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View Full Version : Wet DRy Line

02-24-2011, 04:36 PM
I was wondering if anyone has ever ran there dry line on the same wire as the wet?I would like to use the same wire for this season and separate the 2 lines at the manifolds.Will this work for this year?

02-24-2011, 09:18 PM
We ran a dryline on top of our wet line for the bush we retrofitted this year. I don't see a reason why it won't work!

02-24-2011, 10:20 PM
when the dry line rise up at the manifold, won't there be a tendancy for moisture to pool and maybe freeze ? Don't we like to have the dry line serve as a standby sap line in case the wet line is still frozen on cold mornings ?

02-25-2011, 06:43 AM
From my releaser to the 1st manifold is 900'.I will run from my 2 manifolds on wire as they are 50' apart.As was said then the dry still would act as a wet if need be.
Anyone else? Thanks

02-25-2011, 07:28 AM
When I brought my lines down to the sugarhouse I wound up with one of the one inch lines coming in to the releaser, with only twenty or so taps. I proceeded from the end of that line to add another eight hundred feet as a dry line for the far end of my woods. This also rises around fifteen feet. So in effect it is a wet/dry line. A week ago we had a warm spell and we managed to get around 500 gallons or so out of the woods. It seemed to work pretty well.
For cleanup, I am going to try disconnecting the dry line from the releaser and reconnect to my pump, and pump solution to the far end of the woods and let the releaser on the other line suck it back. Could be fun.

02-25-2011, 10:25 AM
when the dry line rise up at the manifold, won't there be a tendancy for moisture to pool and maybe freeze ? Don't we like to have the dry line serve as a standby sap line in case the wet line is still frozen on cold mornings ?

We went with Jason Grossman's method and put a loop in from the dryline to the intersecting lateral mainline. The way we did it the dryline falls continuously.