Three Saps Sugar Shack
03-04-2011, 11:03 AM
finally got my vac all set up, and the pump will pull 26"( this is an off brand german pump... and evidently the wall hasent completely come down yet, cause the company wont share any pump spec's with me)i've got approx 800' of 3/4" mainline and 150 taps, and am running a "leader horizontal releaser" that consist of two horizontal chambers approx 10" in diameter and 3' long..... so im guessing ive got approx 12 cubic feet of space inside the whole system(+/_ a couple feet)when i first turn the pump on.. it takes approx 18 seconds to build up to 26"... i've backed off the regulator to 21.5". and seem to be moving a pretty good amont of air out the exhaust.. and with the pump running for approx 4 hrs i did not think the pump was too hot ( i can touch it with my hand for two or three seconds before pulling away).... so m y question is should i try to pull more Hg's ? ( i have got 1 small leak in the releaser ... but leader says seals are no longer available)