View Full Version : Oil Problem

03-03-2011, 11:18 AM
Hey guys hoping someone here could shed some light on my problem. I have a delaval 78 pump i'm runing on gas motor. Heres the set up and problem. When I got the pump it had the old drip oilers on they seemed to be working fine. Got a delaval reclaimer. Placed filter coming off of reclaimer then 1/4 od copper line from filter to oiler manifold. Oiler manifold from MSC not from delaval. The 2 seem similar and can't see any difference except $100 price difference. from manifold 1/4" od copper to each intake on front and back of pump. The front of the pump seems to be pulling and oiling fine the back doesn't want to draw oil or oil. Nothing blocking lines or manifold. I have had both apart multiple times and there is nothing blocking them. Nor can I find a vac leak on rear oiler. Pump is pulling 20". Just can't figure out why front will oil and rear will not. Anybody have any ideas or thougths. Any insight would be appreciated.

james ferguson
03-03-2011, 03:49 PM
now does your drip line have ajd screwto open let more or less oil in if yes open all the way and it should bleed it as along as nothing blocking tack off blow back and try if you got reclaimer crack top let me know if works jim

03-03-2011, 08:45 PM
If your rear oiler is on pulley side, maybe your oil seal may leaks. If it is, result no or bad oiling. Also if oil seal leaks, maybe you are better to change bearings...

Haynes Forest Products
03-03-2011, 10:07 PM
Isnt the pully side bearing a ball bearing and the end bearing a bronze type. Is the pressed in cap leaking? If so any sealant will stop that leak and get oil back to running on that side. Doesnt the oil get sucked into the shaft to oil the vanes from the end cap side?

03-04-2011, 06:45 AM
The adjustement screw is backed out all the way on the oiler. The side that is not oiling is not the pulley side. The pulley side does have a new seal. Haynes not sure what you mean. Rear of pump has a seat built right in bearing just seats into it. There is no end cap. I wasn't sure if when I had it apart previously if rear bearing didn't seat right and is blocking flow of oil. I didn't replace the bearings they were fine and went back together fine. Pump doesn't seem to run hot at all but seems a little hot right where bearing seats on rear. Once again appreciate the help just trying to figure this thing out.

Haynes Forest Products
03-04-2011, 07:34 AM
tstew Some pumps have a bronze bearing on the non pulley side. Sounds like you have ball bearings on both. As far as not seating these pumps either go together right or they dint spin. so it sounds like you have it together right.

03-04-2011, 07:42 AM
if your oiler is too much unscrewed, it's possible that it's leak. Can you show some pics ?

maple tim
03-04-2011, 12:48 PM
I am having the same problem on a surge alamo. There is a reclaimer on the pump that i have cleaned. The pulley side draws oil no problem the end cap side will draw when started then 15 min or so stops drawing. Take oil line for pulley side off reclaimer and put finger on line and the cap side draws oil. What can i do to keep both oilers wooking?

03-07-2011, 05:46 PM
mapletim mine is doing the same thing I think i've got it figured out. I think mine its a small vac leak on the one side and as pump heats up leak gets worse and draws more air pulling in less oil. I will tare apart next couple days and see if i can find leak. Right now got to replace head gasket on gas motor that runs pump.

maple tim
03-07-2011, 07:15 PM
tstew I had replaced glass sight tubes with surge parts. I only got 2 gaskest so i went to the oring stock, fond 2 that fit perfect, so i thought. The orings did not seal. Put old gaskets back in and start working. Now if ican keep stone filter from pluggin from all the crap vibrating loose, should not have anymore problems.