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View Full Version : Mortar & firebrick?

70 Buick
02-20-2011, 03:06 PM
I have a question for anyone who knows about concrete
these firebricks should be put in with mortar
I do have the bucket of refractory cement but could not install the bricks at home
I had to carry the stove through 3 feet of snow for a 1/4 mile

My problem is no heat in the shack or electricity, I may run the season with them in loose & do it in the summer
as I believe cement will not cure properly at below zero
or my question is if I cement them in & start a fire in there will it cure too fast?, don't want to waste the refractory cement as it is expensive

any suggestions will help

here is where I am now


02-20-2011, 04:08 PM
Don't sweat it... just fit them in dry for the season and you may want to leave them that way in case you have to move the stove again. If you're keeping the stove in place for a while use your cement after the season in warmer temps.

- Bryan

02-20-2011, 08:00 PM
hey buick with 30 yrs in the masonary field im with bryan leave it 4 now and cement it in later as u r correct refactory cement will not cure properly below 40 degrees and i think it will say to start a small fire in it to cure but u would need a pretty big one at zero to keep it warm u might want to tuck a little of the gasket material in the crack in the back if it is as big as it looks in the pic and u have some extra

70 Buick
02-20-2011, 08:14 PM
hey buick with 30 yrs in the masonary field im with bryan leave it 4 now and cement it in later as u r correct refactory cement will not cure properly below 40 degrees and i think it will say to start a small fire in it to cure but u would need a pretty big one at zero to keep it warm u might want to tuck a little of the gasket material in the crack in the back if it is as big as it looks in the pic and u have some extra

There is arch board behind that crack

02-20-2011, 08:18 PM
u r all good and like bryan said u might not even want to cement it in with the arch board in there