View Full Version : membrane storage solution stinks

maple connection
03-14-2011, 10:16 PM
I bought a late 80's coster R.O with a 4" membrane. They took the membrane off of the machine and left it in the stainless canister and put the membrane storage solution in the canister and in the basement it went. I drained the canister today and that solution had the worst puke smell you ever smelt. I got it on my hands and it won't come off. I am concerned that it might give my concentrate a off flavor. What do you guy's think? I gave it a rinse then a wash and another rinse. I never ran into this before.
Thanks, Kevin

03-15-2011, 09:29 AM
I wonder if they all smell that way after sitting?

I bought an old RO and used the old membranes last season. When I went to change to new membranes this season, the old ones stunk bad, kind of like spoiled milk. I was losing sugar in my permeate last year, so my final rinse probably had some sugar in it. I did not preserve with glycerin as I knew they were getting tossed this year.

Anyway, my point, other than passing sugar, my syrup last year tasted fine through those membranes. So, if your membranes are good, I would give them a real good wash/rinse through the RO and use them.