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02-24-2011, 09:16 PM
going to try bags this year. piece of 2 inch pvc 4 inches long with hole drilled in it to hook on tap. taping bag to pvc with 2 inch strapping tape. bought 500 bags 5 rolls of tape and six 10 foot pvc for just under 200 bucks.made a test one monday tape still holding and bag is full with water.

02-25-2011, 08:19 PM
How goes it? Still holding?

02-25-2011, 08:59 PM
yeah still holding. figure i try this i hate washing buckets and containers.

03-05-2011, 08:44 AM
Try putting groove near bottom of PVC approx 1" up from bottom. Groove on outside, then use rebar wire to hold bag to pvc at the groove. Should not slip, should last whole season. Would not hurt to smooth off bottom edges where bag rubs on pvc pipe

03-05-2011, 10:07 AM
Mark the real question is how to make them turkey proof. I know you have a lot of wild turkeys down there so I just want to know how much if any damage they do to bags?

03-05-2011, 12:47 PM
put up a picture if you can. I am wondering how you keep debris from falling in, along with rain, snow, or bugs. I have seen where some people did the same sort of thing but also had to buy a cap for the top, except i thought the caps were pretty expensive.

03-05-2011, 03:48 PM
jm one guy said he cut the bottom off his beer cans here in mi that cost u 10 cents but hey another said he found test caps at hd for 23 cents

03-05-2011, 05:26 PM
put out 50 more of mine today..and have another 50 to do mon afternoon at my sons school..I cut 2 grooves about half way through the pipe about 3/4" apart..pull the bag up so you have about 1 1/2 above the upper groove..put a zip tie around the bag in the groove and cut off end...fole bag over zip tie and pull tight and flat..put ziptie around folded over part and tighten in the bottom groove. I use the regular plastic health taps with a 3" or so piece of scrap tubing on it...it held them on the trees in the 40 mph wind storm the other night...for a cap I used the yellow plastic test caps from home depot..fit right into the 2" pipe without modifications..cost me $.21 each...on most of mine I drilled the little tab on the cap and a small hole in the top of the holder tube and loosely zip tied the cap to the holder with a baby zippy...so far they hold up well in the wind, are pretty much sealed in the rain..only down side is that if you don't collect every night...if they freeze you can't get the ice out of the tube..so I just collect every night.:rolleyes:

all in all I love these things..I can walk into the woods with 50 of them in 2 buckets that weigh nothing..I got done putting the 50 in today and when I used the last one I was shocked..took me less than an hour to put them all in..It was pretty cool to look behind me and see all the blue bags hanging :):D:lol:...it didn't hurt to know that all included each one cost me around $.80 complete (bag, holder, cap, tap, and zip ties)

The Butcher
03-05-2011, 06:44 PM
Chris can you email me a picture of what these look like??


I line my buckets with bags anyway because they taint my sap a rust color.

These sound like a great cheap alternative....until i go to vacuum!!!:D