View Full Version : NH BIGSAP weekend..

03-05-2011, 02:19 PM
ok, guys this is the NH version of the ALERT!!!...or is this only a test?? let us know if the tsunami has actually begun...I hope it has for everyone...running reasonably well here..but then I don't have vac...good luck all...may you get blisters firing your arch..:D

Backyard Sapper66
03-05-2011, 04:52 PM
Nothing running up here on the mountain. Didn't get above 32* today. Freezing drizzle and some snow flurries earlier today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Glad to hear someone has something going.

red maples
03-05-2011, 05:08 PM
slow start to the day but flowing better and better as the day progresses. only about 50 gallons today. need another few days to really get things going. some trees still don't wanna run yet.

03-05-2011, 05:13 PM
funny how a few miles can make a huge difference...emptied all the buckets on my yard maples tonight..250 taps...ended up with just about 120 gals...my best tree had overflowed a 4 gallon bucket on 1 tap...:o..otherwise just an average day...hope tomorrow is betterer for you guys...downside to starting early is my big red maple in the yard has buds on it the size of a dime...probably only 3 weeks left for me...but I have already made about the same I made all season last year..:lol:...anyways, good luck everyone

The Butcher
03-05-2011, 06:07 PM
I need a vacuum!!!!
Collected a whopping 18 gallons on 130 taps!!!! I know its early but i had to make sure I hadn't tapped oaks today!?!?!

I am glad some had some better luck. The next 10+ days look great. fingers crossed over here.

Russell Lampron
03-05-2011, 06:41 PM
I just tapped my buckets this afternoon. Most of the trees were running but not very hard. The mainlines on my vacuum didn't thaw enough to run until about 2 this afternoon. Not enough sap to cover the bottoms of the buckets yet and about 100 gallons on the vacuum and still coming in.

03-05-2011, 06:55 PM
Just checked the tank. We've got about 50 or 60 gallons here. 44 degrees right now. Michelle got most of the buckets out today just starting to drip. Keith

03-05-2011, 08:55 PM
I'd say its going to be a one day big sap. I got a call after school meeting that I must have a major leak cause there was no sap on the new vac bush and the prop owner shut the pump off. The trees didn't thaw at all until 4. I just checked my trees in Lee at 9 and its 45 degs and that tubing is running like a garden hose. So hopefully a good run tomorrow.

NH Maplemaker
03-05-2011, 09:00 PM
With out sun today we didn't get any sap! I believe that my mains are frozen from small earlier runs. Need a little sun with vacuum running! New vacuum is pulling 26 at releaser,can't waite to see what we get out in the bush! JimL.