View Full Version : Drawoff Question "Startup Mode"

02-20-2011, 08:22 AM
When setting up the drawoff for startup mode, I set the drawoff to 6 degrees over BP of water. I raised the setpoint by a tenth of a degree every time it would draw off. What do I do with the light syrup it would draw off, dump it in my syrup pan, flue pan, or head tank?

I did notice the center of my syrup pan is hotter than the drawoff. Does this matter? Or does it all pan out? No pun intended...

02-22-2011, 06:40 AM
So far I have heard slowly and carefully add back to your syrup pan on a separate thread. Which side do I add back the light syrup from the start up mode of the autodraw?

02-22-2011, 09:03 AM
I pour it back in the last channel before the draw, and not all at once. A couple cups at a time, with one draw between each time I pour it back. No-one ever advised me otherwise. Just seemed like the right way to do it. And it seems you've got to do in on the first draws of every day.

I do "intend" to put simple flapper sheets of stainles on the port of each channel to prevent/reduce the back mixing every night.