View Full Version : Quick Disconnects

03-01-2011, 12:45 PM
Can someone explain to me where you install the qick disconnects when you are also using the Leader 5/16" hook connector?

03-01-2011, 01:14 PM
What do you mean by quick disconnects? The couplers that also twist apart in center?

03-01-2011, 01:15 PM
yeah, the ones ,leader sells. It is for the Lateral 5/16" tubing

03-01-2011, 02:13 PM
There's no need to use them unless you want to remove the lateral where it crosses a trail or something. They are potential vacuum leaks if you have too much tension on them also. If you do want to use them just put them where ever you want to take it apart at.

03-01-2011, 02:36 PM
I was thinking about taking down all of my laterals every year to clean. I will only have like 10 at 100'. Was thinking about using them to do so, unless there is a better way. I will be on all gravity

03-01-2011, 02:54 PM
Instead of the labor of taking them down and putting them up, get a pump that is capable of pumping water from the bottom of the mainline back up through to flush out all the lines. Pull each tap and let a little water spray out, then plug it off. I still do it this way on my gravity taps, works fine and you'd be surprised how far you can push water up through a tubing system. If you really do want to take them down then the disconnects are a good idea I guess. I'd put them six inches back from the hook coupler and then at the end of the lateral use one of the "end of line" hooks that several companies have come out with. That way nothing will be permanently attached.

03-01-2011, 04:40 PM
I was thinking about taking down all of my laterals every year to clean. I will only have like 10 at 100'. Was thinking about using them to do so, unless there is a better way. I will be on all gravity

ADK1 - I misunderstood your PM. We do not use the 5/16" quick disconnects on our laterals.