View Full Version : Got my releaser!

03-11-2011, 11:45 AM
Now i just have to figure out how to plumb it,and keep it from freezing solid lol

03-13-2011, 05:20 AM
so, got the releaser all lubed, and put together. Got the old surge motor back on the vacuum pump. Had an electrician friend wire a cord on it that will plug into my generator. Another friend built a wooden platform in the woods to sit the releaser on. My kids were tapping. I was runing for supplies for the electrician, the carpenter, and the kids.

THe generator quit, and wouldnt start. I worked on that for a couple huors. cleaned some gummy stuf out of the carb. got the genny rinnung good. plugged the vacuum pump in... the electric motor wouldnt run. Dad had another motor. I got that, changed the mounting bracket on the vacuum pump frame, mounted the diferent motor and plugged it in. It only turns the pump about 100 rpm. I got ahold of a motor shop. they send a guy in to their shop in traverse. I met them there about 7pm. they worked on the motor for an hour. they found the feild has a dead short. They didnt have any fields on the shelf, and the only new 1 horse motors they had in stock were all 3 phase. so Im sdcrewed till at least monday.

Im gonna keep tapping, and let the sap run on gravity till I can get another motor.

03-14-2011, 06:48 AM
I got ahold of grainer. they had a new motor in stock. I picket it up. I wasnt smart enough to check the pulley before Ileft the store. Wrong pulley.

I worked on tubing for the rest of the weekend. My dad is going to pick up another pully, a couple other supplies, then go get the vacuum started. My oldest kid is gonna help, then chase vacuum leaks.

Temps are suppose to be in the 40s for the next 10 days. Here's hoping.

03-14-2011, 03:23 PM
well the generator quit again and they couldnt get it started. no sap today. well, no vacuum anyway. I ordered a new carb. Im gonna check to see if its a "low oil shut off" problem. I dont think the genny is sitting level and th eengine oil might be running to one side of the oil pan.

If I cany get it running, IM going to hook the mains back to my diaphragm pump.


03-15-2011, 05:10 AM
OK. got my generator running. THe vacuum pump motor still wouldnt run. My dad had broguht his generator down, earlier in teh day but the motor plug was different. A local motor/generator repair guy broguht a plug for dads genny, we wired it, plugged it in and the vacum pump tookright off! Evidently the 220 on my genny is bad. We loaded it in th erepair guy's truck and he took it with him.

Just before dark last night we had no inches of vacuum. We started repairing leaks. By the time we couldnt see anymore, we had 20 inches of vacuum and the releaser was working.

If this generator cant be fixed, Imgonna take the engine off it, scrap the generator head, put a pully on the engine, and mount the engine on the vacuum pump

03-15-2011, 08:25 AM
You know whenever I think Im having a bad day Im just going to check this thread and think twice about how bad my day really was compared to the ones your having. This maple stuff sure can make a guys head hurt.

03-15-2011, 08:52 AM
You know whenever I think Im having a bad day Im just going to check this thread and think twice about how bad my day really was compared to the ones your having. This maple stuff sure can make a guys head hurt.

a lot of my probelms are self made. I made the decision a week ago to go with this vacuum system. I shuld have made the decision last summer, and worked out the kinks THEN.

03-17-2011, 06:22 AM
vacuum leaks up the wazoo. only gettign 15 inches. I have to be at my business during the day, and my 19 year old cant find his rear with both hands and a map.

03-21-2011, 04:56 AM
got all the vacuum leaks fixed. pulling 22 inches conssitantly. Generator, vacuum, and releaser all working nicely now. Getting all the sap I want. Weve made 70 gallons of syrup. Im hoping for 250. Ive bought some sap, and even some concentrate. I sure would like an RO for next year.