View Full Version : August Journal
08-01-2003, 07:35 AM
Ok It's officially here. 1st day of August,and I know here it looks like rain for the next week coming, guess I'll go in the barn and get a project done that I started at the end of the winter(an oak desk for a nephew), hmmm my Wifes Bday tomorrow, shall I get her some maple equipment???? :wink:
Only if you want to live inthe barn! :lol: Picked up my lumber for framing the sugar shack yesterday. Started leveling my spot. Put the plate down for referances for the cinder blocks and that's about as far as I've gotten. The ground looked nice and level until I set a cinder block on it. :lol:
Supposed to rain all weekend. Going to Rutland this weekend. Understand they have a pretty good maple distributor down there.
Take care.
08-01-2003, 08:09 PM
Just back from MAPLERAMA what a blast.. Got on a bus and checked out 3 high speed low drag sugar houses, a corn maze, and Maple Grove ( a very large packer and distributor of syrup, ect.). when we got back to the academy where the event was based they had all kinds of equipment displays. One fellow was selling stainless steel splies that are 1/4"+/- dia. and about 1 1/2" long, says they are the wave of the futcher, claims the taps run longer (my problem is the trees bud out but I never think of things like this till im in the truck on the way home). Also was lucky enough to meet Brian and fam. there. Gadpees opperation was something- a 5x14 wood fired, cross flow, blown with a steam away , says they will put 500 gallons an hour thru it when it is running
08-03-2003, 09:20 AM
I am in the process of cleaning up my sugar shack and recruiting new trees. I am considering running an ad in the local paper offering $ or syrup to people that will let me tap their trees. As it stands right now I only have enough trees for a little over 200 taps. 350-400 would be nice. I am loving my new rig and can't wait to see some frost on the ground around here.
08-03-2003, 10:05 AM
I went in the shack yesterday... so many spiders have taken up residence there... cobwebs everywhere. once I pull off the roof and other do other repairs hopefully I'll get it nice and clean and rid of the spiders!!!
PS. I'm thinking of doing a sugarshack cam on my site this season!!! just working out the details on how to do it wireless!!!
08-03-2003, 01:43 PM
You must have a lot of extra time to be able to run 350 to 400 taps on a 2x6? Sounds like the maple bug has really bitten you bad! :lol: :lol: :lol:
08-03-2003, 02:08 PM
I got the posts up on the foundation piers for my woodshed last weekend along with all the top plates. This weekend I put up the ridge board. It was 24 foot long and was difficult to do alone. Took about four times longer than if someone else was there too. I got four rafters up before the rain started but progress should go faster now.
08-07-2003, 04:55 PM
I'm taking a break from all this maple stuff. Talk to you guys in october.
08-08-2003, 03:23 PM
That is a bit optimistic, but I am addicted.
08-08-2003, 08:24 PM
Regardless of how many taps you run, have fun at it. I wish I had more time, but I am thankful for at least some time to be able to make syrup. Yes, the bug has bit me bad too!
Just got back from Empire Farm Days in Senaca Falls N.Y. What a blast. Anyways I picked up my free issue of Farming. Nice mag. For those of us who didn't know there will be a Lepierre's (Lapierres/Waterloo/Small)25th Anniversary show. The open house is on 24,25,26,27 and 28 Sept. The 25th will be English day. The local dealer from Enosburg and his crew will be there. Tours of a 130000 tap sugarbush and all equipment will be operating :lol: :lol: Call 1-800-762-5587 for directions.
There's also a Reverse Osmosis Seminar 11 Sept at the Sprauge Maple Farm in Portville N.Y. Call 1-800 -762-5587 for directions and reservations.
Just thought I would put this out for those of us who do not recieve the mag.
Take care. :lol:
08-10-2003, 07:38 PM
Hi everyone
Just thought I'd give a progress report... The sugarhouse addition is all framed and the roof is on! I framed in a window tonight, as I like to see out when the door is closed. I bought a small stainless sink today, and will install that and a countertop and some cabinets in the next few weeks. Next I need to install some board and batten siding and the building will be complete! Then its into the sugarbush to run sapline!
08-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Sounds great John, send me pics and I'll post them for ya
08-12-2003, 08:11 PM
Walked the bush today, finally all the water has receaded and I have a dry forest floor to walk on. ordering up some mainline and guywire. should be starting to map out the trees. does anyone know of pictures or diagrams of different ways to run your branch line to your taps. I was at Bascoms open house but missed how they "wrap " the tubing around the tree and use a tee w/ spout plug or ring. I wish there was a good video out!!!
Hey theres something one of you guys should do.. an amature video of their pipeline and sell copies!!! anyone???? I'd be the first to order one!!
08-13-2003, 02:26 AM
Two more weeks and i can show you hands on how to do it. Bring your video camera and you can shoot some video so others can pull it up on your web page for there in home veiwing pleasure. When you get good at it i'll let you practice all weekend on my main and branch line. :P Of course i'll keep your wife and kids at the party so no one can interfear with your educational experience :lol:
08-13-2003, 05:13 AM
hehe you dog!!! :wink: sounds good though, I will bring the video!! and I will wait a few weeks before I order my mainline just in in case
Thanks Rick
08-13-2003, 08:05 AM
Jim, I went to a farm auction last week and bought around 600' of 1" black pipe for $56......They also sold 1500' of 1 and a quarter inch pipe, brand new for $200........I will be putting my lines up in oct....Ill be up to camp alot for bow hunting and its a good time to do it....hope to start the back addition if it stops raining long enough...
08-13-2003, 08:39 AM
sounds like a good deal... how many taps are you thinking now?, you'll need alot of sap for that big 3x10 oil sucking beauty you're getting :lol: :lol:
ps I just proved how addicted I am, I just ordered a personalized state license plate with SUGARN on it for the truck... oh man what next 8O
08-13-2003, 08:02 PM
yep, Brandon and I have been talking of the 1/2" potable water tubimg that Lowes has, only around $7.50ish /100 ft that should be fine for mainline. I'm only putting maybe 200 taps at most on it.
I will buy the good lamb purple 5/16 tubing for the branches though!!!
like you said it's much better!! still it's not a whole lot of money for how many I'm doing.
Good advice .. Thanks Jeremy
08-14-2003, 04:06 PM
As for August, it will soon be gone and we will be another month closer to syruping time. But first, I can't wait for bow season to start especially since I have a new bow coming next week, so I am anxious to hit the woods. I killed three deer with the other bow last year, so I guess it was worn out! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: It is killing me having to wait since I sold my other bow a couple of weeks ago. I normally shoot for several months each year as I really enjoy shooting.
As for Maple syrup, I have nearly finished everything and have the evaporator completely setup; it sure is a beauty. Other than about 75 more taps I have to pipeline together and building a support/shelf for my round bottom ss tank, I am finished.
Oh boy, I haven't even started yet. Still have to build the shack, stands inside and out. Put in the gravel floor. Cut a few more trees!!! Got to get the rifle out and get it ready. Schools coming!!! Holy cow!!! You think I hadn't done anything all summer!!!
Take care
08-14-2003, 06:49 PM
I here ya Al, Iv'e been to busy goofing of on vacation here and there.. the summer flew by, I just started finally getting good ears of corn, yum... time to boil some up!!
08-15-2003, 09:58 AM
Jim, $7.50 a 100' sounds like a good price...I sold my tractor yesterday and i may sell my honda 450s 4x4......Its a 99 with a drop basket and a back seat.....low mileage and runs great....still waiting for the weather to break to start on my cement....hope to have it all done by the end of oct....let me know if your planing on comming up.....
Stopped by Waterloo/Small today. They had a used 2x6 in great condition for $2400.00 Too big for me. They also had a 20x66 for $1400. It was off another dealers floor. Not bad. Nice little rig. Sun finally shining. Now time to get to work. Have a nice day!! :D
08-15-2003, 01:17 PM
I know a guy selling a 3x10 oil/wood fired rig. He regalvanized the sides, I believe its a leader rig. 2 front pans, one with less then 6 hrs on it....I think he wants $2500 or so for it......any interest let me know...
08-15-2003, 05:28 PM
hmmm good tip, I will take that into consideration, I picked up 400 ft of mainline and posts, I was hoping my order from Bascoms would have come in today :( it has my wire, tyes and sight level :? so much for UPS blue in a power outage.
08-15-2003, 06:20 PM
Thats why I love this place, this is the stuff you don't see in the books, experience is the best teacher. great ideas Jeremy, I guess in time I also will have found alot of way to do stuff without going the most expensive route, it's true if you do it from the catalogs, you'll go broke!!! I should have asked about the wire before I ordered. I have a farm store 20 min up the road :? I still may visit it :lol:
You ought to write a how to book!!! keep the ideas coming :D
08-15-2003, 08:35 PM
Jeremy is right about the wire. It is half the cost at a farm store. For example, I bought wire tensioners exactly like bascom's sells for nearly five bucks at a Southern states farm supply store for $ 2.19 and 2,000 feet roll of 14 gauge wire for under $ 20.
08-15-2003, 08:53 PM
What ever wire you buy make sure its 9 ga. wire. The 12 1/2ga. and 14ga. wire that most farm stores sell, you can't get it tight enough to hold the heavy main line up with out any sages. And the wire breaks real easy when branches fall on them. I found this out the hard way. Now I 'm redoing all of my main lines with 9 ga. what a pain in the ***.
08-15-2003, 09:48 PM
The wire I ordered is 9 gauge... I did buy a lot of posts, whats the rule of thumb on supporting the mainline with posts also?
08-16-2003, 09:16 AM
Run your post about 30ft apart 15 steps. Tie your main wire to the post with 14 ga. wire that way when some thing falls on it the thin wire will break not the 9 ga. I'll be at Ricks party, my sugar bush is only about 20 min. from his place . If we have time you can check it out if you want. I just might put you to work that way you get hands on exp. Later
08-16-2003, 10:34 AM
the way i learned to support mainline is not with posts at all. it uses the surronding maple trees to suppert the mainline. just string the line on the ground where you want it to go, put up your heavy wire by running smaller wire to the trees around it. use a piece of garden hose to go around the tree. atach the mainline to the heavey wire and then tighten the smaller wire. it will make the mainline tighter than you could ever get it by hand. a guy that sells supplies near Arcade, New York showed me how to do it.
08-16-2003, 12:22 PM
Joe, looking forward to meeting you, and we may be able to scoot over to your place too!! My wife and kids are comfortable enough at parties to not have me around(like at home 8O :wink: ) i'd love to see a few different tubing setups :P
mapleman9000 As for the posts, I'll most likely go with the 30 ft and maybe use a few trees also, I had been thinking about that too
Whew, it's been quiet... although not much going on here.just working in the barn, no sugar stuff though :? hopefully next month will be shake up time!
everyone must be on vacation 8O
08-21-2003, 07:49 AM
sorry forgot to log in!!!
I'll second or third that. Ran around Burlington today looking for a pump. What a joke. Only one place out of several had one. None in my home town. :( Was a good day to get the boys out. We had to stop for several snacks of course and do alot of talking about dirt. Looks like a catalouge order for me. I really wish I could find one locally. Like to support the local people when possible.
Take care and stay cool
Hi Jeremy, Pumpkin Village Settlement is the title to my deed. At one time at the bottom of the road there was a Pumpkin Village Schoolhouse. The building is still there. When I was in the Navy I always told people I would retire to Pumpkin Village. They didn't believe me then but do now!!! :D
It really makes for a good ice breaker when people ask you were you live. I actually live in Fairfield Vt. but up the road in East Fairfield its also know as Puddle Dock. Go figure!! :D Some day I would like to research it further. Oh yea and we do grow pumpkins too!!!
Thanks for asking.
08-21-2003, 07:45 PM
I Like it :lol:
It's catchy
08-21-2003, 08:01 PM
I am sorry you guys are having all the heat. It has been the coolest summer on record in WV. Most days, we haven't even seen 80 and we have only had one or two days all summer it got above 85. I guess the reason it has been so cool it that it has rained nearly every day and most days several times. Sure has been nice for working on the farm.
It is hard to figure since I am 500 to 1000 miles south of nearly all of you that it would be a lot cooler down here. I am around 2500 feet in elevation which helps, but still is hard to figure out.
If this continues into winter, it may be the worst one we have ever had. The upside to that is it would be good for the syrup! :D :D
08-23-2003, 05:18 PM
For all you bowhunters, I have to let off some steam. I just got a new bow this week and it is TOTALLY AWESOME. I have shot quite a few bows the past couple of years including three Matthews which one of the was the brand new LX at a pro shop. I had a PSE prior to this bow and have shot other brands. The new bow I got was a Pearson Diamondback VX and it is awesome and would blow away any Matthews that I have ever shot in my opinion. It is 31" long and has 85% letoff. It really is soooo smooth and quite and it is easy to draw. It is a 50 to 60 lb bow and I always shoot at 60 lbs, so a bow will perform a little better at its max weight versus its minimum. Needless to say, I can't wait until bow season which doesn't come in in West Virginia until Oct 18th, so I have a while to wait.
I love to shoot and usally shoot hundreds of times from June till the end of archery season which is Dec 31. I was shooting my PSE and someone offered to buy it, so I bit on the offer since I had really wanted one of these Ben Pearson bows. I installed a Whisker Biscuit quick shot rest on it and it is amazing how accurate the bow is even with the Whisker biscuit.
I wish each of you luck in the upcoming season and hope you don't have to wait as long as I do. :( :(
08-25-2003, 07:38 PM
Well I'm back ! I have all my main line completed. Just have to finish the 5/16 lines " 2 days" and I'm done in the bush :lol: I got my new vacume pump and my new hood for the evap. I started the roof off the shack for the wood pile. than I can resplit my wood " big stuff" And I'm done :wink:
08-27-2003, 03:40 PM
Great Joe, I'll have something to check out this weekend. are you staying the whole time? family too?
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