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View Full Version : PVC & Vacuum

03-02-2011, 02:20 PM
i've read that it will work under a vacuum but unsure if it was schedule 40 or not. would it contaminate sap, and is the conventional system for glue up used or a food safe silicone perhaps better. I am considering building an electric releaser out of PVC. Good, bad, or ugly, your experience with PVC is appreciated.

Gary R
03-02-2011, 07:00 PM
No expert here, but I made mine out of sch40 PVC. Doing 27" no problem. I have read that DWV should not be used. Mine is made out of it. There are PVC fittings for cold water at the big box stores. They use glue joints.

maple flats
03-05-2011, 05:22 AM
Mine is schedule 40, with a few schedule 80 parts thrown in to raise the cost. PVC and the glues are meant for potable water (and other food stuffs). Use it.