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02-22-2011, 06:59 PM
What's the cheapest way to store 100 gal of syrup?

02-22-2011, 07:29 PM
I just bought 20 5 gallon pails from http://www.sugarbushsupplies.com/2009_Catalog/bulkcontainersfillers.pdf Shipping was around $50.00. Total bill was around $150 and 5 gallon pails are easy to handle. Hope this helps, Mike

02-22-2011, 07:42 PM
Twenty 5-gallon buckets, with covers, that you can get free (or cheap) from your local bakery or Supermarket with a bakery. Bury them in the snow. But it might take a while for them to get enough. I've been collecting them from two local supermarkets for the past three weeks and I have about 10 of them, plus a bunch of smaller 3-gallon buckets.

02-22-2011, 07:43 PM
The cheapest way is to come over to Wisconsin and put all you have in my tank! Free of charge! But be warned... my tank makes syrup disappear.
I'm not sure. I would say poly tanks but I hear plastic makes syrup go darker plus plastic is semi-porous so that's kinda plan B. Obviously if you had access to a big stainless tank that would be great. If you're looking to kinda keeps certain batches seperate I might say milk cans, but that'd mean 10 milkcans and keeping it cold is semi-problematic. I think the answer that might come up would be stainless barrells of some size. Seems like every idea that is cheap sorta comes at the peril of the syrup or at least means more work. If you had a walk-in cooler that would be swell!

Haynes Forest Products
02-22-2011, 08:11 PM
I used to pack everything in 5 gallon buckets because they were available. Problem was when I stacked them they would expand and contract and leak. Yup brand new ones and old ones. Yea paint at HD doesnt leak when stacked but paint isnt hot packed. Lets see 100 gallons x $50.00 per gallon = $5000.00 retail lets look at wholesale $2200.00............OK So you have a $450.00 gun and you put it in a $70.00 case. You put that nice car of yours worth $35,000.00 in a $20,000.00 garage:rolleyes: SO your question is how can I put my hard earned money in a cheap container????? To do what make you feel better? Save Money? :cry:

02-23-2011, 04:44 PM
SO your question is how can I put my hard earned money in a cheap container????? To do what make you feel better? Save Money? :cry:

Yes saving money is the reason.

Haynes Forest Products
02-23-2011, 06:52 PM
I wish all the people that have saved money on the storage of their syrup and ended up pouring it down the drain would pipe in about now:cry:

02-23-2011, 07:04 PM
Ok, why is this discussion even presenting itself? But a bunch of the 1 gallon syrup jugs for a sugarin supply store. thats what they are for right?

02-23-2011, 11:22 PM
There is no cheap way. If you are retailing any of it you need to be up to par on syrup storage. If you go the SS barrell route its a one time purchase deal so next year it will be real cheap. Bottom line is you need an approved container for syrup storage and wether you go to 100 1 gallon jugs or 3+ 30 gallon SS barrell or 20 5 gallon epoxy lined cans or for short term 20 5 gallon blue plastic cans its going to cost you from 250 bucks and up. So I would consider if it can be re-used season after season and the only one that is is the SS and that is going to cost you close to 500 bucks. It is all part of making syrup. I say jug it as you go unless your selling bulk and save on the cost of the big storage containers. That is the cheapest way out. Look at it this way 100 gallons of syrup for me would have price tag on it for retail 6,400 bucks. To make money you got to spend money.

02-24-2011, 06:40 AM
I used to pack everything in 5 gallon buckets because they were available. Problem was when I stacked them they would expand and contract and leak. Yup brand new ones and old ones. Yea paint at HD doesnt leak when stacked but paint isnt hot packed. Lets see 100 gallons x $50.00 per gallon = $5000.00 retail lets look at wholesale $2200.00............OK So you have a $450.00 gun and you put it in a $70.00 case. You put that nice car of yours worth $35,000.00 in a $20,000.00 garage:rolleyes: SO your question is how can I put my hard earned money in a cheap container????? To do what make you feel better? Save Money? :cry:

I hvent had any trouble stacking 5 galon buckets filed with hot packed syrup. I made 180 gallons last year and it all got hot packed into 5 gallon buckets

02-24-2011, 06:42 AM
another option is just to get it filtered, and canned in whatever retail containers you are gonna sell it in. You're gonna buy the jugs eventually anyway

02-24-2011, 07:45 PM
another option is to become a mechanic for a garbage company and save every keg that you see in the trash! thats the way i been doing it, have saved up a good number of them now, both 7.5 and 15 gallon ones, and a few metric ones too. i take and cut the top out of them with a hole saw and tig weld in a 2 inch stainless half pipe coupling. i also have a few 3 gallon stainless steel fire extinguisher tanks, the old type that were filled with water and pressurized with air, that i did the same and welded in a stainless coupling, they too wash out and drain completely like the kegs do.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
02-24-2011, 08:56 PM
Foodgrade plastic buckets. They work great for me. Pour syrup in hot or cold. No taste leeches out. Just bottle within a week or 2

02-25-2011, 06:50 AM
How hot was your packing temp?

02-25-2011, 08:15 AM
There is no cheap way. If you are retailing any of it you need to be up to par on syrup storage. If you go the SS barrell route its a one time purchase deal so next year it will be real cheap. Bottom line is you need an approved container for syrup storage and wether you go to 100 1 gallon jugs or 3+ 30 gallon SS barrell or 20 5 gallon epoxy lined cans or for short term 20 5 gallon blue plastic cans its going to cost you from 250 bucks and up. So I would consider if it can be re-used season after season and the only one that is is the SS and that is going to cost you close to 500 bucks. It is all part of making syrup. I say jug it as you go unless your selling bulk and save on the cost of the big storage containers. That is the cheapest way out. Look at it this way 100 gallons of syrup for me would have price tag on it for retail 6,400 bucks. To make money you got to spend money.

Well, my operation will only yield maybe 10 gallons of syrup. I dont really plan on selling any of it, this is only going to be a family hobby, hence trying to cut costs here and there

02-25-2011, 09:48 AM
We are trying unused 5 gal soap containers that farmers use. There $10 a piece from the local supplier. Alot of local guys use the with good results. That last time a buddy was there picking some up they had two pallets wrapped up to be shipped to bascoms so I'm pretty confident on there performance but I guess well find out. I'm thinking next year a few ss are in order were just out of money this year.

02-25-2011, 10:17 AM
We are trying unused 5 gal soap containers that farmers use. There $10 a piece from the local supplier. Alot of local guys use the with good results. That last time a buddy was there picking some up they had two pallets wrapped up to be shipped to bascoms so I'm pretty confident on there performance but I guess well find out. I'm thinking next year a few ss are in order were just out of money this year.

you really uped your taps this year huh. what are you tapping now?

02-25-2011, 10:46 AM
We are at 243 on vac it was a huge jump next year we are hoping for 600+ because right now we are really under sizing our evaporator. I can't wait for the seasons to kick off.

02-25-2011, 02:41 PM
How hot was your packing temp?

it came right off the evaporator into a cold bucket. 200....maybe 215. I mean it was 218 when I draw off, but the bucket cools it a little

02-25-2011, 02:42 PM
it came right off the evaporator into a cold bucket. 200....maybe 215. I mean it was 218 when I draw off, but the bucket cools it a little

I thought if you were 200 and over nitre was a problem again. I thought 180-185 was the target temp?

02-25-2011, 02:46 PM
I thought if you were 200 and over nitre was a problem again. I thought 180-185 was the target temp?

Im not sure abuot what temps make niter.

its full if niter coming off the evaporator. Later, I reheat it, run it throgh my filtr press, then can it imediately.

I store it wiht the niter in it. I filter it when Im ready to can it so Im not heating it without filtering it.

Mountain Winds Farm
02-25-2011, 03:23 PM
I just ordered 10 - 5 gallon blue jugs ,just like the ones from Leader or Bascoms.Got them from Pleasant Hill Grain.com . On orders over $99.00 the shipping is free which makes the price right.