View Full Version : Surgar Shack Atmosphere

Rabbit River Farms
03-11-2011, 02:01 PM
I can't remember what the french word for a "Surgaring Off Party" is. I know that there is a special name for the event, does anyone remember what it is? I am also looking for a CD or a band that plays some "Good Old French Quebec" music, the kind that you would hear at one of these "parties." Does anyone have any recommendations?

03-11-2011, 04:49 PM
We call this "Partie de sucre" or "Cabane a sucre". in Quebec, around Easter week-end, nearly everybody goes in familly to one of these party.
In afternoon, we make a sleigh ride, some collect buckets, take few "boiling Soda" (this is a US. name for "une bonne Bière..), we make "tire sur la neige"
wich is a hot maple toffey on snow.

Main meal included yellow pea soup, Ham, sausage, egg omelette, pork beans, "oreilles de christ" (fried pork rind) potatoes, eggs poched in syrup, every kind of marinades, home bread,and for dessert
(yes, after all this we ate a dessert:emb:) pancakes and maple syrup pie.

at night,it finish in a traditional dance party.

there is a site in montreal qc that sellsmusic cd. it is the biggest site in Qc, very trustable.


