View Full Version : Article from Yahoo website

Maple Hugger
03-06-2011, 09:38 PM
Hi guys,
Someone forwarded me an article from Yahoo regarding cv adapters. I know these things are old news to most of you, but thought I'd share the article anyway in case anyone is interested.

Vt. maple syrup makers try gadget to extend season (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Vt-maple-syrup-makers-try-apf-2767871552.html?x=0)

Happy Sugaring.

03-09-2011, 09:34 PM
We had a shortened version of that article in a local paper. Saved me from typing it out here. The article also made it onto our local TV news station. The news said it would increase sap production from 20 to 100%.

The pic is different from our paper, but the same thing is shown. Is that a cv adapter or just a 7/16 to 5/16 plug in adapter? You guys talk about fingers and a ball, I don't see them in either of those pics.