View Full Version : "extra dark" grade stickers

02-24-2011, 07:58 PM
i see bascoms has the usual grade stickers, fancy,med,dark,and b, and also has ones that say "extra dark" anyone know what exactly the intended purpose of these is? i was talking with another local sugarmaker and we were wondering if these could maybe be a better way to label our B grade and get away from the consumer misunderstanding that b is inferior. as from what i have understood in our state syrup isnt required to be graded to be sold, however of course if it is graded it must be correct, so it would seem that adding a label saying "extra dark" wouldnt be wrong since its just a description, not defining any grade, kinda like saying "tastes great" or some other description. is my way of thinking way off and im looking for trouble????

02-24-2011, 08:28 PM
That is how I label my "B" syrup as extra dark as some states allow you to label it that way and others you have to label it as "Grade B". I think saying something is "B" grade is calling it an inferior product at least in a state where 95%+ of the people don't know what real maple syrup is.

02-24-2011, 08:30 PM
thanks westvirginiamapler, it seemed logical to me and from what i can tell it seems legal here.

02-24-2011, 08:47 PM
It's a Maine thing...

02-25-2011, 11:04 AM
what do ya mean a maine thing? is that one of there grades or just a comon thing up there?

02-25-2011, 11:14 AM
I know atleast in NY that is not accepted. I also think once the 2013 universal grading standard hits you will have to re-educate some customers yet again. Grade B is grade B extra dark is not part of the system we have now. Grade a light medium dark B and C. Where does the extra dark come from? Is this a way of fooling a customer into thinking its a grade A syrup when it is not?

02-25-2011, 11:43 AM
At least 15 years ago Maine Maple Producers Association got the grade laws changed in Maine to change "grade B" to "Grade A Extra Dark". It does have to have good flavor with no off flavors. Anything darker or with off flavors has to be labled grade C Commercial and cannot be sold retail. I'm not aware of any other states that offically have a Grade A Extra Dark.

02-25-2011, 05:59 PM
From what I've seen, "Extra Dark" outsells "B" hands down. Same syrup but different public perception.

Homestead Maple
02-25-2011, 07:06 PM
Flat47, it's all in the mind isn't it? I think Maine has the right grading system and I wish that it could be accepted throughout the maple industry. It would make things a lot simpler.

02-25-2011, 07:33 PM
...it's all in the mind isn't it?

So true. The term "Grade B" has always somehow had the perception of being sub-standard. But, "Extra Dark" is still Grade A, so it's got to be better, right?

I guess some of this is what fueled the new grading system.

maple flats
02-25-2011, 07:36 PM
Check your state's regs. In NY we must label it "extra dark for cooking". Hopefully NY will fall in line on the "new grade designations". At that time there will be no "grade B"

02-25-2011, 07:43 PM
So true. The term "Grade B" has always somehow had the perception of being sub-standard. But, "Extra Dark" is still Grade A, so it's got to be better, right?

I guess some of this is what fueled the new grading system.

no the stickers just say extra dark, they dont say grade a at all, just the words extra dark so i cants see how it would be a problem in our state from what i have been able to gather

02-25-2011, 09:35 PM
Check your state's regs. In NY we must label it "extra dark for cooking". Hopefully NY will fall in line on the "new grade designations". At that time there will be no "grade B"

Went back and looked at NY's labeling standards. Extra dark for cooking is less than grade B it is what most states would call grade C. basically its mersh. But if you look closer you will also notice grade b is not acceptable to be packed in consumer size containers. Did this all recently change cause I have always followed what NYSMPA had listed on their old website that they recently changed. Im really confused now.
Section 175.2 Grades of maple syrup.

Grade A is the quality of maple syrup that is suitable for table use and:

(1) has good color;
(2) has good flavor and odor;
(3) is practically free from defects; and
(4) is practically clear.

Grade B for reprocessing is the quality of maple syrup that:

has fairly good color;
has fairly good flavor and odor;
is fairly free from defects;
is fairly clear; and
is suitably designated or labeled as a reprocessing grade in such manner as to qualify for Federal grading, inspection, or certification. Reprocessing grade maple syrup shall not be packaged in consumer-size containers and shall be considered unsuitable for consumer labeling.

Extra dark for cooking is the quality of maple syrup that:

has fairly good color;
has fairly good flavor and odor;
is fairly free from defects;
is fairly clear;
is suitably designated or labeled as "extra dark for cooking" in such a manner as to qualify for Federal grading, inspection, or certification. "Extra dark for cooking" maple syrup may be packaged in consumer size containers of one pint or larger. The words "extra dark for cooking" shall appear prominently and conspicuously on the container in letters that shall not be less than one-half the size of the words "maple syrup" and not less than a minimum of three-sixteenths of an inch in height.

Substandard is the quality of maple syrup that fails to meet the requirements for "Grade B for reprocessing" or "Extra Dark for Cooking".

Grade nomenclature may be prefixed with the name of the state of manufacture or the letters U.S. or words United States, where applicable.

02-25-2011, 09:38 PM
Okay Im confused now. I always went by the link on NYSMPA and that site no longer has the ag laws on it but when I google our ag department that is the only link that I can find. Whats goin on? After reading the ag law further it seems the ag law for NY contradicts itself. Section 175.2 says C is extra dark for cooking then you go down to section 175.4 states to that you can label it grade b or extra dark for cooking. So its is confusing to me. It says in section 175.2 that you cannot put grade b (extra dark for cooking) in a consumer size containers. Glad I dont make any grade b lol.