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I was surprised to see a little sap in the tank today. It seemed too cold, but the trees want to run! There was ice all over the trees, all over the lines and it was only around 30 degrees in the shade up on the hill, but they ran a bit.
We may even have enough to boil this weekend! Or maybe sooner.
How are they running where you are at? This thread is for anyone in Maine to post how their trees are running in different parts of the state. If you want you can include what altitude you are at, what county and which way your sugarbush faces.
Ours is at around 500 feet and faces north. It's like Jackman up there, but it's in southern Somerset County.
03-08-2011, 08:33 PM
yeah Revi same here. picked up a litttle down on my river buckets today and the taps in the woods over in newburgh were drippin today as well. everything was froze about 80% in the pails tho. we should have enough for a small blaze this weekend. going to check the ones in lexington tomorrow. i will let you know
I'll bet those trees in Lexington have started as well. A guy who lives up in Brighton said that his trees were running today and they must be at a similar elevation to yours Sapsick.
Happy sapping!
Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-08-2011, 08:50 PM
I got 200 gallons of water today. And yesterday. The soft maples are starting to bud here now. In town they started 2 weeks ago. i am 700 feet above town. And in the mountains they still have a lot of time before the season is over.
That's a lot of sap for 150 trees! The vacuum must be working. We only got around 30 gallons, but I was amazed that we even got that. When I went up to check the temperature was only about 30 degrees. It must have been warmer earlier in the day. Our trees run late anyway. We have a run in the afternoon, once it's warmed up a little.
sugarhouse veiw farm
03-09-2011, 06:41 AM
havnt boild yet still 2 feet of snow pulled 400 gal off 1.1 % danm not looking good for sweet sap this year here its getting late for me last year on 3/6 i had made 70 gal of fance and gathered 8920 gal of sap
03-09-2011, 07:06 AM
Ran here early Sunday morning to late Sunday night. About a gallon per tap (with vacuum). Low sugar (2.1 birix - i'm used to 2.4 or so). Trickled a little on mon, nothing tues. Trees still have about 1/4" of ice on them. 9 gallons of medium amber so far. Elevation is 700-775', orchard faces ENE.
Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-09-2011, 07:18 AM
Started early sat. We managed to get a few buckets out on tubing before it started raining. Hit the grove again Sunday before the rain,first tap to the last,the sap was running strong. Monday, Monday night into Tues. late afternoon no power, so I had to deal with that after work! Tapped 18 more last night after the power was restored, again each hole was running strong. Hope to get 150 gal.+ by the weekend so we can get our first boil. Best of Luck to all!
03-09-2011, 07:29 AM
ran good yesterday, steady stream out of the pipe line. collected about thirty gal. total............. i just got a row of 90 year old trees on a road side. 14 total. the should produce good........i hope
Maple Ridge
03-09-2011, 11:37 AM
My wife and I finished getting the buckets hung on Saturday. I have 48 on tubing and 90 buckets. As of Tuesday night I collected about 80 gal. Sugar content ranges from 2.5 to 1.5. everything faces east. I will be boiling Friday. It will be the first time on an evaporator.
Notch Woodwork
03-09-2011, 12:43 PM
Barely wet the buckets here, collected about a quart per tap thus far. My trees are still all iced up, even the ones on the south side of the hill. Maybe this weekend?
03-09-2011, 12:45 PM
I've got 90 buckets tapped here in Bowdoin. I'm at about 360' elevation, just below the ice that they got just up the hill from us. We had a little running on Tuesday, maybe 30-40 gallons. Its running a little today on some of my trees. Still a bit too cold for a real good run. Hope to collect before any rain and maybe first boil this weekend.
03-09-2011, 01:51 PM
Things are still pretty frozen here in Cornville, not much running.
Sap just started to dripp here in Freedom (Waldo County) I have buckets at 700 ft. and they are doing a little better than my pipeline that's at about 500 ft.. System facing South. Not enough to boil but hoping for 150 gals. by wks. end.
2X6 Leader Drop flue
20X24 Suger Shack
3 ambicious boys
2 Yamaha snomobiles with 35 gal. collection sleigh
150 taps that consist of: buckets, bags, and pipeline on gravity
03-09-2011, 05:24 PM
I've got 270 in on vac and 100 buckets out. we fried the electiric motor on the vac sat. night, and sunday got about 60 gallons off those taps on gravity. some buckets did well, others not so well. not much has changed since sunday except all the sap i got is frozen, in both the tanks and buckets. Tomorrow the vac pump should be up and running again and another 50 or so in on a gravity setup. a little over 500' and facing NNE
I'm hoping we'll have enough to sweeten the pans on sun night, and things are starting to look good for next week too. good luck everyone
03-09-2011, 06:00 PM
spun up to lexington today about 3:30pm found myn mainline dripping and lots of sap still sitting in the lines. had about 60 gals off 108 taps. and much to my delight it was 3%. didnt have the gps for elevation but can tell you the trees were free of ice. its comin!!!!!
Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-09-2011, 06:16 PM
It has been a great year down in pa. 37 gallons of syrup and the forecast is perfect for sap.
03-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Spent last 2 days tapping and some sap was running but not much. Sunniest trees ran and anything in shade did not at all. Barely a trickle out the mainline with nearly 1000 on it. Thinking this weekend will be when things really get started.
03-09-2011, 07:59 PM
going to finish hanging buckets tomorrow. Should be around 350 when we are done. cleaned pans and will set on arch in the PM and it will be go time here. Both mainlines were dripping today with temps only in the high 20's. All the trees we drilled were running also but not strong just a drip. More people keep asking us to tap there trees, how can I say no. The AM looks good for a run of sap here we will see. Have fun everyone.
Today we got...nada! Nothing, zippo, zilch. It was nice and sunny in the morning, but it had clouded over by 4 when we got up to collect the four buckets we have out. The tubing wasn't doing anything either. I don't think it warmed up much, because there is still a lot of ice on the trees up on the hill. It has melted in town, but it looks like an ice sculpture up there.
stephen wheeler
03-09-2011, 09:03 PM
Still pretty slow for us as well. We have about 90 buckets w/ tubing out now. Several trees are running very well. Buckets about half full. Most are not doing very much and some not dripping at all. We have collected about 25 gallons of sap so far in the last two weeks. We have been keeping it cold and plan to boil this weekend. Good luck everyone.
03-10-2011, 06:21 PM
Got the rest of the taps in today, that brings me to 425 this year. My buddy just called from the sugarhouse and the vac is up and running again and the sap is coming in. we'll let it run the night, its suppose to warmup tonight so we'll see how much we get tomorrow.....hoping for a full tank :o
There was a tiny drip coming out of the tubing today, but we don't have enough to boil yet. Maybe this weekend, if we get some sap on Saturday...
03-11-2011, 11:36 AM
It's raining and the sap is runnin' in Cornville. I would say it isn't a great run yet but the trees seem to be thawing. We will wait and see.
03-11-2011, 04:49 PM
got maybe a half gallon in the buckets I checked today, maybe enough to fill the evaporator by sunday.
03-11-2011, 07:45 PM
vac is still running and so is the sap. we have around 250 gallons in the tank our releaser dumps into, another 20 gallons on the gravity set up,the buckets are 1/4-1/2. and its only fri night... will definetly be boiling this weekend
Notch Woodwork
03-11-2011, 09:17 PM
About a quart per tap since Wednesday here. The forecast for next week is starting to look good.
We had about 50 gallons when I checked at 4:00. I think we have enough to start up a little sweeten the pan boil tomorrow. The trees were running pretty well today.
03-12-2011, 06:18 AM
It ran all night and we probably got around 120 gallons in the last 24 hours from 250 taps, it is still running pretty strong this morning at 7 am.
03-12-2011, 11:55 AM
set a few more taps this morning, got about a gallon per tap since thursday. I will probablly fire tomorrow, that is if I can get the evaporator running today.
the sap ran pretty good last night and today, I plan to fire up the new wf mason 2x8 for the first boil tomorrow. My fingers are crossed for a good outcome. A big leap from a 2x3 flat pan.
03-12-2011, 06:11 PM
The trees on vac are still running, not at the pace as last night but we are still getting sap. the gravity lines slowed down around 2 this afternoon. It should dip just below freezing tonight which im hoping will charge things up for tomorrow. we've got around 575 gallons total right now, most from fri morning-today. We will fire up the evaporator tomorrow afternoon.
03-12-2011, 07:09 PM
With the pump running on Fri. I brought in about 300 gallons... then the pump died at about 9 pm. Without the pump i got about 300 gallons more overnight and today. 2.6% Brix. Can't complain about that. I'm at around 20 gallons of syrup for the year - Medium amber. Lets hope for that freeze tonight. The pump will be ready to run again in the morning!
03-12-2011, 08:12 PM
Yesterday/last night/today pulled about 900 gallons. Slowed down to a trickle so I've turned the pump off for the night. 1.8 brix :( Could be worse and I think some of the rain may have got into the tank and diluted things a little.
03-12-2011, 08:26 PM
boiled today and made 2gals of medium. averaging 2% around the house but the trees in Lexington are closer to 3.
03-12-2011, 08:27 PM
have 300+ in and still another 75 or more to go. Collected the sap from yesterday and we have 75 in the tank and 50 in 2 barrels for the AM. Will finish making drops for the 5 gallon buckets and put those in before we collect. Looks like we will start the evap. It take 400+ gallons through the evap for syrup to show up. This week looks good for sap.
We had much more sap than we thought we would have today. The tank was full and overflowing into another tank. I thought we might have enough to fill the evap and boil for an hour, but we ended up boiling for 5 hours. We were around 40 gallons per hour, so that's not too bad.
It might even freeze tonight which could mean more sap tomorrow. We'll see...
Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-13-2011, 06:29 AM
Collected 100 Gals. yesterday morning. Started boiling at 2 pm, by 8 pm we started shutting down. Had some problems with a preheat coil I built, it worked good, to good. Every time we tried to crank up the fire, we started to make steam in the coil. So the solution will be, not as many loops. We had 40 gals. of 180 deg. sap in a hour. But the evap. couldn't keep up because of the fire issue. Live and learn everyday!!!!! So a few minutes today, we should be able to get the evap. fired up to run at 100%. Also discovered cracks in the bottom of a few buckets, so you know what that means. Cracks = No sap!!!! easy fix.
Best to all!!
03-13-2011, 02:26 PM
I collected for the first time today. Got just a tad shy of 15 gallons from the 7 taps I have in Searsport and about 22 gallons from the 23 taps I have on Deer Isle. Didn't get cold enough either location to run today.
03-13-2011, 05:43 PM
picked up another 100 gals in lexington and 45 here in Norridgewock today. gotta head for the County for work this week so "Wifey and the Boys " will be carrying the load. Hopefully finish early and get back to boil before Fri. temps lookin to good NOT to get flooded this week.
03-13-2011, 07:11 PM
I am at zero sap as of right now, looking to get flooded this week, I'm off work so I can boil every day if need be. Evap was running awsome today, wish I had another 100 gallons of sap. front pan is looking quite dark. Hope to get the hood and pre heater on tomorrow.
sap seeker
03-13-2011, 07:14 PM
Tapped our 16 in Oakland yesterday, 12 had some run but nothing much. No freezing temps. the last two nights, should change this week.:cool:
03-13-2011, 08:29 PM
ran the sap through the evap today, pans are semi-sweet. Trees are leting go good here so this week looks good.
We had a little bit come in today, but not like yesterday. It didn't freeze much last night, so the pump wasn't reset. Tomorrow sounds like it may be cold, but the temps for the rest of the week look really good. It looks like a Wednesday night boil might be the way to go, unless we get flooded on Tuesday.
03-14-2011, 06:13 PM
Ran 500 gallons through the evaporator last night, still not close to syrup....I had 250 sitting in the tank at 4:30 this afternoon and coming in strong. Looks like a great week too.
Thinking about getting hoods for next year:
Watching this thing never gets old:
03-14-2011, 08:06 PM
great pictures Scott. Makes my steam look like childs play. What you think another 500 before you get syrup from that beast? Be ready it could come in 5 gallon draws.
Wow, now that is cool right there. Look at that puppy boil!
We've been sending some steam up to heaven as well. We drew off a couple of gallons and made some syrup. It's good to be back in production. Hopefully we made enough room for tomorrow's huge run. We plan on boiling again on Wednesday.
We probably had around a hundred fifty gallons come in today, and it wasn't a huge run. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
03-15-2011, 09:02 PM
A good run here today. It took a while for the temps to get up and the trees going but at collection time my son and I went around and got 175 gallons today. All the trees were still runing hard. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
We got about 150 gallons today, or maybe more. We started boiling at around 4 and I swear that it was coming in at one point faster than we could boil it off. We boil at around 33 gallons per hour, and it must have been coming in faster than that for a little while. Our trees run late, so they were still going when we gave up the battle for the night at around 8pm. Back to it tomorrow.
03-15-2011, 10:07 PM
not sure about my Lexington trees but my dad said at 9am they were running hard. my Newburgh trees gave up 110 gals today. man its terrible to be away at work on a week like this.
03-16-2011, 08:11 AM
got 90 gallons tuesday see what happens today.
03-16-2011, 02:55 PM
Yesterday I pulled about 15 gallons, about the same today maybe a little less.
03-16-2011, 04:38 PM
Rushed home from work today at 2pm, excited to see the first REAL day of sap…..1 MEASLEY GALLON on 40 taps..:evil: with a low temp tonight of 37*….ARGGGG
03-16-2011, 07:49 PM
Started to collect at 3.30 today with my son and quickly realized that it was a good day. 190 gallons from around town, about a gallon a tap with home taps still to collect. Checked the 2 tanks and one 1/3 full and the other beyond half, both 55's and 20+ buckets also. Long day in the AM, boiling. Looks like a freeze again tonight so AM could be big.
03-16-2011, 08:20 PM
went and saw Mainely Maple at the sugar house today. What a nice operation they have there. Sap was dumping every 2 minutes and the gravity line was going nuts. His 5/16'' tubing on gravity was dumping a steady stream with just a few air bubbles. Wish I had a gallon jug with me could of timed it to see how much. All I know is wow.
It was a great visit and will have to do it again soon.
yup, those bigger operations are crazy. A guy at the sugarhouse was telling me that he visited a large sugarbush in VT and said when they drew off, thew drew off in 5 gallon pails and just kept rolling them though! Yikes!
We got another 150 gallons plus today, after boiling off 150 last night and the night before!
We've made about 5 gallons of medium, and are going to make another 5 at least off of this run. We may be boiling again tomorrow night. That makes three days of evening boils. I wouldn't mind if we got a little break tomorrow night. It was great boiling tonight in the rain and snow. We are burning through the wood now!
03-17-2011, 09:26 AM
pulled 165 gallons out my lines yesterday even with all the snow had to gather twice even my 5 gallon pails filled up twice was very exciting boiled all day yesterday and finsihing it up today
Maple Ridge
03-17-2011, 09:28 AM
As with everyone else, Running great. I been picking up 100 gal per day from 138 taps. My holding tank almost full. Tonight it will be full and I will need to fill other containers. I would like to be boiling today, but have to work. I will boil tomorrow. Last weekend I made 1.5 gal of lite. I hope it stays cool enough at night so the sap dose not spoil.
Curious..Anyone give me an estimate on having 100 taps on ravity tubing what I should be getting for sap on a decent run in a day? trees are woods trees, range of 8"-16"..guesses?
03-17-2011, 10:24 AM
First real run yesterday. Got up to 50 in the UP. Got 30 gallons out of 45 taps. 4 taps had over 3 gallons each. Only got down to 38 though last night.
03-17-2011, 01:27 PM
Couldn't collect yesterday afternoon, thought with the weather no big deal I will get them in the morning. Wrong, several buckets were flowing over, got over a gallon per tap and they were running strong already this morning. The sap gods are happy. Boiled every day this week and it looks like more of the same through a good part of next week. Revi, if you don't boil some afternoon you should stop by.
Good luck all!!!
ok thanks. so with a 2x4 flat pan setup, thats 10 gallons to start and 4-5 hours of boiling
03-17-2011, 07:22 PM
running real good here. Started with the head tank full and 50 in the tank in the back of the truck this morning. Boiled all day and have 300 in the head tank and 75 in the truck tank and made 9 gallons of syrup to boot. Will do it all over again tomorrow, maybe we will catch up a little.
aka: my 30 on 5/16 will give a half gallon a tap on a average day. Today was not average and it was 40 gallons. They are woods trees with nice sun on them
03-17-2011, 07:26 PM
Been a busy week, collected 1650 gallons since it really started running last fri. Ran 1050 through the evap so far and have drawn 16 gallons of sweet that's real close, my buddy will finish on the finisher tomorrow so we'll see what we end up with. Not gonna be able to boil til sat afternoon and already had 600 sitting in the tank when I left at 6. Got almost 1.5 gal sap/ tap on the vac line today. Only thing to complain about is the wood supply is getting low...
03-17-2011, 07:32 PM
I hear ya lou, I collected 50 gal from my 50 on gravity today, pretty impressed with that, buckets are doing great as well
03-18-2011, 08:14 AM
Lou you were right about me not having a big enough evap for the taps i have out I think your words were I was dreaming. Last year was my first year and i missed the begining I didn't think it could run this much. i hope i make a good dent in it this weekend. buckets were over flowing yesturday had a 70 gallon tank with 70 on gravity and that was over flowing. To much sap for my little rig. Maybe if i didn't have a real job i could keep up. The 2x4 evap will probably be for sale after this year if you know any one interested so I can set up something alot bigger.
03-18-2011, 08:32 AM
Collected 254 gals of sap yesterday, 4 gallons boiled off
beautiful St Pattys day, 300 gallons still in tank
03-18-2011, 06:10 PM
Wednesday through Thursday was a real big run here in Bowdoin. We collected 190 gallons from our 130 taps, with lots running over my buckets. We've lived in the sugarhouse these last few days, 12 hours today alone. The 2x4 flat pan is doing its best to keep up. Only 70 gallons left for Saturday boiling. I'd be overwelmed like TWITCH, but I've only seen a few of big days these last couple of years. When I look at averages, the 2x4 is sufficient for our current crew and goals. Goog Luck to all.
03-18-2011, 07:16 PM
Lou you were right about me not having a big enough evap for the taps i have out I think your words were I was dreaming. Last year was my first year and i missed the begining I didn't think it could run this much. i hope i make a good dent in it this weekend. buckets were over flowing yesturday had a 70 gallon tank with 70 on gravity and that was over flowing. To much sap for my little rig. Maybe if i didn't have a real job i could keep up. The 2x4 evap will probably be for sale after this year if you know any one interested so I can set up something alot bigger.
I think the words were "you will be busy" Twitch, this is not normal for sap flow. In the 10 years we have been doing this This is the best I have seen in 2 days.
Had a series of event happen here today while boiling. The wind was playing with the boil in the pans at first and then the trees started falling in the woods. I took that as a sign to stop boiling and do other things. No lost maples but the popular trees did not like the high speed winds and snapped off half way up. Good side to this is firewood for next year and a roof over my head with sides. Did not collect today didn't want the buckets flying away in the wind.
03-18-2011, 08:11 PM
The wind was something else today, sap ran alright, nothing spectacular, but I've got 700+ in the tank to boil tomorrow afternoon
We've been boiling every afternoon and night since Monday. We have about 250 gallons to boil off this weekend. Since we both work full time we are moonlighters. I had a class to teach on Thursday night, so I couldn't boil, but John got the sap down to manageable levels again. I think we are going to make it now, but the battle is not over yet. This weekend we'll be making some steam both days it looks like, so I don't think I'll be able to get to Tessier's until next week, but I'd love to see your setup.
03-19-2011, 08:59 AM
we have had a busy week. been great though. Made 36 gal. on Thurs. 17 yesterday wind blew horrible. lost cfm in the woods looking for leaks today may sap run long and hard this spring
03-19-2011, 09:28 AM
We are located in Sangerville / Guilford and have been swamped. Boiled Monday night, Tuesday Night, Thursday Night, and all day Friday. We are finally caught up. I was passing out life jackets Thursday night. The wind was terrible yesturday, kept down drafting.:o:o
130 Taps Buckets and Tube
2x5 Raised Flue
03-19-2011, 10:33 AM
The wind was something else today, sap ran alright, nothing spectacular, but I've got 700+ in the tank to boil tomorrow afternoon
Wind was brutal here as well. Lost a few inches of vaccuum (something came loose) and of course pump doesn't work without electricity, nor does the blower on my arch. Took the time to cut some more wood then take a nap.
03-19-2011, 11:32 AM
Been busy here last few days. 800 gallons each Wed and thurs. 1200 Friday. New RO is big help but still have some bugs to work out for sure.
We have been boiling nonstop, but finally polished off all the sap today. We had some people visit and had a good time collecting with kids, boiling sap and eating pizza.
03-20-2011, 05:55 AM
Made some headway yesterday. Only have 275 left to boil today. Also havre to collect that should not be to much today. Wood is holding up good so far.. Between 13 -15 gallons made. Will know better when it is put up.
Cider Hill Maple Farm
03-20-2011, 06:02 AM
250 Gals. in the holding tank, 40 gals. in the gravity tank, another 40 in the preheat tank and the evap. is full. Started out yesterday morning with just 100 gals, by days end we had our hands full! Looks like a long boil on Sunday!! Next year I'm building a bigger rig and an RO! Hard to keep up with a 2x4 sectioned flat pan! Thanks to the traders for some great ideas, I love the recent pic's and discussion on how to construct a break for a flue pan build.
03-20-2011, 07:48 AM
Collected 21 gallons from my seven taps in Searsport Friday evening and then 32 gallons off my 23 taps on the Island today. That brings the season's total to 88 gallons from 30 taps- not what you all are getting further inland but about all I can handle!
Boiled yesterday for the first time on my block arch, was able to reduce the 88 gallons down to 10 gallons and then gave it up at midnight- had to go to bed. The evaporator was going at about 6 g/h, mostly because my firewood wasn't seasoned as well as it should have been. If I plan ahead next year, I bet I can get 7-8 g/h.
Had a good time, maybe next week I can get some finished off.
Here are some pics of my set up (
We boiled down all the sap we had today. It was pouring in when I left, but we may not boil again until Tuesday. We'll see what tomorrow brings. We had to boil every day last week, and we may have to do the same this week if the temps are as good as they say they will be. I'm glad it didn't turn to real spring like it was looking like last Friday.
It was a good weekend and we're up to 10 gallons of syrup now.
That's almost halfway through the season for us, and it looks like we've used up nearly half our wood.
03-20-2011, 07:52 PM
Boiled everything I had here at the house in tanks.. went through 275 gallons and then went to collect and we have 225 in the head tank and have not collected at the house yet and that could be another 100. Back to square one in the AM. Was a great day to boil. Steam was just rolling off and looked wonderfull. Sure does beat the wind on Friday. I don't know what the syrup count is but somewhere close to 25 gallons give or take a few. Wood is doing good too, about a cord burnt. Hope everyone is having a good time
03-21-2011, 02:52 PM
Finally up and running. The trees seemed to be kind of sleepy this year, but we are off. Revamped a bunch of the out-in-the-woods tapping/gathering strategies, so there's less tree-to-tree work.
Storage tank nearly full, boiling tomorrow probably.
Bunch of new gadgetry for this year, too. Need to update some of the photos. In my "spare time!!"
03-21-2011, 03:18 PM
Off to a slow start here. Only collected about 80 gals. off 100 taps this season. Uggh.
03-21-2011, 06:30 PM
Ran very well today which was surprising. Weather didn't seem ideal but I'm sure the incoming storm had something to do with it. Releaser was dumping just over every 2 min. I've got 600 in the tank so far and won't be able to boil til wed.
I was surprised at how much was in the tank today when I checked, so I decided to fire up. I boiled for 3 hours and got it down some. I poured off so tomorrow we'll make some syrup. I wasn't expecting a run today, but it happened despite the fact that the thermometer said it was around freezing all day.
03-21-2011, 07:43 PM
Lines finally thawed around 1 pm and were freezing up at 3. I did get 80 gallons, though. I boiled off the 520 gallons left from yesterday, so i'm finally cought up. I can relax tomorrow morning for the first time in a week in a half. In the last week i've spent about 80 hours boiling sap, cleaned the front pan twice and the back pan once, plus all of the other little jobs that come up. At least i don't have to collect any sap...
We'll see if we get a run today. If not, I'm going to the dump and doing my exercise class. I am getting stiff from all this boiling and it will help me out a lot if I have the opportunity to do it. We'll make a lot of syrup tonight anyway. I want to boil down to nothing and clean the tank out also. If we have a little break I'll be able to do it.
03-22-2011, 01:00 PM
I'm a complete novice. How long will the sap run if the weather stays as it has been for the last week or so? I have another post on this site in regards to my container dilemma and I'm wondering if it is worth it for me to run around for new ones or if I should just wait be and be prepared next year.
sap seeker
03-22-2011, 01:58 PM
I'm a complete novice. How long will the sap run if the weather stays as it has been for the last week or so? I have another post on this site in regards to my container dilemma and I'm wondering if it is worth it for me to run around for new ones or if I should just wait be and be prepared next year.
The forecast looks great right through the end of the month!
Running surprisingly well today in central Maine given the fact its just over freezing. Looks like a good year for everybody.:cool:
03-22-2011, 06:33 PM
My trees ran great today, I've got 960 gallons in the tank now and the vac line was still doing great at 6:30 so we let it run. Should have well over 1000 by the time I start boiling in the morning
03-22-2011, 08:25 PM
I'm with Mainely Maple my trees ran well today. Had to get sap twice. I had 2 trees at the same lacation fill a 4 gallon pail in 4 hrs. I was shocked but pleased. Just came in fron boiling and with the late start today I still went through about 175 gallons. Will do the same thing again in the AM. Hopw everyone has sap to boil.
We had plenty to boil today again. We got around 180 gallons today and boiled down at least a hundred of it from 5-9pm. It's hard to keep up with what's coming in, but we are managing. I was surprised that it ran so well today. There was no ice in the buckets, and the sap tested at 2 and 3/4ths percent. It should make some nice syrup, with less boiling!
Maple Ridge
03-23-2011, 08:03 AM
I have been watching the barometer for the last week to see what part it plays in the running. Last week when it was 30. sap ran good. Yesterday it was 29.17 and it ran better. Today it is around 29. and it should be around 36 deg. So I am thinking it will run good again today. My sugar % is staying up there also. Aya looks like it will be a wicked good year.
03-23-2011, 08:03 AM
caught up for about an hour LOL!!!
stephen wheeler
03-23-2011, 03:08 PM
They are running pretty well here in the midcoast of Maine. This is our third year boiling. We have collected about 200 gallons of sap so far this year and finished about 2 1/2 gallons of syrup. "Murphys law" has been breathing down our necks hard this year as we have had to learn a few things the hard way. We had several 5 gallon buckets of sap tip over when the snow melted around them. Most of the sap leaked out of them (nice lids).:(
And last week we left the evaporator for a few minutes (maybe more)to collect more sap. When we returned we could smell the burned syrup from about a hundred yards away. The preheater had become empty and we lost almost two days worth of boiling -it had burned and was ruined.:emb:
On the positive side the sap is still flowing and the season is not over.
Good luck to everyone and hopefully we will have a long season.
03-23-2011, 07:45 PM
we just keep trucking along here. collected around town to the tune of 150+ and had barrels over flowing here on line. It never really got warm here but trees running well at 10 when I collected. I have to wash the head tank out, bateria must be getting the better part of the sugar in the sap, #'s for a gallon went down. Will power wash in the AM and fill it with the 150+ in the truck tank and the home buckets. Season looks to be here for another week at least.
03-23-2011, 08:20 PM
picked up 275 in lexington and another 200 in Newburgh today. i cant keep up with it all. one thing is for sure i need BIGGER riggin by next spring!! someone said once "be careful what you wish for cuz it just might come true." i should have paid closer attention to that person:lol:
03-23-2011, 08:51 PM
Collected 150 gallons on Tuesday PM & Wednesday AM, boiled 120 gallons today, a record for our 2x4. Hope to draw some more syrup tomorrow. We have passed last year's total already, looking toward 25 maybe? Getting ready for Maple Sunday. Good Luck everyone.
We have been boiling every night for the past 2 weeks, but we're planning on waiting until Saturday, but mother nature will have to oblige. we have about 50 gallons in a spare tank and boiled off everything else tonight. That gives us about 285 of storage for the next 2 days. We'd like to have a lot on hand to boil this weekend, since it sounds like it will be cold. May as well be inside boiling!
I hope it works out! Have a great weekend out there Maple Traders! We'll be around on Burrill Hill if you want to visit. Take exit 132 off of Rt. 95, and turn left off the exit ramp onto Rt. 139. Take it for 12.2 miles and turn right onto the Burrill Hill Road. We're 2.2 miles on the right at the Skowhegan town line.
03-23-2011, 09:31 PM
Long day... Ran 800 through the evap, and made about 18 gal. Still have 300 in the head tank that ill finish in the morning, and the buckets need to be collected. Doing all I can to keep up.
Mother Nature had other plans for us. I pumped all I could into other barrels and still it kept coming in so much that John had to boil for 4 hours tonight.
We are keeping up with it. John calls it "sap management" and I have to say that we are managing. It's about all we can do, and there's almost no lugging with our operation. We have to carry water to the shack, but that's about it. We have about 20 buckets. It's all I can do to get the evap started, get the buckets and boil. It's a short and sweet season this year.
03-25-2011, 05:10 AM
We are practically floating in sap, my wife says she is a sap widow. Boiled all day yesterday and went behind.
sap seeker
03-25-2011, 05:19 AM
Been a crazy run considering it hardly gets above freezing during the day. Contemplating taking a day off from work today to catch up, 50+ gal. on my little setup = a lot of boiling!:cry::D
03-25-2011, 05:26 AM
I have the same thing going on here in NW WI….barely above freezing and the sap was almost pouring out of the taps yesterday. Looks to be the same weather today:D Maybe I will actually get my first real boil in on Sunday??? That would sure be nice. Sure wish I had some more taps!
03-25-2011, 07:37 PM
gonna need an ark at this rate. icant even give the stuff another 300+ gals today.
This has been the biggest and longest run we have seen in 10 years of sapping at our place. John looked at the number of boils, and we have boiled about the same number of times, but it has been every night instead of spread out in a 6 week season. It seems really intense, but I'll bet it stops really fast as well. Next week looks good until the middle of the week, but I'll bet we are practically done by next weekend. I could be wrong...
03-25-2011, 10:28 PM
Along with you other guys, we are too having a great stretch of runs here lately. I'm boiling it all, but we boil every day, and some long ones too. I got two phone calls from my "off-site" taps, "The buckets are running over". I know, I know. My sap haulers, I mean my arms are begging for me to stop. This is what we had wished for. At least everything is going well and the wood is holding out fine. No problem having sap for boiling on Maple Sunday. Good Luck.
03-26-2011, 05:49 AM
been real busy here, what a shock right. It has been good runs with some real big runs in with them. Boiled yesterday to make room for the sap left in the truck tank and did that. yesterday was the largest run I have ever had here 400 gallons on 300 taps. to go with a steady 200 every day. Mainly Maple and I have talked and he is having the same issues with sap as I. Will collect this AM and take the ice out so I helps with space and sugar. A freind came over yesterday and fixed my broken pre heater and that made a big difference in boil rate. That happened at the right time. Tested sap 2 days ago and the town trees were 3.1 and the woods trees were 2.1. Have to go and catch up. May the sap be plentiful for all
03-26-2011, 04:18 PM
I agree with Revi, I think this time next week we will be done. Sap totals are good, sugar is good, just all condensed into 2 weeks time. OK with me.
western mainer
03-26-2011, 04:39 PM
Cold here in Greenwood, sap ran for 2 hours today, but it's been good this year. Late runs this year they start about 11:00 am.
The trees didn't run today, which is okay, because we used the day to catch up on the sap we couldn't boil the rest of the week. We are going to finish it off tomorrow and call it a weekend! It's been quite a maple weekend already. We had a pancake breakfast to celebrate Skowhegan's maple week, and had a lot of people come to the sugarhouse.
Tomorrow may be even bigger. We'll have some fun and make some more syrup.
We have run out of new plastic jugs, so now we'll make it for home consumption.
03-27-2011, 06:30 AM
You guys are killing me. We made syrup last weekend and then it froze up. Ran a little a Tuesday, then froze, ran a little on Thursday and froze. We've got solid ice in the tank, so no boiling for Maple Sunday today. Probably won't run today, either. Forecast calls for a high of 30 and NW winds. It's not been good at all here in southern Aroostook County. Not good at all.
03-27-2011, 06:29 PM
We are really tired here in Cornville but we finally caught up with the sap. It hasn't run that much in the last two days and that is great by us. This has been a banner year and looking forward to next week. Thank goodness we had a chance to boil all our sap.
We finally caught up as well. We had practically nothing coming in this weekend, but that was okay. We had a lot of visitors and talked to a lot of people. We had a great time!
I think we are going to boil another week and call it a season. We're practically out of wood and another week will do it. We don't want to get into next year's wood yet, and we are still having a good time if we quit next weekend. It looks like next week will be perfect for sap too.
03-27-2011, 07:07 PM
been busy here, just when we thought we were caught up poof another 200 gallons. The trees here must be just slightly warmer than the surrounding area. They run at such low temps this year. We have the last 100 in the head tank and I will make that vanish in the AM.
We ahd a maple Sunday for freinds and family today and wht a turn out. & batches of pancakes and boxes of susages and dozens of eggs later all were happy. We made 6 gallons today and all found a home with freinds and family. Wood is taking a hit good now, on the last cord. Hope everyone had a great day and fun to boot.
03-27-2011, 07:45 PM
Great day here at the Danville sugarhouse as well. We decided to put a few signs up as a last minute whim. Figured we were gonna be boiling might as well invite people up. We had a great turn out considering it was very unplanned. Sap didn't run much this weekend which was fine. Today wasn't exactly a big production day. But the week ahead looks good...hoping for one last go at it.
03-28-2011, 06:10 PM
Relatively quiet day here in Cornville, a few trees woke up but not many. Thank goodness! We could use the day to do other chores like cut firewood and clean pans. gearing up for next run. Yikes! Maybe tomorrow?
We didn't have a huge run, but we still got about 80 gallons! We are boiling tomorrow for sure. Today was still chilly on the hill. The only taps running were on the south sides.
Tomorrow we'll be back in the sap. We only have wood for about 3 more boils, so we're pulling the taps this weekend and boiling everything off until the wood runs out.
03-28-2011, 09:02 PM
Maple Sunday was lots of fun at Juniper Hill Sugar. We hosted our first Open Sugar House and had about 150 friends, neighbors and family stop by for a visit. We just slowly boiled along all day. We missed not visiting our other maple friends at their sugar shacks, but that is the price we all pay.
We collected only a small bit on Sunday, but we collected about 90 gallons today for boilong tomorrow. It looks like the season is going to last a few more days. We hope we'll hit our goal of 25 gallons this week. The wood is holding up fine, it is really dry, because its been in the sugar house for two years now.
Good luck to all.
03-28-2011, 09:27 PM
Vacuum system did better than expected today as I ended up with about 600 gallons sap today. I looked over some of the trees today and looks like they have a long ways to go before they bud out. That should make for a long season I hope.
Our season will be shortened to this weekend. We have too much to do, too little wood, only a few more plastic jugs and we're running out of energy. We sold a bunch, are keeping a bunch and have plenty of dark stuff for cooking. It's been a great season.
We both have full time jobs also, so it's hard to keep up the pace of boiling every night until 10 pm.
03-31-2011, 09:25 PM
well it sure is one heck of a ride right now. Burning wood fast and not catching up with the incoming sap. Banner day yesterday, picked up 550 gallons in a 24 hr span. I can see the back of the wood shed now but help is on the way. Offers of slab wood came in today from freinds. Every draw today the syrup was getting lighter. Ended on a Med and started at B. I am thinking of filling a 32 gallon drum with syrup, just don't know if that is the right thing to do. Hope yoou all are getting sap.
03-31-2011, 09:54 PM
Sap still coming in 1200 gallons each last 2 days. No real change in the tree buds over the past week or so. Thats good as I still have a ways to go to reach my goal for the season but at least I'm getting closer. Looks like a record year for us already. Wood pile still holding up ok!
Couldn't even get to the sugarhouse today because of all the snow. We'll start boiling tomorrow morning at 9 and see if we can get the sap down a bit. We boiled it down to less than 75 gallons left, but there may have been a run today, because it was a wet snowfall. We'll see tomorrow. We're pulling the taps tomorrow and Sunday. It was a short and a very sweet season!
04-01-2011, 05:07 PM
We too are pulling taps this weekend. It was an awsome season and we are probably going to break the 30 gallon mark, so I am very happy.
Good luck to all.
04-01-2011, 08:23 PM
Were running low on wood and energy here in Bowdoin as well. The maples in open ground (before today's snow) are slowing down. There is probably some sap left in the deep woods, we'll leave it there for next year. We'll be right about 30 gallons for the year. Last year was 12.5 gallons so this is a big year for us. At 10 gph on my 2x4, we've spent about 120 hours boiling in the last 3 weeks. I can't afford to make too much more syrup or I'll be out of a job. Great season, It was just what we wanted.:)
04-02-2011, 02:22 PM
kinda looks like one more week what does everyone else think temps at night are starting to get up there by noaas forcast for next week
04-02-2011, 07:21 PM
i pulled all my buckets today and pulling my tubing tommorow
04-02-2011, 09:30 PM
pullin out tomorrow. real close to 30 gals this year which is awesome. snow storm slowed me up had to go old school with no blower or pump to the feed tank. finally got power back and things came to life. need bigger riggin for next year. hope all ends well for all.
04-02-2011, 11:00 PM
Can't believe all of you are throwing in the towel already! I was checking out trees and buds today while pumping sap. Looks like we have at least 1 if not 2 weeks before the trees are done. Only reds are showing any signs of bud swelling and really mostly the ones in the open or the sunniest locations. It certainly has been an intense season so far, but our best ever production wise.
04-03-2011, 06:14 AM
I'm hoping for another 2 weeks. We've still got a good 18" of snow in the woods and the sap really only got going this past week here in southern Aroostook County. It's been mostly 2.5%, but it's no banner year here just yet.
04-03-2011, 07:29 AM
I'd be happy to squeeze in 1 more week. I went around this morn and could still here them dripping pretty good.
04-03-2011, 10:58 AM
For those of us who are "throwing in the towel", I figure if we flood the market we might cut our own throat by driving down prices. Actually this might not happen, but for each of us we have to weigh our own needs for syrup with any market we have to sell it. As we develop a market maybe we'll put up more wood and keep boiling away. Good luck to those who are going on, I hope the season has been a fun and productive one.
P.S. Spring goat kids have also arrived and the extra chores certainly do cut into my boiling times.
04-03-2011, 01:06 PM
Things have slowed to a crawl for me. Hoping for one more freeze tonight, but it's hard to say what will happen. If there's sap, i'll boil it, but the weather forcast doesn't look very hopeful for cold nights, so i'd say the bulk of the syrup has been made.
04-03-2011, 03:43 PM
pullin out tomorrow. real close to 30 gals this year which is awesome. snow storm slowed me up had to go old school with no blower or pump to the feed tank. finally got power back and things came to life. need bigger riggin for next year. hope all ends well for all.
Hey sapsick... If you need someone to build you a new pan/rig, I have a guy that did a great job for me... he is wicked responsible and can build anything you want...
Maple Ridge
04-04-2011, 11:46 AM
I am done. Sap did not run last weekend, and some of my trees have started to bud. I have about 3 more gal to finish and than quits for the year. Has anyone ever tryed chasing the sap with water? I have heard of it. I am going to try it this weedend with what I have in my flu pan to see if that works.
04-05-2011, 07:18 AM
Sunday night the low was around 28-29 and the sap in the tubing partially froze, so i figured i'd have a decent run yesterday. It warmed up to 36 and the lines thawed, so i started the vac. pump. About then the snow started and the temp dropped to 32 - which is where it has been ever since. I've kept the pump running, thinking it's going to warm up and the sap will run, but i only have 130 gallons in the tank so far. Maybe it will run a little today? It looks like it may freeze the next few nights, so we'll see. I'm not giong to get my hopes up, though.
04-05-2011, 06:53 PM
I got a late start this season--March 19th--but things really took off from there. There have been some days in the last 2 weeks where it was too cold all day and my lines didn't thaw. I was really hoping to get another week, but the past two days I have slowed to a craw. Don't think I gathered more than 12 gallons today--probably mostly rain water.... where I've been averaging 30--from 16 trees--per day with record highs of 58 twice. I'm going to give it 2-3 more days to see what happens. Trees aren't even close to budding out. But they are old & throwing sap out of every crack & crevice. I might just be done before I got a chance to start....:(
04-05-2011, 08:32 PM
Things have slowed here as well. Tomorrow ill run the last of the sap we have through the evap. Its not much but I don't wanna hold on to it any longer especially since the sun is suppose to come out again. I'm gonna leave the taps in until at least the weekend, as I'm hopeful we'll get some sap thurs-sat. Its looking like the nights might cool off on the days. Well good luck everyone
04-06-2011, 11:14 AM
well im almost out of wood and i already pulled 25 buckets. only thing im workin off now is my pipe line and 10 roadside trees. and between those two groups i have been getting about 140 gal a day. i will call it a year this suday, and what a year it has been. gettin ready to order a new 3x8 dallair that will get er done next year. by the time sunday is done i will be at 30-35 gal. not bad at all i guess, seeing how last year i only made 8 gal.:D
I have a friend who is telling me that he's still getting lots of sap. I was a little bummed about that news, but then remembered that we had run out of everything and were still boiling down the last of it last night. We ended up with 36 gallons at least which is about 8 gallons more than our previous record, which is pretty good.
04-06-2011, 11:38 AM
i havent heard from my guy in the woods to tell me my tank was full so im not sure how its goin. however on Sunday afternoon it was some 8f cooler in the woods then in Norridgewock so im in hopes ive got some up there. i finished at 29 gals this year and have sold another 600 gals of sap that i couldnt process. what an awesome year.
04-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Looks like i'll get 1/3-1/2 gallon of sap per tap today with the vacuum on - not a great run, but i can't complain. tells me that it will be 21 tonight and 22 the next. It's really looking like we're going to get that one last shot at it.
Time to scrounge up a little more wood...
04-06-2011, 07:24 PM
I just can't give up. Keep finding wood and the sap keeps coming. Going to the end if I can
04-06-2011, 07:38 PM
we had a great season 85 gallons in bottles trying to get to 100 gallons will see what the next few days will give us vac still pulling a little and trees in waterford still dripping clear sap 2% thanks to all my friend and family who worked so hard this year !!!!!
04-07-2011, 09:31 AM
Well we are all pulled out here in casco ran outta energy and time what a busy season for us mainers, had a great time and lotsa help from family now to revise my pipeline for next year and pull the saw rig and tractor out and get ready for next year lol busy busy
hey dads i drive by your shack every day goin to work always look at it and want to build one just like it lol was wondering if you were on mapletrader now i guess i know
Brought in 230 gals. today. My lines didn't start until about 10:30 after the 20 degree night and looks to be in the teens according to the weatherman for tonight. Sap is still clear as spring water, so I am going to stay at it for a while. Temps look like they are going to warm up alot after this weekend, so that could be it. I just hope my vac. pump holds up! It is a Delaval model 75 and is getting very weak the last 2 days. I am updating to a new system after this season, but would like to rebuild this pump and keep it for another bush. Does anyone know if there is rebuild kits available for a model 75 or is it going to be scrap. If anyone knows please let me know. Thanks
04-07-2011, 07:30 PM
I finished my season tonight, 37 1/2 gallons. Awsome season. Most of it is all sold so thats a bonus. I am glad its over though. I will start planning next year sometime next week.
04-07-2011, 08:56 PM
13 3/4 Gallons of syrup today, vac still pulling 18", sap @ 2.5% maybe enough wood for 1 more boil
04-08-2011, 06:16 AM
Well the 2nd part of the season has started, Looks to be 3 days and big sweet runs. Started collecting yesterday and we got in 200+ gallons of sap. Head tank is full again and enough wood for a couple of boils at least. New start today the saphauler is going to run the evap for the rest of the season. His dad has scwered up his shoulder preaty good and will be un able to laod wood or pick things up. All will be fine in time. It's high time he puts to use all the learning he has done. Good news is we have 10 gallons of syrup in the head tank in sap. 70 here we come.
04-10-2011, 07:26 PM
i threw in the towl this afternoon. i ended up dumping 325 gal of sap on friday that dident make through the warm spell. just about put a tear in my eye dumping all that hard work on the ground. even the sap in my preheater spoiled. i pulled my pipeline and the other small pipeline friday night as well and got 100 gal of good looking sap. ripped through that today and have the finisher going right now. i will end up with @ 26 or 28. not sure yet. but i have HUGE plans for the summer. new 3x8, relocating the sugar house, adding another 8x20 onto the sugar house. pretty much going to the next level. i hope anyway:rolleyes:
I pulled the very last of the taps today. They were still dripping at 60 degrees, but we ran out of wood a week ago. We are still finishing up the near syrup from the front pan, but I poured vinegar and water into the evap. I'm leaving it for a couple of weeks and then I'll clean the pans. We got to around 36 gallons, and probably could have made 40.
All in all a great year!
04-10-2011, 09:15 PM
Picked up another 400 gallons sap this afternoon. Gravity appears to be done but vacuum is still going, a bit slow but still running. 6 more gallons will fill the drum I'm working on now.
04-11-2011, 06:31 AM
I was all set to keep going to the end. Boiled a little on Friday, took Saturday off hoping the super warm weather would pump the sap out, but there wasn't much in the pails. Yesterday I started boiling late AM & checked the pails after noon. Sap was still running, but there wasn't anything worth keeping going. I pulled all the taps and boiled some cloudy sap. Got 2 more gallons. Could get another quart but my firewood is gone, as is my wife's patience.
Gonna take a day off and then finish the 3 or 4 gallons of near-syrup I've got. Then I can tally up what I ended up with out of my 560 gallons worth of sap from 16 trees.
04-11-2011, 07:09 PM
Picked up almost 300 galloms tonight. Shut down the vacuum pump. Looks like I maybe done. Got up to 70 here late afternoon. Weather does not look good for sap for few days. Trees are really making progress with buds. Bees are busy bringing in pollen from several sources. Peepers are driving me insane!
04-11-2011, 07:25 PM
done! picked up buckets yesterday and placed them away. Pulled line taps and just have the evap to take care of. Will boil the rest and can it up. Final totals to come later but close to 70 gallons. Good sapping to those who are still in the game. Go RoyalMaple. Waht a good season it was here.
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