View Full Version : Odd-ball idea for filtering

02-22-2011, 09:51 PM
We just finished our annual family sausage making weekend, and while stuffing snack sticks, and it made me wonder.....has anyone ever tried to modify a sausage stuffer for filtering syrup?

I know, it's an odd-ball idea. I have very little experience so far, making about 1.5 gallons the last two years, so don't be too hard on me for asking. I really don't grasp the concept of using a filter press, but began to wonder of it would be easier/cheaper to modify a sausage stuffer to force syrup through a filter than it would be to buy a filter press.

I really have no idea how much pressure it would take to "force" suryp though a filter, or what type of filter can take the pressure without loosing it's integrity. Can a stuffer be connected to a press bank? Could the can of a stuffer be modified to accept a press bank or is the surface area too small? Could a gravity filter handle syrup being forced though it? With all the knowledge on this forum, I'm guessing somebody has already answered this question already, but I haven't been able to find it.

And by the way, this is the greatest source of do-it-yourselfer's and knowledge that guy could ask for. We can't thank you enough!!!


02-22-2011, 09:56 PM
I think you need to put in more taps to occupy your time a little more. :D

02-22-2011, 10:31 PM
Good point 3rdgen. I think this fever is starting to burn me up a little.:o

Monster Maples
02-22-2011, 10:49 PM
I don't know how odd this is, but in my mind it is better than using a diaper that was suggested a while back. At least this is intended for food purposes. I don't think it would work though.

02-22-2011, 10:55 PM
I don't know how odd this is, but in my mind it is better than using a diaper that was suggested a while back. At least this is intended for food purposes. I don't think it would work though.

Yeah well read some more on todays post and the diaper reappears. Even a cone filter can be had for 12 bucks.

02-23-2011, 12:14 PM
The screw on a sausage stuff is not normally sealed so i doubt it would create enough pressure to filter syrup. Our Sirofilter operates between 8psi and 40psi.

02-23-2011, 12:31 PM
Yeah, the psi is what made me wonder. Our stuffer is sealed and although I know I can generate plenty of force with it, I have no idea if I could generate anough without the seal failing.

I had thought about trying to fabricate something to hold layers of standard orlon or wool gravity filters that would thread onto the stuffer outlet, but was afraid that forcing syrup through them would essentially stretch them, much like wringing them hard when cleaning them.

Just a thought I had, and by no means am I anywhere near the need for a filter press. Flat filters and gravity are more than enough for me!!

02-23-2011, 12:35 PM
Flat filters and gravity are more than enough for me!!

Exactly - KISS! Last year was the first we used a filter press. In 2009 we gravity filtered over 1,000 gallons of syrup! A filter press is a great tool but is not a necessity.

02-24-2011, 06:51 AM
I think you need to put in more taps to occupy your time a little more. :D


Haynes Forest Products
02-24-2011, 08:55 AM
Go on Ebay and get yourself a coffee press. You can use it everytime you serve pancakes and everyone will think your cool and upscale;)

02-24-2011, 06:18 PM
I don't know how odd this is, but in my mind it is better than using a diaper that was suggested a while back. At least this is intended for food purposes. I don't think it would work though.

Hey now! It works very well for me. ;)

Haynes Forest Products
02-24-2011, 10:00 PM
DEPENDS on how much you need to filter....dont complain about dark syrup:o

02-25-2011, 06:38 PM
I hope this is not a disposible diaper but a cloth one.

02-25-2011, 07:42 PM
I hope this is not a disposible diaper but a cloth one.

Yes, a new cloth one at that :cool:

02-25-2011, 10:05 PM
And to think I have heard it all and then this year 2 people stick their necks out and say they filter their hard earned syrup through a diaper. Really? Your kidding right? A 5 qt syrup filter is 12 bucks, thats got to be the cheapest purchase a syrup producer can make in his syrup production. Hope you dont retail any of it.

02-25-2011, 10:30 PM
And to think I have heard it all and then this year 2 people stick their necks out and say they filter their hard earned syrup through a diaper. Really? Your kidding right? A 5 qt syrup filter is 12 bucks, thats got to be the cheapest purchase a syrup producer can make in his syrup production. Hope you dont retail any of it.

Who's the other person? I bought a couple different felt filters over the years and always came back. A diaper is only a diaper if used as such, otherwise it is just a piece of cloth. And a very fine filtering cloth I might add. Don't worry, nothing is sold.

OK, I'll stop mentioning it now. It seems to upset people.

02-25-2011, 10:54 PM
I find it entertaining myself. But it definatelly wouldnt be my first choice of a filter. Other person was whalems but he prefers to double them up lol. Admit it you got to chuckle atleast a little everytime you filter the crap out of your syrup.

Monster Maples
02-26-2011, 07:25 AM
Here it is again. This thread or suggestions won't go away. LOL Looking through old threads and such it amazes me some of the things some come up with. Hey, lets just go buy a garbage can to hold sap in. Its new, it will be ok. Never mind that they are using recycled anti freeze and oil jugs to make the can. Then, after we are done lets just run it through a diaper. That will work. So after all the time modifying all the short cuts they end up having more invested in the "crap" than if they would have went the conventional route. My neighbor is one of these people. He doesn't use a diaper, but he wanted me to boil off sap for him and was going to bring it to me in a fertilizer container. He said " the label said it is non toxic, so it should be ok". Don't think so, and find someone else. I spent my money to do things right, because I was raised this way. And the motto was growing up, " be the job large or small, do it right or not at all". Ok, I am done.

02-26-2011, 08:00 AM
No kidding! Everyone knows that cloth diapers are tightly woven cotton fibers and not good for filtering. He should use cheese cloth which is a tightly woven cotton meant for filt... Hey, wait a second!

Sticking his neck out is right and I'm glad he and others do it. This site is full of great DIY ideas. I love reading about people's ingenuity. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but the process is cool and it's fun to read about.

Otherwise when would a "bilge" pump become a sap pump or a "toilet" fill valve become a float valve or a "toilet" brush a pan brush? All good ideas from people who stuck their neck's out.


02-26-2011, 10:43 AM
Sean there are definately some really cool ideas and engineering that comes out of this place. But there are just some things that represent our industry that should not be a part of it. Regardless if they think its safe or not. Lets think about it a minute shall we, the government regulates everything in our lives and they have left it up to maple organizations to regulate maple syrup. What do you think would happen if the big guys went and seen or even heard about an operation that used garbage cans to collect and store sap, then they walk in a sugarhouse and see the guy cleaning out his pans with a toilet brush, then he draws off syrup and filters it through a diaper, then bottles it in some glass beer bottles he got from the redemtion center???? Do you really think it would go over very big when they see this and it then gets on the local tv channel. Every single one of us represent each others business. If we want to keep a good reputation with the government and the public we just might want to consider what is a good DIY money saving idea and what is or could be a bad idea because of what it represents in peoples mind. How well do you think a resteraunt would do if they used diapers as coffee filters and toilet brushes to wash dishes and garbage cans to store their food or they made ice tea and stored it in used joint compound buckets. Yep you got it the health department would shut them down and probably wouldnt matter anyways cause nobody is going to eat their anyways. And no thats not any different because maple is a food.
Next question I have to ask is how many of us using less than idea methods cringed and sent in a reply to the cbs morning show when they had a news show on caramel food coloring and the carcinogens it had in it and they had a bottle of maple syrup sitting right there? Yep they where dead wrong on that show but the next one they might not be. Then what do we have to say about ourselves.

02-26-2011, 05:18 PM
I take it you don't watch kitchen nightmares to much.I do have to say I never thought of a diaper to filter syrup. I went and bought a $17 plus tax filter cone when I found that odd ball ideas didn't work. I have to say it gets it nice and clean looking.
The one farmer down south of me still uses galvinized tanks as he says it keeps things fresh better and I would say he isn't going to change anytime soon. I have to go check out a few more places to see if anybody else uses off beat equipment around here.

02-26-2011, 06:31 PM
I take it you don't watch kitchen nightmares to much.I do have to say I never thought of a diaper to filter syrup. I went and bought a $17 plus tax filter cone when I found that odd ball ideas didn't work. I have to say it gets it nice and clean looking.
The one farmer down south of me still uses galvinized tanks as he says it keeps things fresh better and I would say he isn't going to change anytime soon. I have to go check out a few more places to see if anybody else uses off beat equipment around here.

I think "tightly woven cotton fiber cloth" is more politically correct. ;)

Monster Maples
02-26-2011, 07:38 PM
Well, I think anyone can use whatever their heart desires. Just don't sell what you make. Give it away or keep it. Too many people count on syrup sales as a primary source of income. If you sell your syrup and someone gets sick and they investigate they will report all of their findings. I find it hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I wonder why a diaper would even come to mind. Garbage cans are exactly that, garbage cans. Toilet brush? Come on, you have got to be kidding me. So now we have garbage cans for sap storage, toilet brush for a flue brush, a toilet flapper, and last but not least a diaper to finish off that wonderful product. Next someone is going to be using tampons to plug the leaks on their pans. LOL Anyone have anymore, I am planning to write all of these down and post in the sugarhouse.

02-26-2011, 07:45 PM

I agree with you 100%. I'm not kidding. You're dead on about each producer being responsible to the industry. I'm not defending garbage cans or beer bottles. I'm only talking about the cloth as a filter. I think it's the name/word that throws you with the idea. A brand new cloth diaper that has never touched anything else in its life is just a rectangular piece of cotton. Right?


02-26-2011, 08:06 PM
Just for clarifacation I never said use a diaper to filter syrup. I said diaper flannel. Which is flannel fabric sold by the yard at walmart. It can be made into a cone shapped filter and used with prefilters. I agree that it is important to represent the industry well. This was a suggestion for a Hobby producer who was looking to save a buck. Not for a producer who is selling to the public.

Haynes Forest Products
02-26-2011, 08:12 PM
So I was watching late night TV and saw a cool set of bristle brushes and they were cleaning the Fridge coils with it. I called and asked if they could please redo the spot saying they were safe for Maple syrup. I went to the brush section of my favorite store and they had every kind of brush possible all made from the same dang thing. I dont mind laying it out on the table and making fun of myself BUT.................YEP there is a BUT coming I hope to hell ALL of you people that are getting all caught up in words are using food safe TOWEL, SPONGES, COUNTER TOPS, TEFLON TAPE, HOSE CLAMPS, GARDEN HOSES, HOSE BIBS, RUBBER WASHERS FOR THE GARDEN HOSE, PH STRIPS, FERNCOS, CHECK VALVES, PVC, DRILL BITS, STICKS TO CLEAN THE TAP HOLES, YOU ONLY BLOW OUT WOOD CHIPS FROM TAP HOLES WITH BOTTLED GAS, CHEESE CLOTH NOT FROM A PAINT STORE FOR FAUX FINISH, HAVE A SNEEZE GARD ON THE EVAP, HAIR AND BEARD CONTAINMENT, DONT STORE HYDROMETER IN NON FOOD GRADE CARDBOARD CONTAINER, GET CERTIFICATION THAT ALL PRODUCTS USED TO MAKE YOUR EVAP ARE FOOD SAFE AND DECONTAMINATED AS PER THE MANF INSTRUCTIONS:rolleyes:............................ .....................STFUC

02-26-2011, 10:17 PM
Yeah STFUC and I will STFU3 ;) Love the tampon idea though might try it sometime. :o

02-28-2011, 12:55 PM
I see Leader sells 5qt and 8qt cone filters. How do you know which to get?

02-28-2011, 02:48 PM
I'm starting to wonder if you could cut two holes in the bottom of a cone filter and make it into a diaper... hmmm.

adk1, I think you want to get the bigger one if it will fit into your canner... and especially if you plan on 80 taps.

02-28-2011, 05:30 PM
laying filter flat, one is 14" width at top, the other is 16"

02-28-2011, 08:00 PM
So I was watching late night TV and saw a cool set of bristle brushes and they were cleaning the Fridge coils with it. I called and asked if they could please redo the spot saying they were safe for Maple syrup. I went to the brush section of my favorite store and they had every kind of brush possible all made from the same dang thing. I dont mind laying it out on the table and making fun of myself BUT.................YEP there is a BUT coming I hope to hell ALL of you people that are getting all caught up in words are using food safe TOWEL, SPONGES, COUNTER TOPS, TEFLON TAPE, HOSE CLAMPS, GARDEN HOSES, HOSE BIBS, RUBBER WASHERS FOR THE GARDEN HOSE, PH STRIPS, FERNCOS, CHECK VALVES, PVC, DRILL BITS, STICKS TO CLEAN THE TAP HOLES, YOU ONLY BLOW OUT WOOD CHIPS FROM TAP HOLES WITH BOTTLED GAS, CHEESE CLOTH NOT FROM A PAINT STORE FOR FAUX FINISH, HAVE A SNEEZE GARD ON THE EVAP, HAIR AND BEARD CONTAINMENT, DONT STORE HYDROMETER IN NON FOOD GRADE CARDBOARD CONTAINER, GET CERTIFICATION THAT ALL PRODUCTS USED TO MAKE YOUR EVAP ARE FOOD SAFE AND DECONTAMINATED AS PER THE MANF INSTRUCTIONS:rolleyes:............................ .....................STFUC

Now thats some good stuff:lol::lol:
I made sure the amis guy that welded my evaporator was wearing a hair net when he welded mine up!