View Full Version : Westbrook is tapped 2/18

02-22-2011, 01:17 PM
Put out about 160 taps this weekend. Planning on putting out 100 more.
Weather has dropped though so not much going on in the Moores Sugarshack.
Hope we get a nice run soon though.

300 taps 2011
2x6 Dropflu wood fire evaporator
16x24 Sugarshack

Tanta K
02-23-2011, 06:06 AM
I wonder which area of CT will warm first? I'm in New Haven County in Hamden. Forecast is for rain, maybe I can boil by tomorrow if sap starts running today. May have to throw out the stuff sitting in the pan though. We teach so we boil and then if we can't continue...sigh. All frozen right now.

02-23-2011, 11:46 AM
I think we'll probably be about the same if you don't have much elevation. Are forcast is the same but if its a warm rain will still get some sap flow. we haven't been able to collect any amount yet.

Tanta K
02-24-2011, 08:45 PM
Defrosted buckets of sapscicles in buckets atop the evaporator today. Lugging 29 buckets from trees to tank in 2 feet of snow is hard work. Must remember to ask volunteers to shovel paths to trees next year! But, got approx. 30 gallons of sap so I should be able to boil tomorrow and Saturday. Had 75 from last week.

You got to see this photo I took today of a tapping operation down the street. Can I email you?
Brooksvale Park Sugarshack
From Sap to Syrup
From Tree to Table
Sapsicles Thus Far

02-25-2011, 11:47 AM
someone has an operation near us? In hamden?

02-25-2011, 11:50 AM
Hamden or Haddam?