View Full Version : Big Snow Warning!

tom jr.
03-10-2011, 06:05 PM
A foot of snow is forecasted for northeast ohio!
after all the rain we have had I still have a few inches of snow in the woods and we are about to add another foot to that. shure beats 70* and sunny like last year. anyway had a good run yesterday with 1400 gal from the tubing and 400 gal from the buckets. sugar dropped back to 1.5% again. will be up to 94 gal. tomorrow when done boiling. the wood supply is starting to dwindle down to 5 cord:o but I think we are half done at this point 15 day has another cold snap for the 20th after this coming weeks warm up. so far couldnt ask for a better year:D

03-10-2011, 07:52 PM
Next weeks forecast looks pretty good. Gathered another 150 Gallons tonight. Should be done boiling down the 450 plus the 150 Gallons we collected tonight by tomorrow evening. Waiting for the big snow now!