View Full Version : First Boil on Saturday
02-22-2011, 08:43 AM
Well I boiled about 40 or so gallons on Saturday on my block evaporator and it was not a very fun experience. Even though I have a shelter, a fan blowing steam out the back the North Winds were ridiculous and I was consistently working blind because of the steam inside my shack. :mad:
I finished it off yesterday on propane and ended up with just under a gallon of syrup. Because of my setup with the pans down in the fire I got plenty of caramelization along the sides of my pans. Tastes great but a little dark.
I think my only hope to keep better control will be to keep a higher level in the pans at all times and spend more time finishing on propane.:confused:
02-22-2011, 05:38 PM
seems a few folks are having dark syrup early, myself included, i have never made real light syrup here, but never started at dark amber like this year!
Tanta K
02-23-2011, 06:10 AM
Since I ran out of sap and didn't get to finish boiling on Saturday I wish I had dark syrup instead of having to throw out the stuff left in the pan :( but alas...unless it's a frozen sapscicle when I go in today, I'll have to toss it. Again, another crazy year for New Haven County sugarmakers!
Brooksvale Park Sugar Shack
1/2 pint Leader Wood-Fired Hobby Evaporator
29 Taps making 4-7 gallons depending on the year
750 children and adults taught
1 sugarmama :emb:
Apprecitive of helpful part-timers who collect sap and get me wood.
02-24-2011, 08:09 PM
why did you throw out what was in the pan???? did it get burnt?
Tanta K
02-24-2011, 08:47 PM
I didn't throw it out. It was still frozen since Saturday so I boiled it. So far so good! 4 days is usually too long and not fresh enough but with it being frozen it did not get that sour tang taste it has in the past. Phew!
02-25-2011, 09:15 AM
I've had good luck in the past when the syrup froze in the pan...don't forget, you pasturized it just before it froze! My sap tanks are frozen also....haven't picked up all week. Ice in the tanks usually keeps the sap clear and fresh for me. Hoping for a little thaw this weekend so maybe I can boil on Saturday.
Tanta K
02-26-2011, 12:46 PM
Yep...the sap stayed frozen and when we thawed yesterday it was fine. Nature took care of that batch for me. The local health inspector stops by to say Hi...he even reminds me how sterile this stuff is by the time I bottle it!
Looks like we'll finall get some ready to bottle on Thursday.
3 more days of teaching coming up too...always fun to see kids get the connection for the first time.
Think I'll make maple, pecan sticky buns tonight!
Brooksvale Park's Sugarmama
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