View Full Version : Lots of niter

03-05-2011, 06:40 AM
I have been able to make some real nice light amber this season. However, the niter is building up quickly in my syrup pan. I have been having to shut down every 5 hours or so of boiling to clean my pan. Sure would be nice to have another syrup pan! Anyone else getting a lot of sugar sand?

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-08-2011, 07:37 PM
I had a teacher at a Maple school I went to and he said he changes sides right in the middle of boiling to keep the sand issue down and then if he has a lull in the season he will pull front pan and clean it.

Dennis H.
03-08-2011, 07:55 PM
I am having a very bad case of sugarsand. I almost warped a pan becasuse of it. I just happened to be looking into the syrup pan when it went bad real fast.
I ended up only have burnt niter on the pan and about a gal of syrup that will be mine this year.

I tried this last time to use my filterpress after filtering a batch of syrup, to clean out the sugarsand from the syrup pan. Worked really good, about 5 min of pumping the filterpress got almost all the sugarsand.

Haynes Forest Products
03-08-2011, 08:25 PM
If your cooking your making sugarsand. If you aint cleaning the pan your asking to post in anouther thread about burned and warped pans. I want to see someone selling self cleaning pans. I clean my Finish pan every night and if I dont I lose heat and color to niter. Its faster to clean sugar sand that to scrub off the burnt crap later.