View Full Version : When to Keep Low Sugar Sap with Rainwater or Discard?

03-07-2011, 11:04 PM
Had really heavy rain here yesterday..rainwater definitely got into many buckets. I recently got a hydrometer and the trees that a few days ago were reading 2-3.5 degrees brix before the rain, now the sap from those same trees is .5-1.5 degrees brix, from the rainwater that got in most definitely.
When do you keep the watery sap and when do you discard? Don't do any RO or have a fancy evaporator, just a fireplace and about 4x4 surface area of evaporating pans over a wood fire.

03-07-2011, 11:12 PM
Well considering it would take 86 gallons of sap to make a gallon of syrup with 1% it gets dumped at that point. Not worth the wood or time in my opinion. Did it saturday luckily it was only a hundred gallons but .7% isnt going to cut it.