16-2011, 06:30 PM
Any other folks noticed this plastic taste in other brands? It seems Leader's 30P is the only one having this problem right now.

Any ideas for Lapierre, D&G and of course IPL?

03-16-2011, 06:41 PM
Any other folks noticed this plastic taste in other brands? It seems Leader's 30P is the only one having this problem right now.

Any ideas for Lapierre, D&G and of course IPL? Noticed it in our sap. Black tractor supply 1'' mainline.

03-22-2011, 09:21 AM
Our first draw from our first boil this year had that plastic taste you speak of.

We made several draws that day, about a half gallon each, but it is the first three I want to talk about.

The first draw we tested wasn’t quite syrup when we pulled off, tasted it and it had a noticeable plastic taste. I almost shut down and tossed everything then and there, but being our first run on the new evaporator, we decided to press on, tossing out the syrup made if need be. We didn’t have anything to lose by continuing to boil and it was a good chance to check the evaporator out.

Tasted the first draw of real syrup before filtering, and the plastic taste was still there. Filtered it and it wasn’t as strong.

The second draw we filtered before tasting, the plastic taste was even less noticeable.

Changed both the felt and pre filters before filtering the third draw. No plastic taste in that draw at all.

We finished out the day setting the first and second draws aside while combining the third and subsequent draws and later bottling them.

We let the first and second draws set out overnight and the next morning cracked open a bottle from the subsequent draws, tasting it first…no plastic.

The second draw had no plastic taste.

The first draw was barely noticeable, it went down the drain.

I, too, had put out a bunch of 30P without rinsing it.

Coincidence maybe?
I’m pretty sure every bit of sap handling stuff I used had been completely cleaned out prior, and there was nothing I hadn’t used before in the system, other than that new 30P.

Of course, the original tubing had been out since last year. Could have picked up the plastic taste from that, too, on the first run.

Everything is fine now, no off flavors, but lesson learned. I think I’ll just play it safe and run some clear water through the tubing prior to tapping next year.

The first run of sap sometimes has that taste. The tree just hasn't produced the maple flavour yet....not fully metablolized. Its natural. Ours as well as a few others around here had same. Often happens first run especially when lots of moisture in the ground. We had a wet fall.
Put the syrup in a container (drum or whatever you store it in) after filtered and taste it in a few days. The taste may come back as well as a very strong smell. There is nothing wrong with the syrup for bulk sales, just tell the buyer. Buyer will mix it with other syrup. Should be able to sell at same price.

03-22-2011, 09:30 AM
Any other folks noticed this plastic taste in other brands? It seems Leader's 30P is the only one having this problem right now.

Any ideas for Lapierre, D&G and of course IPL?

I have Lapierre, potable water, D&G, IPL and Leader mainlines. Didn't have off taste last year, but this year only first 15gal of syrup.
Not last year probably because we missed the first run of sap.

I highly doubt taste is caused by sap in pipes in the bush...

See this Cornell paper on off-flavours (see "Plastic" and "Metabolism"):http://maple.dnr.cornell.edu/pubs/MapleFlavor&SyrupGrading.pdf


Proctor's: http://www.uvm.edu/~pmrc/off-flavor.pdf

03-22-2011, 10:28 AM
This is the first time I have had an issue with such a strong plastic taste on new tubing where we had to dump it on the ground. Both woods had 30P installed. After the first 2 runs went on the ground it still had a slight taste of plastic.

03-22-2011, 09:48 PM
When I was sweetening the pan I had that plastic smell coming off the boil. By the time I had my first draw it was gone and never smelled it again. All my syrup tastes great.