View Full Version : 2011 Maple Syrup Prices
02-22-2011, 10:48 AM
I am just looking to start a thread where people can post what price they plan to sell their maple syrup for in 2011.
Post what state, which are of the state you are in, and what you plan to charge this year per quart and/or gallon.
We are talking about bottled price; not bulk. This can help people in similar areas charge similar prices.
However, keep any "union-type" comments regarding how people should be required to charge a certain price to yourself. Thanks!
Here in central WI (Edgar), we are going to be charging $10/quart.
NYS Adirondacks, $45/gallon
02-22-2011, 12:37 PM
i planned to keep my prices the same as last yr, and try to sell more bulk if the seasons weather allows me to, trying to save up some extra $$ for vacuum. i'm a very small operation compared to others on this site. based on prices in my area i have decided to do my pricing as follows
glass= 8oz.$8, 12oz.$10, 250ml $12, more decorative glass bottle.
plastic jugs= 100ml $3.50,1/2pint $6, pints$10, quarts$16, 1/2gal. $20, gal $40.
i'm sure i should be asking more for my full gallons but very few people buy them mostly just a higher end resturant. i have a good friend w/ a 50 share csa and she also offers my syrup for sale through that which helps out a good bit on sales.
02-22-2011, 01:38 PM
1/2 Pint $5
pint $ 8
quart $16
half gal $25
gallon $46
02-22-2011, 02:34 PM
Here in central WI (Edgar), we are going to be charging $10/quart.
Let me know what you have left and I'll buy it
NE Wisconsin
3/4 pt glass -$6
pint plastic -$8
quart plastic -$15
1/2 gal plastic-$25
gallon plastic -$45
red maples
02-22-2011, 04:38 PM
Seacoast NH, (South eastern section).....
I sell mine in my farm stand, through friends and family, and my wife sells a bunch at work.
if I make enough I might do a farmers market this year. we'll see
Same as last year
All plastic jugs
3.4 oz... $3(this was $4 last year) (I just do up a bunch of dark ones)
1/2 pt...$7
Qt .........$18
1/2gal $32
and I didn't do gallons last year but I might do some this year
gal ......$52 probably, its in line with the other prices.
02-22-2011, 05:26 PM
Same as last year --> $60 / 4 litres (just slightly over 1 gallon). A large local commercial sugarbush is listed at $70 / 4 litres while some local hobbists are selling at $50 or less.
02-22-2011, 05:39 PM
1/2 pints glass/plastic = $5.00
3/4 pints glass/plastic= $6.00
pint glass/plastic=$7.00
quart glass/plastic=$13.00
These were my prices last year, I will adjust them up if the gas/diesel fuel price goes up and or the price for bulk goes up. My container bill went up some from last years price so there is one added expense. I don't bottle in 1/2 gal. or 1 gallon containers. Alot of my clients don't like the big containers with the size and weight. They just buy 4 quarts, so they can always just have one in the fridge. With the price and labor to produce syrup I should get $15.00 a quart but in this neck of the woods that would be tough i think.
same as the last 2 years.
Tim Wagoner
02-22-2011, 07:35 PM
½ pt plastic $6.50
½ pt Glass $7.00
12 oz Glass $8.00
Pt plastic $9.50
QT Plastic $17.50
This is my 3rd year and I have not changed my price. With as much work as it is and the cost of getting your own jugs designed produced and shipped to you, cutting the firewood and the long hours cooking It should be $10.00 for a half pt. I made 70.5 gallons last year and sold all of it. This year I have made 95 gallons here in Kentucky and have sold 50 gallons so far without any problem.:D My plastic containers went up in price and for the 2012 season I bet they go up even more due to the rising cost of oil that is used to produce the plastic and to ship them to me.
400 taps this year on lines
44 sapsacks and buckets
Loving wife who likes doing maple:)
Two sap hauling children along with 2 hill running dogs:)
And a very tired chainsaw and log splitter:cry:
02-22-2011, 07:55 PM
$400 bucks a gallon. Its worth it and if any one complains I will cut the price down to $64 a gallons, 1/2 32. quart 16, pint 10, glass 12 0z 12, glass 8 0z 10. If any one complains they can go away. Too much work to let it go retail for less.
02-22-2011, 07:59 PM
NE Wisconsin
last year I was at $10 quarts and $32 gallons. Yep, I'm low. Might ratchett it up a buck on the quarts and a few on the gallons this year. Know what's really nuts? Just 5 years ago when I was just kinda getting going I was selling gallons for $23 / gallon. So somewhere around 2016 I'll be chargin' what you "coasties" were a few years ago. Maybe I shouldn't sell a drop in the dairy state and then just do a rum-run to NY or VT or wherever and dump it off there at a 25% price increase? I'm drivin' the bus, who's with me???!! Legend has it Wisconsin syrup puts hair on your chest!
02-22-2011, 08:04 PM
[QUOTE= Legend has it Wisconsin syrup puts hair on your chest![/QUOTE]
I think I might stay away from the wisconsin women if that is true.
Randy Brutkoski
02-22-2011, 10:23 PM
Does this mean that vermont syrup really is the best because if I take off my shirt I am still wearing a sweater, year round.
Melody Bee Farms
02-23-2011, 07:56 AM
1/2 pt plastic -$6
pint plastic -$11
quart plastic -$18
1/2 gal plastic-$30
gallon plastic -$52
02-23-2011, 10:19 AM
We plan to keep prices same as last year but may go up slightly if jug prices go up.
These are retail prices.. wholesale in retail containers by the case are about 30% lower.
In our private label plastic jugs starting with gallon.
02-23-2011, 11:29 AM
I sell qts $18.00,pints $11.00 and 1/2 pints for $8.50. I am thinking on getting a few gallons and 1/2 gals to sell but have not made up my mind as of yet.
02-24-2011, 11:41 AM
Let me know what you have left and I'll buy it
NE Wisconsin
3/4 pt glass -$6
pint plastic -$8
quart plastic -$15
1/2 gal plastic-$25
gallon plastic -$45
Deal! Instead of selling 100+ gallons in bulk, we'll bottle it up and sell it to you for $10/quart. I'm game... You in?
02-24-2011, 11:57 AM
For me, the same as last year:
1/2 pint - $6.00
pint - $11.00
quart - $21.00
02-24-2011, 01:02 PM
Bumped up the gallon price by $2, but all else is the same as last year:
$50 - Gallon (plastic)
$28 - 1/2 Gallon (plastic)
$18 - Quart (tin)
$10 - Pint (tin)
$8 - 1/2 Pint (tin)
We also do refills on gallons and 1/2 gallons at $3 off the retail price.
02-26-2011, 06:24 PM
Gallons: $40
Quarts: $10
Pints: $6
I never realized I was that low compared to the rest of you, Will be my third year at this price and plan on keeping it here a few more years. Jmayerl, I would be willing to bottle and sell to you too.
shane hickey
02-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Gallons: $40
Quarts: $10
Pints: $6
I never realized I was that low compared to the rest of you, Will be my third year at this price and plan on keeping it here a few more years. Jmayerl, I would be willing to bottle and sell to you too. Joel I dont think that you are to far off on your prices remember you can price for whatever want but if you dont move any then you dont make any money. My prices are the same as yours when I sell it out if the House. It drops 5 dollars when I sell it whole sale per gallon. I dont let syrup sit around it's all gone by May all 2700 gallons of it. My retail prices are .
02-26-2011, 06:58 PM
I never get rid of all of it that quick, I still have a case of quarts in the basement, but thats because on of my good customers (ie my dad's business) didnt but any for Christmas presents for his customers this year.
03-03-2011, 11:01 PM
1/2 pt 6.00
1 pt 10.00
all plastic maybe I'll adjust
03-04-2011, 09:55 AM
Gallon $60
1/2 Gallon $35
Quart $20
Pint $12
1/2 Pint $8
100ml $4
All my syrup in in mass association jugs and I sold what little I had last year and I already have several gallons spoken for and I haven't made any yet. I live in the suburbs which makes it easier to get better prices. I still think most people sell their syrup for too cheap though.
03-04-2011, 10:05 AM
$45 per gallon, $16 per quart, $9.50 per pint.
Cant get muuch more than that around here. Lots of Amish, and small hobbyists sellign it cheaper
$45 per gallon, $16 per quart, $9.50 per pint.
Cant get muuch more than that around here. Lots of Amish, and small hobbyists sellign it cheaper
I suspect many hobbiests look to the main producers in the area to set the price. Although as a mennonite I agnowledge that the Amish are more than likely an exception to that... :)
03-04-2011, 10:27 AM
I never realized I was that low compared to the rest of you, Will be my third year at this price and plan on keeping it here a few more years. Jmayerl, I would be willing to bottle and sell to you too.
Sorry I would never buy any prepackaged to resale from anyone, I'm just to picky about how some things have to be done. I will buy bulk though(depending how season goes) as I already have about 25 gallons spoken for and am only expecting to make 50 myself. I do have someone right up the road who I have also already agreed to buy his whole leftover crop.
Anyone feel free to set there own prices, I just wouldn't short change yourself.
03-04-2011, 05:10 PM
I still think most people sell their syrup for too cheap...
I agree and my prices are identical to yours only in the metric versions. I'm way above any hobby producers in my area but the same or just under a couple of very large local operations.
Pete S
03-16-2011, 10:49 AM
After looking at the prices, how many of you just put this stuff in Ball Jars and call'er good? We have a back yard operation and have had inquires about sales and were looking to actually selling (rather than give it all away) this year.
03-16-2011, 11:09 AM
Pete S. I wasn't thinking Mason Jars. We are from Wisconsin and we should take the surplus in barrels and sent it east where the $$$$ is. :o
typical 8
at 131 per gallon in calli seems like it would pay for a big road trip LOL
Spirit Hill
03-16-2011, 12:25 PM
I check the going rates both online and in stores and sort of went middle ground. $1 an ounce no matter what size bottle. I use the cheap glass flat bottle, in 8, 12, and 16 oz.
Only have 20 taps in and use a home made barrel evaporator that over the last few years have been able to configure it to crank out 15 to 20 gallons of sap per day. This is the official start of my Christmas and Birthday shopping for the year. I put so much away and sell the rest. Looks like I will wrap up this season with 6 to 7 gallons of finished syrup. If I had to pay for the firewood I wouldn't be doing it, at $1 an ounce I figure I'm making 50 cents an hour for my time.
Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-17-2011, 08:48 PM
56$ a gallon. 14 for a quart 7 for a pint. Raising the pint to 9$ next year. They sell too fast.
04-03-2011, 05:19 PM
Left my litre and 1/2 litre prices as is but mid season bumped my 4 litre price (1.056 gallon) to $70. I will keep bumping prices each year until I no longer sell out before the season is done. ;)
04-03-2011, 05:41 PM
gallon 49.00
pint 9.00
quart glass 16.00
12 oz glass 7.00
8 oz glass 5.50
8 oz Christmas glass 10.00
Nostalgic tin 16 oz pint 11.00
All going up next year-------
04-03-2011, 06:49 PM
shane ur killing me man ur better off wholesaling it no canning to deal with and no liability at decent retail prices ( 50$ a gal) ur leaving 27000 dollars on the table on a quart ur close(within a couple $) what gives is it the amish out ur way or what
04-03-2011, 07:02 PM
For those that don't spend countless hours in Internet chat rooms "ur" means either "you are" or "you're" or even possibly "your" - punctuation of course doesn't exist.
WI Sugarpop
04-03-2011, 08:43 PM
Thanks, I needed that. I guess I need to throw everything that I learned in English class out the door, eh.:lol:
04-03-2011, 10:12 PM
hey brain as moderator on this board i know u spend 10x the amount of time i do on a computer with my typing speed of 4 maybe 5 words per minute i do take all the shortcuts i can and with a 9th grade education and failing every english class for lack of proper sentence structure i wasnt aware that proper typing skills had anything to do with maple syrup production i have done nothing but try to be a contributing member of this board and to learn and help others as much as i can as moderator on this site i would think that would be more important than my typing skills or my education but i guess i was wrong
I think you are getting your ideas and thoughts across just fine. The "lay-out" of your sentences does not take away from the thoughts.
Hope that BryanEx was just making sure everone would catch your drift.
I think you are getting your ideas and thoughts across just fine. The "lay-out" of your sentences does not take away from the thoughts.
Hope that BryanEx was just making sure everone would catch your drift.
thats the way I took Bryans post. I did not take it as bashing. just clarification. I am one of those people that usually have no problem pausing where punctuation was required by my english teacher :) weither it is there or not.
Metal your point is valid and I didn't have a bit of a problem reading it.
WI Sugarpop
04-04-2011, 12:15 PM
I didn't either. I was just joking.
04-04-2011, 06:10 PM
metalhead62... I reviewed my post from yesterday just to make sure it did not read differently than I had intended. I will acknowledge that the chosen "smilie" was the wrong choice for what I wanted to convey and for that I apologize - it has since been edited.
as moderator on this site i would think that would be more important than my typing skills or my education but i guess i was wrong
Typing skills and education really don't play a part in what I was addressing. Make your entire post one very long sentence, type in all lower case or even all capitals if you wish but it only makes your posts more difficult to read and comprehend for most users. My main concern was the use of chat room slang abbreviations like "ur". Maple Trader rules specially state;
"7. Please do not use SMS language here."
- SMS language is chat or text messaging slang terms and/or abbreviations.
I can get into several long explanations for that rule but the short answer is to be as user friendly as possible. As a message board moderator very little time is actually spent on moderating anything. Most of what we do is act as a help line for people struggling with how to work the message board and general computer use. Someone can't register, can't figure out how to attach a photo to their post, how to add a signature line or what that even is, and we are the ones to walk them through the process. As an online community catering to computer users ranging from barely functional to programmers, all with a common interest in maple production, we do not need to alienate those already struggling with working the message board by adding in slang abbreviations. Imagine being a beginning skier, signing up for lessons, only to find out they are being taught in Greek and you might understand the frustrate for those members.
As far as your comments with regards to being an active member and contributing to Maple Trader go... absolutely and I thank you for that.
- Bryan
Flat Lander Sugaring
04-04-2011, 09:37 PM
"Mi Inglés es muy pobre por lo que siento por el doo burro en mi tanque de savia que hierve y se vende en las calles de la ciudad donde usted vive eh. Mi casa se hace muy buen precio como un juguete hecho en China, pero trato muy muy duro para ganarse la vida ser un maestro de Inglés aquí en los Estados º. el gobierno grande muy grande me paga en efectivo y de cuidado de salud para quedarse. Sirry amor Inglés ClSS sobre la paz y el amor a Internet a todos espero que consigas una buena risa hacer algunos cada día una sonrisa y la felicidad van propagación prefacio. Feliz Navidad y feliz año nuevo audios"
04-05-2011, 12:51 AM
bryan the smilie and the puncuation comment is what set the tone to me that being said apoligie accepted and i would like to extend an apologie myself for being a little sensitive on the subject i am one of those barley functionals that you r talking about if i could figure out how to make this thing write in block form i would but that is not happening so to speed up and make it worthwhile(maybe a little lazyness) for me to reply to any thing i do cheat and i did not know that it was against board rules ur and 4. r about the only abb, i know i can not see which is the comma and which is the period in my hunt and peck so i dont even try that(4 stroke deal) and i can not make it give me an extra space when i know it should be 1 or the other and i can never rember capslock or shift is another whole ordeal so my thought is if some1 has to read it 3 times(which i can do well by the way) it is still 20x faster than it took me to write it all together ive spent about 35 minutes writing this if i were to go back and proof read it it would be another 15 min or so
04-05-2011, 12:55 AM
lemms my apoligies 4 high jacking ur thread
04-05-2011, 11:49 AM
No worries metalhead62. Just glad that you guys got things settled...
Now back to 2011 prices. :)
Not sure about everyone else, but it looks like supply may be down this year in WI. That could lead to a little more demand later in the year, and lead to higher prices. Just not sure we feel like holding on to it rather than just selling it in bulk at the end of the season...
What's everyone else seeing/thinking?
04-05-2011, 01:06 PM
now as for my prices $50 a gal 27 a half 14 a qt and 8 a pint
04-05-2011, 02:04 PM
Last year I moved my prices up and explained the reason as for the very short season. this year I'm leaving my prices the same as last due to the increase in fuel, it's 25$ per trip on the pick up route, another truck added to the fleet (2) and insurance on the second truck, the sugarhouse and contents $500 per year. At the farmers markets we use the 60/gal rate and at the farm it's 50/gal. No complaints and early season sales are strong. Guys don't leave money on the table, PROFIT is not a dirty word.
8 oz. Oval (glass) ................... $6
12 oz. Oval (glass)................... $8
Pint (glass or plastic) ............... $9
Quart (glass or plastic) ............ $16
Half-Gallon (plastic) ................. $27
Gallon Pure (plastic) ................ $48
Five-Gallon (plastic) ................ $235 we’ll refund $15 if bulk container is returned
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