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View Full Version : "Get-a-Grip" Sap Bag Holders

02-28-2011, 08:06 AM
I'm using these Get-a-Grip sap bag holders (bought at sugarbushsupplies) - thought I'd share them with mapletrader. $2.00 for the holder, plus a 5/16" treesaver, and a small foot of tubing.

They seem to work well so far. I like the way they hang when empty, with the holder hanging down. This way they are unlikely to blow off a tree, because the holder will not come off unless the holder is "higher" than the spout. When the wind really blew recently, a small few did fall, but not many, and the ones that did fall just laid on the ground right there, didn't spill sap, and did not blow around the countryside.

When a few inches of sap is in the bag, the holder goes horizontal - it's kind of a flag so it's easy to see from a distance if there is sap in the bag or not.

Assembly is not bad, it does take a few seconds to handle the parts and run the screws in, but it's not too painful.

http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/th_0226110838a.jpg (http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/?action=view&current=0226110838a.jpg)

03-07-2011, 01:51 PM
Added a photo of a bag in action 1/2 full of sap (some iced...)
http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/th_0305111131a.jpg (http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/?action=view&current=0305111131a.jpg)

03-21-2011, 10:48 AM
Full bags - they hang on fine. (have lost 2 bags due to slip-out from 650 bags in service)

http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/th_0314111253a.jpg (http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g478/user587/Get-a-Grip%20Bag%20Holders/?action=view&current=0314111253a.jpg)

03-21-2011, 02:15 PM
How long does it take to collect 650 bags? It takes me 1 hour to collect 10, pump sap from a tote with 83 on it and drive 1/2 mile home. 650 bags that sounds like a job. Do you do it by yourself or do you have help?

03-21-2011, 02:35 PM
How long does it take to collect 650 bags? It takes me 1 hour to collect 10, pump sap from a tote with 83 on it and drive 1/2 mile home. 650 bags that sounds like a job. Do you do it by yourself or do you have help?

Lots of help - it's a bit like this:

- 50 at home and adjacent neighbor - the family helps with these, or I collect while my very helpful neighbor watches the evaporator. Takes a small hour, trees are semi-scattered.
- 95 are 1/4 mile away - I get them with pickup tank, or sometimes the ATV (easier to collect on ATV, but then have to load/unload ATV onto trailer). Takes under an hour, trees are easily accessed.
- 250 down the road at friends house - 50 in their front yard, 200 in woods in back - these get collected infrequently as I must bring the ATV on trailer, it takes about 2-5 hours to do the entire place with the ATV.
- 200 across town at a friends - he collects, I pump from the tank set on his trailer. All taps here are within 100 ft. of driveway, takes about 2 hr +/- to collect.
- 15 at relatives that we get whenever we go there.
- also another 200 that another friend collects, and he even brings the sap to me.

I owe some syrup to these friends for sure...