View Full Version : Bilge pump

03-08-2011, 08:49 PM
What kind of head can I expect from a 12 volt bilge pump? I need to pump sap about 20 feet away and 6 feet high. Would a Harbor Freight bilge work?

Haynes Forest Products
03-08-2011, 08:58 PM
All pumps come with head charts so give a look see. I used one for a long time but never used it to go that high.

03-08-2011, 09:31 PM
We use a Rule 2000 bilge pump and it pumps up about 5' and through 15 ft of hose. We have a 5 gallon pail on the ground and it empties that nearly as fast as you can pour in. A bit more height and a bit longer hose won't slow it down much. We use that crinckeld hose which is very flexible but terrible for resistance to flow. I;d go with a smooth bore hose for your situation.

PS put a check valve on it. We've siphoned our tank nearly empty after we unplugged the pump and walked off to get more sap.

03-08-2011, 09:38 PM
I have a 12 volt bilge pump I bought at Harbor Freight and I pump over 6' high. I use it to pump into a 275 gal. tote in the back of the pickup. Works great!

03-09-2011, 06:10 AM
I use a bildge pump I got from walmart, not the low end but one up and it pumps into the tank in the truch with now problen and thats 4 feet high. I have never used it to transfer to the head tank. It would be a challenge I'm sure.

03-18-2011, 07:05 PM
I bought the cheap bilge pump from walmart and it is no worth a crud so don't buy it

03-18-2011, 07:10 PM
I use the bilge pump from harbor freight that they sell for $19.99 to transfer between 275 gallon totes. I pump uphill about 10' in elevation about 50' away with no problems.

03-18-2011, 08:22 PM
Just installed a RULE 500 non-automatic bilge pump yesterday (approx. $27.99 CAN) It pumps effortlessly a 10 gallon feed tank 8' above in 5 minutes. A check value on the end emptying into the feed tank might be necessary.

03-19-2011, 01:35 PM
my harbor freight 12 volt pump is junk got 1 day out of it, dont buy it. I think it was 360gph. couldnt pump 7 feet high.

03-19-2011, 01:59 PM
It will be a few years before much Chinese stuff is worth anything. We import some Chinese machine tools and it is very hard to find good products.

I'm Canadian and I wouldn't dream of buying anything but a made in USA Rule bilge pump for this application.

Similarly, got a Honda transfer pump.

The season is too short to put up with failures.

03-20-2011, 06:26 PM
I ended up biting the bullet and buying a good pump. The wife found a stainless steel 1/4 horse Flotec pump at the local Ollies Bargain store for $99.00. It has been working great. It is a lot more relaxing when boiling not carrying buckets of sap all night long. All I do now is plug the pump in and watch the sap overflow the preheater when I walk away and forget to unplug it.:lol: When I get the sugar house built it will definitely have a momentary contact switch on it.:) Thanks for the help folks.

03-22-2011, 08:59 AM
For my little operation I have found that my 35.00 clear water sump pump from Northern tool works great. 110V., connected a 25 foot RV food grade hose (Menards) to it and it empties my 30 gallon barrel in about 4 minutes and can lift easily 8-10 feet with no problem. I am going to buy another for a backup.
At this point I have no need for a gas operated pump.
As I have no running water in the location my shack is at I am going to mount another 30 gallon barrel by my head tank and run a PVC water line to the sink. I can sump the barrel full of fresh water from the well and that will last me quite a while for use in the shack. Will beat carrying 5 gallon pails from the well.

03-22-2011, 10:13 AM
Is that the 1/8 HP submersible model for $40?

03-22-2011, 10:57 AM
That is the one.
The sap comes out of the garden hose with about the pressure as a outdoor faucet on a home that is wide open.
Cheap enough to keep a spare on hand if problems arise.
I have only used it a few times so we will se how it makes it through the season.
You can find a photo of it at the link below as it sits on the sled.
At this point it is 5 stars.
