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View Full Version : 7/16 double ended spiles

03-11-2011, 10:30 AM
OK I have exhausted my search options...
I have a ton of double ended 7/16 taps. what sit he deal with these, I do not see them anywhere any more? I was planning and in fact I ahve used several of these in teh place of a T with double tapping large enough trees. I have tapped the first hole off a t in the lateral and used a piece of semi-ridged 5/16 to connect to the second spile fromt eh upstream end of the double spile.
what is the problem in doing this

03-12-2011, 03:35 AM
I was told that they quit using these because if sap backs up in the line that it can be pulled back into the tree. But I agree if you aren't running multiple trees through it how is it any different than using a tee, as long as you have a good drop between the tap and your latteral.