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View Full Version : 5/16 gravity ??

02-26-2011, 06:04 AM
I'm tapping a bunch of roadside tree's that are around 75-100yrs old and fairly close together. Last year I tapped around ten trees to a 45 gallon barrel with the barrel in the middle 5 tree's on each side using 5/16 tubing. Last year I also ran each drop line to I guess you can call the mainline 5/16. Now I'm wondering if I should run the 3 taps per tree like a lat then into the main line leaving less fittings on the so called 5/16 mainline? This way seems less restrictive to me and it will probably easier to run by myself. Any opinions would be helpful!!

farmall h
02-26-2011, 07:37 AM
How long a stretch are you tapping? If you have level grade you could maybe run 1/2" black pipe and locate your star manifold in the middle of ten trees and run your laterals that way. Make the 1/2" dump into 2 barrels at the end of the line? If you have decent downhill grade I would put 10 taps on one lateral and have the 5/16" tubing dump into a barrel as your doing now. If you get the 2 outlet end ring fitting(Leader) you can assemble your tubing so it is fixed to your end tree as well as your start tree where the line dumps into the barrel. Position the dbl. - endring so it points down then add a length of tubing to the barrel. This way your lines will be tight and on a downhill grade. Garranteed and inexpensive. No need for 1/2" black pipe and you can take it down every season.

02-26-2011, 08:46 AM
We just run the 5/16 past the tree, against the tree, and cut in the drops along the line. I try to get 5% slope and keep the lines as tight as possible for good drainage.
I will take the camera with me when I check the containers today and get some pictures of our roadside sugar bush.