View Full Version : weather data while boiling

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-12-2011, 08:21 AM
Does any one else record weather data while boiling?
heres everything from this year except first draw on first boil.
6 PM
Baro 30 and falling
Hum. 87%
dew pt 25*F
2.4% sugar

8:30 PM
baro 29.71 Steady
Hum. 87%
Dew Pt. 39
3.3% sugar
All Stats below this are at times of draw off

29.72 Steady
Hum. 70%
Dew Pt. 30*F

29.72 Steady
Hum. 70%
Dew Pt. 28*F

29.7 Falling
Hum. 70%
Dew Pt. 28*F
Shut down with prob. 40 gal to go getting really tired.

03-14-2011, 04:28 PM
I started recording temp and wind this year as I'm still useing propane burner to boil. I've made 1 gallon so far on 18 taps.

03-14-2011, 05:54 PM
I have always recorded everything each year. It's a good idea to get a notebook and write things down. I have last years out now to compare. I also check the NOAA weather site each day. they update and track your location, so pretty accurate. You can get a good feel for the weeks foercast. Also the Maple News just added a page in this months issue to track your sap! We also have a weather station and I took weather spotter training, our system can be updated to our computer. Walmart carries them now for about $100.00. We're just very aware of the weather all the time, as we're off grid, along with several other friends. Good luck

03-14-2011, 06:46 PM
is there any truth behind the sap running better when the barometric pressure is falling vs rising or steady. and what have you seen as magic themps.like nite lows to day high difference.say 25 nite to 40 day or 20 nite to 50 day

03-17-2011, 07:41 PM
We have 37 taps this year, so I've been recording how much sap each tree yields every day. I don't have any good weather equipment here, so I record the weather data for each day off the Internet. Last year was our first year doing maple syrup and we only had 10 taps, yet I was quite busy learning so I didn't record any weather data. I'll need a few more years before I can use the weather data to my advantage, however the sap yield data for each tree has already pointed out several trees I won't bother tapping next year, and a number of trees I'll make sure I DO tap next year.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-17-2011, 07:58 PM
We have 37 taps this year, so I've been recording how much sap each tree yields every day. I don't have any good weather equipment here, so I record the weather data for each day off the Internet. Last year was our first year doing maple syrup and we only had 10 taps, yet I was quite busy learning so I didn't record any weather data. I'll need a few more years before I can use the weather data to my advantage, however the sap yield data for each tree has already pointed out several trees I won't bother tapping next year, and a number of trees I'll make sure I DO tap next year.

yahoo weather gives me what i want just have to sit down and decifer it all

03-17-2011, 08:11 PM
the sugarhouse I visited today the guy had a device that measured what the BP was and told you what the boiling point of water would be at that particular time. that was pretty slick. He set his auto drawoff for 220 when I was there.