View Full Version : Made my first Candy and Coated Nuts!!!!

02-20-2011, 07:55 AM
Wow, it was a bit tense and confusing at times, but the soft candy came out good. The nuts appeared to be a failure at first, but turned out OK. Here's what I did.

The first confusing item was when my syrup began boiling at about 212F. Then I boiled a pan of water and found it boiling at about 200F. So I decided that I'd boil the syrup until ti reached 232F or so.

Error - Impatience
Well I got impatient and stopped before 232F. Let it cool, but got impatient again and poured 1/2 of it on the nuts at about 195F. We stirred the nuts but it never hardened. So I put them in the oven at about 175F for about 20 minutes. They turned out OK, but I'm sure they would have been better if I did it right the first time.
I started stirring the remainder but it never turned cloudy. I saw the error of my ways and decided to add a little water to the soup and put it back on the burner.

For the second attempt, I let it get to 232F, and let it cool to 180F. Then stirred it for a few minutes until it turned cloudy. Poured it into some aluminum foil molds that we made. Let it cool and and it turned out good.

Now I'm hooked. I expect that for the early part of each season, I'll be making lot's of coated nuts and candy, since most of my family likes the medium amber and dark amber stuff better than the light amber (my favorite).

03-10-2011, 03:49 PM
I have good luck when I get the syrup up to around 248º.

Imediately I pour over the nuts which have been warming in a 200º oven.

Stir and stir until coated and gloss goes away and crystalizes into maple sugar goodness. Like everyone says, you cant make enough of these things. Especially the Pecans.

03-10-2011, 03:52 PM
What is the ratio of syrup to nuts? Thanks, Mike

03-10-2011, 07:12 PM
I usually use 8 oz syrup to 1-1.5 lb nuts. With the peanuts I stretch it 2lbs without a noticable drop in sweetness. With the peanuts you get the sugar/salt thing going and they go down easy. With the pecans, well they're just such a treat I like to keep closer to the 8 oz - 1lb

My favorite is the maple sugar debris left in the pan. Scrape as much of that out and enjoy!

03-10-2011, 08:21 PM
Thanks I will be trying this soon:)