View Full Version : Go time in Alexandria

03-07-2011, 07:31 PM
It's looking like it might be go time in Alexandria. Tomorrow and Wednesday are supposed to warm up. Saturday looks like a winner and the 10 day is pretty decent.

03-07-2011, 07:34 PM
your timing is the same as mine. The end of the week looks to be go time here. Have fun making the syrup.

Backyard Sapper66
03-07-2011, 08:20 PM
Looks good from what I can see also. Good luck and say hi to Bailey for me!!
Keep us posted on how things are going when you can.

03-07-2011, 08:59 PM
Tap, I hope it runs good for you folks over there. Looks like everyone north is getting a late start this year. As long as we don't go directly into spring we should do ok.

Doug, if we can fill the head tank we're a go for Saturday. Stop by if you're free.


03-07-2011, 10:45 PM
I might think about shoveling to see if I can find the sugarhouse door this weekend. Going below zero tonight so the trees will be sleeping for a while here north of the notches.

Backyard Sapper66
03-08-2011, 05:36 AM
I will keep an eye out for big steam rising from the mountain!!!!
Sounds great!!!!
Thanks for the invite.

03-08-2011, 06:53 PM
I might think about shoveling to see if I can find the sugarhouse door this weekend. Going below zero tonight so the trees will be sleeping for a while here north of the notches.

Trees were definately sleeping here today. 95% tapped and still nothing doing!

03-10-2011, 10:45 AM
Two inches of snow here this morning. Nothing's running so we won't fire this weekend. Next week looks pretty good right now, but if this goes on much longer I think we're going to end up with a big two day run, then proceed directly into sping and call it a season.

03-10-2011, 11:12 AM
cardigan99 where in central nh are you. your a little early to be calling it quits on a run for today. say starting to pick up pretty good here.Keith

03-10-2011, 08:19 PM
cardigan99 where in central nh are you. your a little early to be calling it quits on a run for today. say starting to pick up pretty good here.Keith

Keith, I'm up in Alexandria, barely broke freezing this afternoon. Cold and wet all day long.

03-15-2011, 06:46 PM
Finally closing in on a full head tank but the next cpl days look sketchy. Looks like we'll fire this weekend for a change.

Backyard Sapper66
03-15-2011, 07:16 PM
Glad to hear its starting to flow up there on the mountain. So what does that make, about 260 gallons or so now? I hope the season lasts for a while longer. I just topped 50 gallons of sap tonight, have it on ice and will start to boil it soon. Got just a little bit to do on the barrel arch to finish it up.
Good luck up there on the hill!!!

03-18-2011, 08:55 PM
Long day in the shack today. 14 hrs to go thru 336 gallons. Took about a hundred and a half to sweeten the pans. Back at it again first thing tomorrow.

03-26-2011, 06:00 AM
Nothing doing this weekend. Barely going to get to 30 today and tomorrow. Everything's a big block of frozen sap. Supposed to warm up on Tuesday (finally).

Calendar says spring

Thermometer says 15.3

03-26-2011, 06:07 AM
it's 14 here right now and I'll bet yoou the trees will run here by noon. We had our largestr run with temps only getting to 36 that day. Do tou have any sap to boil?

03-26-2011, 06:13 PM
Tap, everything I have is ice. The 40 gallons in the head tank is frozen solid (so is my flue pan) tho I stopped by to see Sapper66 today and he was going at it.

Did you get a run up there today? Waaaay too windy here today and I don't think we even got up to 30. Not going to warm up until Tuesday.

Freaky season.. We were pretty much cleaning up this time last year.. Barely started yet this year.

Backyard Sapper66
03-26-2011, 09:39 PM
It was nice to see you and meet Tommy. Hope he got his cereal he wanted!! LOL!!!
Finishing up for the nite pretty soon. Letting the fire down with a very sweetened pan. Will finish up what I've drawn off tomorrow inside. Not much left in the tank, maybe 15 gallons or so. No boiling tomorrow I guess.
Have a good weekend.

04-01-2011, 07:21 PM
Great run the last couple of days. Maybe the best we've ever had. All the tanks and barrels are full. Long weekend ahead.